require_relative 'lane_manager_base.rb' require_relative 'swift_runner_upgrader.rb' module Fastlane class SwiftLaneManager < LaneManagerBase # @param lane_name The name of the lane to execute # @param parameters [Hash] The parameters passed from the command line to the lane def self.cruise_lane(lane, parameters = nil, disable_runner_upgrades: false, swift_server_port: nil) UI.user_error!("lane must be a string") unless lane.kind_of?(String) || lane.nil? UI.user_error!("parameters must be a hash") unless parameters.kind_of?(Hash) || parameters.nil? # Sets environment variable and lane context for lane name ENV["FASTLANE_LANE_NAME"] = lane Actions.lane_context[Actions::SharedValues::LANE_NAME] = lane started = e = nil begin display_upgraded_message = false if disable_runner_upgrades UI.verbose("disable_runner_upgrades is true, not attempting to update the FastlaneRunner project".yellow) elsif UI.verbose("Running in CI, not attempting to update the FastlaneRunner project".yellow) else display_upgraded_message = self.ensure_runner_up_to_date_fastlane! end self.ensure_runner_built! swift_server_port ||= 2000 socket_thread = self.start_socket_thread(port: swift_server_port) sleep(0.250) while socket_thread[:ready].nil? # wait on socket_thread to be in ready state, then start the runner thread self.cruise_swift_lane_in_thread(lane, parameters, swift_server_port) socket_thread.value rescue Exception => ex # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException e = ex end # If we have a thread exception, drop that in the exception # won't ever have a situation where e is non-nil, and socket_thread[:exception] is also non-nil e ||= socket_thread[:exception] unless e.nil? print_lane_context # We also catch Exception, since the implemented action might send a SystemExit signal # (or similar). We still want to catch that, since we want properly finish running fastlane # Tested with `xcake`, which throws a `Xcake::Informative` object UI.error(e.to_s) if e.kind_of?(StandardError) # we don't want to print things like 'system exit' end skip_message = false # if socket_thread is nil, we were probably debugging, or something else weird happened exit_reason = :cancelled if socket_thread.nil? # normal exit means we have a reason exit_reason ||= socket_thread[:exit_reason] if exit_reason == :cancelled && e.nil? skip_message = true end duration = (( - started) / 60.0).round finish_fastlane(nil, duration, e, skip_message: skip_message) if display_upgraded_message UI.message("We updated your FastlaneRunner project during this run to make it compatible with your current version of fastlane.".yellow) UI.message("Please make sure to check the changes into source control.".yellow) end end def self.display_lanes self.ensure_runner_built! return_value ={FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.swift_runner_path} lanes)) if FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose? UI.message("runner output: ".yellow + return_value) end end def self.cruise_swift_lane_in_thread(lane, parameters = nil, swift_server_port) if parameters.nil? parameters = {} end parameter_string = "" parameters.each do |key, value| parameter_string += " #{key} #{value}" end if FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose? parameter_string += " logMode verbose" end parameter_string += " swiftServerPort #{swift_server_port}" return do if FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose? return_value ={FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.swift_runner_path} lane #{lane}#{parameter_string})) UI.message("runner output: ".yellow + return_value) else{FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.swift_runner_path} lane #{lane}#{parameter_string} > /dev/null)) end end end def self.swap_paths_in_target(file_refs_to_swap: nil, expected_path_to_replacement_path_tuples: nil) made_project_updates = false file_refs_to_swap.each do |file_ref| expected_path_to_replacement_path_tuples.each do |preinstalled_config_relative_path, user_config_relative_path| next unless file_ref.path == preinstalled_config_relative_path file_ref.path = user_config_relative_path made_project_updates = true end end return made_project_updates end # Find all the config files we care about (Deliverfile, Gymfile, etc), and build tuples of what file we'll look for # in the Xcode project, and what file paths we'll need to swap (since we have to inject the user's configs) # # Return a mapping of what file paths we're looking => new file pathes we'll need to inject def self.collect_tool_paths_for_replacement(all_user_tool_file_paths: nil, look_for_new_configs: nil) new_user_tool_file_paths = do |user_config, preinstalled_config_relative_path, user_config_relative_path| if look_for_new_configs File.exist?(user_config) else !File.exist?