# string constants for interactive messages
module Ogre
  # version
  DESC_VERSION              = 'Display gem version'

  # org create description
  DESC_CREATE               = 'Create an organization in Chef'

  # org delete description
  DESC_DELETE               = 'Delete an organization in Chef'

  # org short name
  DESC_ORG                  = 'Organization short name'

  # org description
  DESC_ORG_DESC             = 'Organization long name'

  # private key path
  DESC_PRIVATE_KEY          = 'Path to private key file'

  # chef server url
  DESC_CHEF_SERVER_URL      = 'Chef Server URL i.e. https://chef.server.domain'

  # associate description
  DESC_ASSOCIATE_USERS      = 'Associate users to an organization'

  # user description
  DESC_USER                 = 'User name'

  # associate to admin group description
  DESC_ASSOCIATE_ADMIN      = 'Add user to admin group within organization'

  # chef policy repository license
  DESC_REPO_LICENSE         = 'Chef policy repository license'

  # chef policy repository authors
  DESC_REPO_AUTHORS         = 'Chef policy repository authors'

  # chef policy repository path
  DESC_REPO_PATH            = 'Chef policy repository path'

  # chef policy repository e-mail
  DESC_REPO_EMAIL           = 'Chef policy repository e-mail'

  # create Chef policy repository
  DESC_CREATE_REPO          = 'Create Chef policy repository'

  # delete without confirmation
  DESC_FORCE                = 'Delete without confirmation'

  # create new chef user
  DESC_CREATE_USER          = 'Create new chef user'

  # Delete and disassociate chef user
  DESC_DELETE_USER          = 'Delete and disassociate chef user'

  # chef run as user
  DESC_RUN_AS               = 'Chef user'

  # vCenter Orchestrator URL
  DESC_VCO_URL              = 'vCenter Orchestrator URL'

  # vCenter Orchestrator user
  DESC_VCO_USER             = 'vCenter Orchestrator user'

  # vCenter Orchestrator password
  DESC_VCO_PASSWORD         = 'vCenter Orchestrator password'

  # vCenter Orchestrator workflow name
  DESC_VCO_WF_NAME          = 'vCenter Orchestrator workflow name'

  # Set chef validation key for VCO
  DESC_SET_PRIVATE_KEY      = 'Set chef validation key for VCO'

  # Chef hostname
  DESC_CHEF_HOSTNAME        = 'Chef hostname'

  # Chef validator username
  DESC_CHEF_VALIDATOR       = 'Chef validator user name'

  # vCenter verify ssl param
  DESC_VCO_VERIFY_SSL       = 'vCenter Orchestrator verify ssl'