// Rules for styling links // ========================================= .links__kcc-logo { display: inline; float: left; width: 120px; height:80px; } // use the 'link__offset' class to offset jump-links via CSS only method. // Links need to be offset to clear the fixed navigation bar at the top. // ========================================= .links__offset::before { // mobile devices get slightly different offset b/c of different sized fixed header content: " "; display: block; height: 171px; // defining a height pushes the element down the page margin-top: -171px; // negative margin is needed to push it back to its original position pointer-events: none; // w/ out this it will interfere with the sites navigation links visibility: hidden; } @media screen and (min-width: 768px) { .links__offset::before { height: 150px; margin-top: -150px; } } .links__darker-link { color: $darker-link; } // Rules to override bootstrap 4's "nav-link" color // ========================================= .navbar-light .navbar-nav .links__nav-link--color { // Ugly (chain of) selectors needed to overide bootstrap's "nav-link" color: color: $primary-blue; } .navbar-light .navbar-nav .active>.nav-link { border-bottom-color: $primary-red; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-width: thick; color: $primary-blue; padding-bottom: 0; } .navbar-light .navbar-nav .nav-link:focus, .navbar-light .navbar-nav .nav-link:hover { color: $primary-red; }