# encoding: ascii-8bit # Copyright 2022 Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. # All Rights Reserved. # # This program is free software; you can modify and/or redistribute it # under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 with # attribution addendums as found in the LICENSE.txt # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # Modified by OpenC3, Inc. # All changes Copyright 2022, OpenC3, Inc. # All Rights Reserved # # This file may also be used under the terms of a commercial license # if purchased from OpenC3, Inc. # Provides a demonstration of a Simulated Target require 'openc3' require 'stringio' module OpenC3 # Simulated instrument for the demo. Populates several packets and cycles # the telemetry to simulate an active target. class SimInst < SimulatedTarget SOLAR_PANEL_DFLTS = [-179.0, 179.0, -179.0, 179.0, -95.0] unless defined? SOLAR_PANEL_DFLTS def initialize(target_name) super(target_name) @target = System.targets[target_name] position_filename = File.join(@target.dir, 'data', 'position.bin') attitude_filename = File.join(@target.dir, 'data', 'attitude.bin') position_data = File.read(position_filename, mode: "rb") attitude_data = File.read(attitude_filename, mode: "rb") @position_file = StringIO.new(position_data) @position_file_size = position_data.length @attitude_file = StringIO.new(attitude_data) @attitude_file_size = attitude_data.length @position_file_bytes_read = 0 @attitude_file_bytes_read = 0 @pos_packet = Structure.new(:BIG_ENDIAN) @pos_packet.append_item('DAY', 16, :UINT) @pos_packet.append_item('MSOD', 32, :UINT) @pos_packet.append_item('USOMS', 16, :UINT) @pos_packet.append_item('POSX', 32, :FLOAT) @pos_packet.append_item('POSY', 32, :FLOAT) @pos_packet.append_item('POSZ', 32, :FLOAT) @pos_packet.append_item('SPARE1', 16, :UINT) @pos_packet.append_item('SPARE2', 32, :UINT) @pos_packet.append_item('SPARE3', 16, :UINT) @pos_packet.append_item('VELX', 32, :FLOAT) @pos_packet.append_item('VELY', 32, :FLOAT) @pos_packet.append_item('VELZ', 32, :FLOAT) @pos_packet.append_item('SPARE4', 32, :UINT) @pos_packet.enable_method_missing @att_packet = Structure.new(:BIG_ENDIAN) @att_packet.append_item('DAY', 16, :UINT) @att_packet.append_item('MSOD', 32, :UINT) @att_packet.append_item('USOMS', 16, :UINT) @att_packet.append_item('Q1', 32, :FLOAT) @att_packet.append_item('Q2', 32, :FLOAT) @att_packet.append_item('Q3', 32, :FLOAT) @att_packet.append_item('Q4', 32, :FLOAT) @att_packet.append_item('BIASX', 32, :FLOAT) @att_packet.append_item('BIASY', 32, :FLOAT) @att_packet.append_item('BIASZ', 32, :FLOAT) @att_packet.append_item('SPARE', 32, :FLOAT) @att_packet.enable_method_missing packet = @tlm_packets['HEALTH_STATUS'] packet.enable_method_missing packet.CcsdsSeqFlags = 'NOGROUP' packet.CcsdsLength = packet.buffer.length - 7 packet.temp1 = 50.0 packet.temp2 = -20.0 packet.temp3 = 85.0 packet.temp4 = 0.0 packet.duration = 10.0 packet.collect_type = 'NORMAL' packet = @tlm_packets['ADCS'] packet.enable_method_missing packet.CcsdsSeqFlags = 'NOGROUP' packet.CcsdsLength = packet.buffer.length - 7 packet = @tlm_packets['PARAMS'] packet.enable_method_missing packet.CcsdsSeqFlags = 'NOGROUP' packet.CcsdsLength = packet.buffer.length - 7 packet.value1 = 0 packet.value2 = 1 packet.value3 = 2 packet.value4 = 1 packet.value5 = 0 packet = @tlm_packets['IMAGE'] packet.enable_method_missing