
$shared_key = '<%= password %>';
if ($_GET['shared_key'] != $shared_key) {

 * MySQL database dump.
 * @author     David Grudl (http://davidgrudl.com)
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2008 David Grudl
 * @license    New BSD License
 * @version    1.0
class MySQLDump
	const MAX_SQL_SIZE = 1e6;

	const NONE = 0;
	const DROP = 1;
	const CREATE = 2;
	const DATA = 4;
	const TRIGGERS = 8;
	const ALL = 15; // DROP | CREATE | DATA | TRIGGERS

	/** @var array */
	public $tables = array(
		'*' => self::ALL,

	/** @var mysqli */
	private $connection;

	 * Connects to database.
	 * @param  mysqli connection
	public function __construct(mysqli $connection, $charset = 'utf8')
		$this->connection = $connection;

		if ($connection->connect_errno) {
			throw new Exception($connection->connect_error);

		} elseif (!$connection->set_charset($charset)) { // was added in MySQL 5.0.7 and PHP 5.0.5, fixed in PHP 5.1.5)
			throw new Exception($connection->error);

	 * Saves dump to the file.
	 * @param  string filename
	 * @return void
	public function save($file)
		$handle = strcasecmp(substr($file, -3), '.gz') ? fopen($file, 'wb') : gzopen($file, 'wb');
		if (!$handle) {
			throw new Exception("ERROR: Cannot write file '$file'.");

	 * Writes dump to logical file.
	 * @param  resource
	 * @return void
	public function write($handle = NULL)
		if ($handle === NULL) {
			$handle = fopen('php://output', 'wb');
		} elseif (!is_resource($handle) || get_resource_type($handle) !== 'stream') {
			throw new Exception('Argument must be stream resource.');

		$tables = $views = array();

		$res = $this->connection->query('SHOW FULL TABLES');
		while ($row = $res->fetch_row()) {
			if ($row[1] === 'VIEW') {
				$views[] = $row[0];
			} else {
				$tables[] = $row[0];

		$tables = array_merge($tables, $views); // views must be last

		$this->connection->query('LOCK TABLES `' . implode('` READ, `', $tables) . '` READ');

		$db = $this->connection->query('SELECT DATABASE()')->fetch_row();
		fwrite($handle, "-- Created at " . @date('j.n.Y G:i') . " using David Grudl MySQL Dump Utility\n"
			. (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? "-- Host: $_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]\n" : '')
			. "-- MySQL Server: " . $this->connection->server_info . "\n"
			. "-- Database: " . $db[0] . "\n"
			. "\n"
			. "SET NAMES utf8;\n"

		foreach ($tables as $table) {
			$this->dumpTable($handle, $table);

		fwrite($handle, "-- THE END\n");

		$this->connection->query('UNLOCK TABLES');

	 * Dumps table to logical file.
	 * @param  resource
	 * @return void
	public function dumpTable($handle, $table)
		$delTable = $this->delimite($table);
		$res = $this->connection->query("SHOW CREATE TABLE $delTable");
		$row = $res->fetch_assoc();

		fwrite($handle, "-- --------------------------------------------------------\n\n");

		$mode = isset($this->tables[$table]) ? $this->tables[$table] : $this->tables['*'];
		$view = isset($row['Create View']);

		if ($mode & self::DROP) {
			fwrite($handle, 'DROP ' . ($view ? 'VIEW' : 'TABLE') . " IF EXISTS $delTable;\n\n");

		if ($mode & self::CREATE) {
			fwrite($handle, $row[$view ? 'Create View' : 'Create Table'] . ";\n\n");

		if (!$view && ($mode & self::DATA)) {
			$numeric = array();
			$res = $this->connection->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM $delTable");
			$cols = array();
			while ($row = $res->fetch_assoc()) {
				$col = $row['Field'];
				$cols[] = $this->delimite($col);
				$numeric[$col] = (bool) preg_match('#^[^(]*(BYTE|COUNTER|SERIAL|INT|LONG$|CURRENCY|REAL|MONEY|FLOAT|DOUBLE|DECIMAL|NUMERIC|NUMBER)#i', $row['Type']);
			$cols = '(' . implode(', ', $cols) . ')';

			$size = 0;
			$res = $this->connection->query("SELECT * FROM $delTable", MYSQLI_USE_RESULT);
			while ($row = $res->fetch_assoc()) {
				$s = '(';
				foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
					if ($value === NULL) {
						$s .= "NULL,\t";
					} elseif ($numeric[$key]) {
						$s .= $value . ",\t";
					} else {
						$s .= "'" . $this->connection->real_escape_string($value) . "',\t";

				if ($size == 0) {
					$s = "INSERT INTO $delTable $cols VALUES\n$s";
				} else {
					$s = ",\n$s";

				$len = strlen($s) - 1;
				$s[$len - 1] = ')';
				fwrite($handle, $s, $len);

				$size += $len;
				if ($size > self::MAX_SQL_SIZE) {
					fwrite($handle, ";\n");
					$size = 0;

			if ($size) {
				fwrite($handle, ";\n");
			fwrite($handle, "\n");

		if ($mode & self::TRIGGERS) {
			$res = $this->connection->query("SHOW TRIGGERS LIKE '" . $this->connection->real_escape_string($table) . "'");
			if ($res->num_rows) {
				fwrite($handle, "DELIMITER ;;\n\n");
				while ($row = $res->fetch_assoc()) {
					fwrite($handle, "CREATE TRIGGER {$this->delimite($row['Trigger'])} $row[Timing] $row[Event] ON $delTable FOR EACH ROW\n$row[Statement];;\n\n");
				fwrite($handle, "DELIMITER ;\n\n");

		fwrite($handle, "\n");

	private function delimite($s)
		return '`' . str_replace('`', '``', $s) . '`';


$db_host = '<%= escape_php db[:host] %>';
$db_port = '<%= db[:port] %>';
if (!$db_port) {
  $db_port = ini_get("mysqli.default_port");
$db_user = '<%= escape_php db[:user] %>';
$db_password = '<%= escape_php db[:password] %>';
$db_name = '<%= escape_php db[:name] %>';

$connection = new mysqli($db_host, $db_user, $db_password, $db_name, $db_port);
$dump = new MySQLDump($connection);
$db_file = 'dump.mysql';