* Nov 15, 2012 * * Removed 'crop:' option as already included when prefixing geometry with a 'c'. Add note to docs. * Added option to sharpen resized images ':sharpen_on_resize' * Oct 26, 2012 * * Merged with https://github.com/tdd/attachment_fu fork to include GEM support for use in Rails 3.2, and bumped version to 3.2.x to indicate Rails 3.2 support. * Oct 25, 2012 * * Fix to support Ruby 1.9.3 * Image cropping support (append 'crop:' to desired file size when resizing) * Mar 15, 2010 * * Added a symbol syntax for parent-type-based size spec: calls the corresponding method on the current asset instance to get a Hash of required thumbnails. Lets us dynamically specify what would otherwise be hard-coded, which is useful when the set of thumbnails for a given parent type varies depending on the usage context. * Aug 6, 2009 * * JPEG quality control finalized across processors (although CoreImage applies it in a rather fuzzy-logic way), with tests. * Aug 4, 2009 * * Supports the :aspect/'!' geometry flag in all processors (thanks to http://www.deepcalm.com/writing/cropped-thumbnails-in-attachment_fu-using-imagescience) * JPEG quality control on thumbnailing/resizing (still buggy on Rmagick/MiniMagick though). * Moves from GIF to PNG regardless of the source file extension's case (used to require lowercase) * Auto-orients image (if EXIF suggests it) prior to processing with RMagickProcessor * Fixes non-image upload tests (both regular files and Merb files) * Fixes obsolete failures on RMagick tests (aspect_ratio tested but not initialized anymore due to new callback architecture * Apr 17 2008 * * amazon_s3.yml is now passed through ERB before being passed to AWS::S3 [François Beausoleil] * Mar 22 2008 * * Some tweaks to support Rails 2.0 and Rails 2.1 due to ActiveSupport::Callback changes. Thanks to http://blog.methodmissing.com/2008/1/19/edge-callback-refactorings-attachment_fu/ * Feb. 26, 2008 * * remove breakpoint from test_helper, makes test suite crazy (at least Rails 2+) [Rob Sanheim] * make S3 test really optional [Rob Sanheim] * Nov 27, 2007 * * Handle properly ImageScience thumbnails resized from a gif file [Matt Aimonetti] * Save thumbnails file size properly when using ImageScience [Matt Aimonetti] * fixed s3 config file loading with latest versions of Rails [Matt Aimonetti] * April 2, 2007 * * don't copy the #full_filename to the default #temp_paths array if it doesn't exist * add default ID partitioning for attachments * add #binmode call to Tempfile (note: ruby should be doing this!) [Eric Beland] * Check for current type of :thumbnails option. * allow customization of the S3 configuration file path with the :s3_config_path option. * Don't try to remove thumbnails if there aren't any. Closes #3 [ben stiglitz] * BC * (before changelog) * add default #temp_paths entry [mattly] * add MiniMagick support to attachment_fu [Isacc] * update #destroy_file to clear out any empty directories too [carlivar] * fix references to S3Backend module [Hunter Hillegas] * make #current_data public with db_file and s3 backends [ebryn] * oops, actually svn add the files for s3 backend. [Jeffrey Hardy] * experimental s3 support, egad, no tests.... [Jeffrey Hardy] * doh, fix a few bad references to ActsAsAttachment [sixty4bit]