packet.CcsdsSeqFlags = 'NOGROUP' packet.CcsdsLength = packet.buffer.length - 7 packet = @tlm_packets['MECH'] packet.enable_method_missing packet.CcsdsSeqFlags = 'NOGROUP' packet.CcsdsLength = packet.buffer.length - 7 @solar_panel_positions = SOLAR_PANEL_DFLTS.dup @solar_panel_thread = nil @solar_panel_thread_cancel = false @trackStars = Array.new @trackStars[0] = 1237 @trackStars[1] = 1329 @trackStars[2] = 1333 @trackStars[3] = 1139 @trackStars[4] = 1161 @trackStars[5] = 682 @trackStars[6] = 717 @trackStars[7] = 814 @trackStars[8] = 583 @trackStars[9] = 622 @get_count = 0 @bad_temp2 = false @last_temp2 = 0 @quiet = false @time_offset = 0 end def set_rates set_rate('ADCS', 10) set_rate('HEALTH_STATUS', 100) set_rate('PARAMS', 100) set_rate('IMAGE', 100) set_rate('MECH', 10) end def tick_period_seconds return 0.1 # Override this method to optimize end def tick_increment return 10 # Override this method to optimize end def write(packet) name = packet.packet_name.upcase hs_packet = @tlm_packets['HEALTH_STATUS'] params_packet = @tlm_packets['PARAMS'] case name when 'COLLECT' hs_packet.collects += 1 hs_packet.duration = packet.read('duration') hs_packet.collect_type = packet.read("type") when 'CLEAR' hs_packet.collects = 0 when 'MEMLOAD' hs_packet.blocktest = packet.read('data') when 'QUIET' if packet.read('state') == 'TRUE' @quiet = true else @quiet = false end when 'TIME_OFFSET' @time_offset = packet.read('seconds') when 'SETPARAMS' params_packet.value1 = packet.read('value1') params_packet.value2 = packet.read('value2') params_packet.value3 = packet.read('value3') params_packet.value4 = packet.read('value4') params_packet.value5 = packet.read('value5') when 'ASCIICMD' hs_packet.asciicmd = packet.read('string') when 'SLRPNLDEPLOY' return if @solar_panel_thread and @solar_panel_thread.alive? @solar_panel_thread = Thread.new do @solar_panel_thread_cancel = false (0..@solar_panel_positions.size - 1).to_a.reverse_each do |i| while (@solar_panel_positions[i] > 0.1) or (@solar_panel_positions[i] < - 0.1) if @solar_panel_positions[i] > 3.0 @solar_panel_positions[i] -= 3.0 elsif @solar_panel_positions[i] < -3.0 @solar_panel_positions[i] += 3.0 else @solar_panel_positions[i] = 0.0 end sleep(0.10) break if @solar_panel_thread_cancel end if @solar_panel_thread_cancel @solar_panel_thread_cancel = false break end end end when 'SLRPNLRESET' OpenC3.kill_thread(self, @solar_panel_thread) @solar_panel_positions = SOLAR_PANEL_DFLTS.dup end end def graceful_kill @solar_panel_thread_cancel = true end def read(count_100hz, time) pending_packets = get_pending_packets(count_100hz) pending_packets.each do |packet| case packet.packet_name when 'ADCS' # Read 44 Bytes for Position Data pos_data = nil begin pos_data = @position_file.read(44) @position_file_bytes_read += 44 rescue # Do Nothing end if pos_data.nil? or pos_data.length == 0 # Assume end of file - close and reopen @position_file.rewind pos_data = @position_file.read(44) @position_file_bytes_read = 44 end @pos_packet.buffer = pos_data packet.posx = @pos_packet.posx packet.posy = @pos_packet.posy packet.posz = @pos_packet.posz packet.velx = @pos_packet.velx packet.vely = @pos_packet.vely packet.velz = @pos_packet.velz # Read 40 Bytes for Attitude Data att_data = nil begin att_data = @attitude_file.read(40) @attitude_file_bytes_read += 40 rescue # Do Nothing