module Neo4j::Shared module Initialize extend ActiveSupport::Concern # Implements the Neo4j::Node#wrapper and Neo4j::Relationship#wrapper method # so that we don't have to care if the node is wrapped or not. # @return self def wrapper self end private def convert_and_assign_attributes(properties) @attributes ||=, self.class.attributes.keys) stringify_attributes!(@attributes, properties) self.default_properties = properties if respond_to?(:default_properties=) self.class.declared_properties.convert_properties_to(self, :ruby, @attributes) @attributes end def stringify_attributes!(attr, properties) properties.each_pair do |k, v| key = self.class.declared_properties.string_key(k) attr.write_cast_value(key.freeze, v) end end # We should be using #clear_changes_information # but right now we don't use `ActiveModel` attributes correctly and so it doesn't work # Once we set @attribute correctly from using class ActiveModel::Attribute # we will no longer need to explicitly call following method and can safely remove it def changed_attributes_clear! return if changed_attributes.nil? # with ActiveModel 6.0.0 we have to clear attribute changes with clear_attribute_changes clear_attribute_changes(self.attributes.keys) # changed_attributes is frozen starting with ActiveModel 5.2.0 # Not a good long term solution if changed_attributes.frozen? @attributes_changed_by_setter = else changed_attributes && changed_attributes.clear end end # Once we set @attribute correctly from using class ActiveModel::Attribute # we will no longer need to explicitly call following method and can safely remove it def changed_attributes_selective_clear!(hash_to_clear) # with ActiveModel 6.0.0 we have to clear attribute changes with clear_attribute_change hash_to_clear.each_key { |k| clear_attribute_change(k) } if defined?(ActiveModel::ForcedMutationTracker) # changed_attributes is frozen starting with ActiveModel 5.2.0 # Not a good long term solution if changed_attributes.frozen? attributes_changed_by_setter = hash_to_clear.each_key { |k| attributes_changed_by_setter.delete(k) } @attributes_changed_by_setter = attributes_changed_by_setter else hash_to_clear.each_key { |k| changed_attributes.delete(k) } end end end end