(user_config) end end # Now strip out the fastlane-relative path and leave us with xcodeproj relative paths new_user_tool_file_paths = do |user_config, preinstalled_config_relative_path, user_config_relative_path| if look_for_new_configs [preinstalled_config_relative_path, user_config_relative_path] else [user_config_relative_path, preinstalled_config_relative_path] end end return new_user_tool_file_paths end # open and return the swift project def self.runner_project runner_project_path = FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.swift_runner_project_path require 'xcodeproj' project = return project end # return the FastlaneRunner build target def self.target_for_fastlane_runner_project(runner_project: nil) fastlane_runner_array = do |target| == "FastlaneRunner" end # get runner target runner_target = fastlane_runner_array.first return runner_target end def self.target_source_file_refs(target: nil) return end def self.first_time_setup setup_message = ["fastlane is now configured to use a swift-based Fastfile (Fastfile.swift) 🦅"] setup_message << "To edit your new Fastfile.swift, type: `open #{FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.swift_runner_project_path}`" # Go through and link up whatever we generated during `fastlane init swift` so the user can edit them easily self.link_user_configs_to_project(updated_message: setup_message.join("\n")) end def self.link_user_configs_to_project(updated_message: nil) tool_files_folder = FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.path # All the tools that could have <tool name>file.swift their paths, and where we expect to find the user's tool files. all_user_tool_file_paths = do |tool_name| [ File.join(tool_files_folder, "#{tool_name}.swift"), "../#{tool_name}.swift", "../../#{tool_name}.swift" ] end # Tool files the user now provides new_user_tool_file_paths = collect_tool_paths_for_replacement(all_user_tool_file_paths: all_user_tool_file_paths, look_for_new_configs: true) # Tool files we provide AND the user doesn't provide user_tool_files_possibly_removed = collect_tool_paths_for_replacement(all_user_tool_file_paths: all_user_tool_file_paths, look_for_new_configs: false) fastlane_runner_project = self.runner_project runner_target = target_for_fastlane_runner_project(runner_project: fastlane_runner_project) target_file_refs = target_source_file_refs(target: runner_target) # Swap in all new user supplied configs into the project project_modified = swap_paths_in_target( file_refs_to_swap: target_file_refs, expected_path_to_replacement_path_tuples: new_user_tool_file_paths ) # Swap out any configs the user has removed, inserting fastlane defaults project_modified = swap_paths_in_target( file_refs_to_swap: target_file_refs, expected_path_to_replacement_path_tuples: user_tool_files_possibly_removed ) || project_modified if project_modified updated_message ||= "Updated #{FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.swift_runner_project_path}" UI.success(updated_message) else UI.success("FastlaneSwiftRunner project is up-to-date") end return project_modified end def self.start_socket_thread(port: nil) require 'fastlane/server/socket_server' require 'fastlane/server/socket_server_action_command_executor' return do command_executor = server = command_executor, port: port) server.start end end def self.ensure_runner_built! UI.verbose("Checking for new user-provided tool configuration files") # if self.link_user_configs_to_project returns true, that means we need to rebuild the runner runner_needs_building = self.link_user_configs_to_project if FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.swift_runner_built? runner_last_modified_age = File.mtime(FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.swift_runner_path).to_i fastfile_last_modified_age = File.mtime(FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.fastfile_path).to_i if runner_last_modified_age < fastfile_last_modified_age # It's older than the Fastfile, so build it again UI.verbose("Found changes to user's Fastfile.swift, setting re-build runner flag") runner_needs_building = true end else # Runner isn't built yet, so build it UI.verbose("No runner found, setting re-build runner flag") runner_needs_building = true end if runner_needs_building self.build_runner! end end # do we have the latest FastlaneSwiftRunner code from the current version of fastlane? def self.ensure_runner_up_to_date_fastlane! upgraded = false upgrader = upgrade_needed = upgrader.upgrade_if_needed!(dry_run: true) if upgrade_needed UI.message("It looks like your `FastlaneSwiftRunner` project is not up-to-date".green) UI.message("If you don't update it, fastlane could fail".green) UI.message("We can try to automatically update it for you, usually this works 🎈 🐐".green) user_wants_upgrade = UI.confirm("Should we try to upgrade just your `FastlaneSwiftRunner` project?") UI.important("Ok, if things break, you can try to run this lane again and you'll be prompted to upgrade another time") unless user_wants_upgrade if user_wants_upgrade upgraded = upgrader.upgrade_if_needed! UI.success("Updated your FastlaneSwiftRunner project with the newest runner code") if upgraded self.build_runner! if upgraded end end return upgraded end def self.build_runner! UI.verbose("Building FastlaneSwiftRunner") require 'fastlane_core' require 'gym' require 'gym/generators/build_command_generator' project_options = { project: FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.swift_runner_project_path, skip_archive: true } Gym.config = FastlaneCore::Configuration.create(Gym::Options.available_options, project_options) build_command = Gym::BuildCommandGenerator.generate FastlaneCore::CommandExecutor.execute( command: build_command, print_all: false, print_command: !Gym.config[:silent] ) end end end