end if att_data.nil? or att_data.length == 0 @attitude_file.rewind att_data = @attitude_file.read(40) @attitude_file_bytes_read = 40 end @att_packet.buffer = att_data packet.q1 = @att_packet.q1 packet.q2 = @att_packet.q2 packet.q3 = @att_packet.q3 packet.q4 = @att_packet.q4 packet.biasx = @att_packet.biasx packet.biasy = @att_packet.biasy packet.biasy = @att_packet.biasz packet.star1id = @trackStars[((@get_count / 100) + 0) % 10] packet.star2id = @trackStars[((@get_count / 100) + 1) % 10] packet.star3id = @trackStars[((@get_count / 100) + 2) % 10] packet.star4id = @trackStars[((@get_count / 100) + 3) % 10] packet.star5id = @trackStars[((@get_count / 100) + 4) % 10] packet.posprogress = (@position_file_bytes_read.to_f / @position_file_size.to_f) * 100.0 packet.attprogress = (@attitude_file_bytes_read.to_f / @attitude_file_size.to_f) * 100.0 packet.timesec = time.tv_sec - @time_offset packet.timeus = time.tv_usec packet.ccsdsseqcnt += 1 when 'HEALTH_STATUS' if @quiet @bad_temp2 = false cycle_tlm_item(packet, 'temp1', -15.0, 15.0, 5.0) cycle_tlm_item(packet, 'temp2', -50.0, 25.0, -1.0) cycle_tlm_item(packet, 'temp3', 0.0, 50.0, 2.0) else cycle_tlm_item(packet, 'temp1', -95.0, 95.0, 5.0) if @bad_temp2 packet.write('temp2', @last_temp2) @bad_temp2 = false end @last_temp2 = cycle_tlm_item(packet, 'temp2', -50.0, 50.0, -1.0) if (packet.temp2.abs - 30).abs < 2 packet.write('temp2', Float::NAN) @bad_temp2 = true elsif (packet.temp2.abs - 20).abs < 2 packet.write('temp2', -Float::INFINITY) @bad_temp2 = true elsif (packet.temp2.abs - 10).abs < 2 packet.write('temp2', Float::INFINITY) @bad_temp2 = true end cycle_tlm_item(packet, 'temp3', -30.0, 80.0, 2.0) end cycle_tlm_item(packet, 'temp4', 0.0, 20.0, -0.1) packet.timesec = time.tv_sec - @time_offset packet.timeus = time.tv_usec packet.ccsdsseqcnt += 1 ary = [] 10.times do |index| ary << index end packet.ary = ary if @quiet packet.ground1status = 'CONNECTED' packet.ground2status = 'CONNECTED' else if @get_count % 1000 == 0 if packet.ground1status == 'CONNECTED' packet.ground1status = 'UNAVAILABLE' else packet.ground1status = 'CONNECTED' end end if @get_count % 500 == 0 if packet.ground2status == 'CONNECTED' packet.ground2status = 'UNAVAILABLE' else packet.ground2status = 'CONNECTED' end end end when 'PARAMS' packet.timesec = time.tv_sec - @time_offset packet.timeus = time.tv_usec packet.ccsdsseqcnt += 1 when 'IMAGE' packet.timesec = time.tv_sec - @time_offset packet.timeus = time.tv_usec # Create an Array the size of the packet and then initialize # using a sample of all possible hex values (0..15) # finally pack it into binary using the Character 'C' specifier data = Array.new(packet.image.length) { Array(0..15).sample }.pack("C*") packet.image = data packet.ccsdsseqcnt += 1 when 'MECH' packet.timesec = time.tv_sec - @time_offset packet.timeus = time.tv_usec packet.ccsdsseqcnt += 1 packet.slrpnl1 = @solar_panel_positions[0] packet.slrpnl2 = @solar_panel_positions[1] packet.slrpnl3 = @solar_panel_positions[2] packet.slrpnl4 = @solar_panel_positions[3] packet.slrpnl5 = @solar_panel_positions[4] end end # Every 10s throw an unknown packet at the server just to demo that data = Array.new(10) { rand(0..255) }.pack("C*") if @get_count % 1000 == 999 pending_packets << Packet.new(nil, nil, :BIG_ENDIAN, nil, data) end @get_count += tick_increment pending_packets end end end