#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'uri' require 'pathname' require 'loggability' require 'mongrel2' require 'mongrel2/request' # A collection of constants and functions for testing Mongrel2 applications, # as well as Mongrel2 itself. module Mongrel2 # A collection of helper functions that are generally useful # for testing Mongrel2::Handlers. module SpecHelpers end # module SpecHelpers # A factory for generating Mongrel2::Request objects for testing. # # Usage: # # require 'mongrel2/testing' # # describe "MyHandler" do # before( :all ) do # @factory = Mongrel2::RequestFactory. # new( sender_id: 'my-handler', # route: '/api/v1', # headers: {accept: 'application/json'} ) # end # # before( :each ) do # @app = MyHandler.new( 'my-handler', 'tcp://', # 'tcp://' ) # end # # it "handles a JSON request for GET /" do # request = @factory.get( '/api/v1' ) # response = @app.dispatch_request( request ) # #... # end # end # class RequestFactory extend Loggability # Loggability API -- set up logging under the 'mongrel2' log host log_to :mongrel2 # Default testing UUID (sender_id) DEFAULT_TEST_UUID = 'BD17D85C-4730-4BF2-999D-9D2B2E0FCCF9' # Default connection ID DEFAULT_CONN_ID = 0 # 0mq socket specifications for Handlers TEST_SEND_SPEC = 'tcp://' TEST_RECV_SPEC = 'tcp://' # The testing URL to use by default DEFAULT_TESTING_URL = URI( 'http://localhost:8080/a_handler' ) DEFAULT_TESTING_HOST = DEFAULT_TESTING_URL.host DEFAULT_TESTING_PORT = DEFAULT_TESTING_URL.port DEFAULT_TESTING_ROUTE = DEFAULT_TESTING_URL.path # The default set of headers used for HTTP requests DEFAULT_TESTING_HEADERS = { 'x-forwarded-for' => '', 'accept-language' => 'en-US,en;q=0.8', 'accept-encoding' => 'gzip,deflate,sdch', 'connection' => 'keep-alive', 'accept-charset' => 'UTF-8,*;q=0.5', 'accept' => 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8', 'user-agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_1) ' + 'AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/13.0.782.112 ' + 'Safari/535.1', 'url-scheme' => 'http', 'VERSION' => 'HTTP/1.1', } # The defaults used by the HTTP request factory DEFAULT_FACTORY_CONFIG = { :sender_id => DEFAULT_TEST_UUID, :conn_id => DEFAULT_CONN_ID, :host => DEFAULT_TESTING_HOST, :port => DEFAULT_TESTING_PORT, :route => DEFAULT_TESTING_ROUTE, :headers => DEFAULT_TESTING_HEADERS, } # Freeze all testing constants constants.each do |cname| const_get(cname).freeze end ### Return the default testing headers hash for the receiving class. def self::default_headers return const_get( :DEFAULT_TESTING_HEADERS ) end ### Return the default configuration for the receiving factory class. def self::default_factory_config return const_get( :DEFAULT_FACTORY_CONFIG ) end ############################################################# ### I N S T A N C E M E T H O D S ############################################################# ### Create a new RequestFactory with the given +config+, which will be merged with ### DEFAULT_FACTORY_CONFIG. def initialize( config={} ) config[:headers] = self.class.default_headers.merge( config[:headers] ) if config[:headers] config = self.class.default_factory_config.merge( config ) @sender_id = config[:sender_id] @host = config[:host] @port = config[:port] @route = config[:route] @headers = Mongrel2::Table.new( config[:headers] ) @conn_id = 0 end ###### public ###### attr_accessor :sender_id, :host, :port, :route, :conn_id attr_reader :headers # # :section: HTTP verb methods # ### Create a new OPTIONS Mongrel2::Request with the specified +uri+ and +headers+. def options( uri, headers={} ) raise "Request doesn't route through %p" % [ self.route ] unless uri.start_with?( self.route ) headers = self.make_merged_headers( :OPTIONS, uri, headers ) rclass = Mongrel2::Request.subclass_for_method( :OPTIONS ) return rclass.new( self.sender_id, self.conn_id.to_s, uri.to_s, headers ) end ### Create a new GET Mongrel2::Request for the specified +uri+ and +headers+. def get( uri, headers={} ) raise "Request doesn't route through %p" % [ self.route ] unless uri.start_with?( self.route ) headers = self.make_merged_headers( :GET, uri, headers ) rclass = Mongrel2::Request.subclass_for_method( :GET ) return rclass.new( self.sender_id, self.conn_id.to_s, uri.to_s, headers ) end ### Create a new HEAD Mongrel2::Request for the specified +uri+ and +headers+. def head( uri, headers={} ) raise "Request doesn't route through %p" % [ self.route ] unless uri.start_with?( self.route ) headers = self.make_merged_headers( :HEAD, uri, headers ) rclass = Mongrel2::Request.subclass_for_method( :HEAD ) return rclass.new( self.sender_id, self.conn_id.to_s, uri.to_s, headers ) end ### Create a new POST Mongrel2::Request for the specified +uri+ with ### the given +body+ and +headers+. def post( uri, body='', headers={} ) raise "Request doesn't route through %p" % [ self.route ] unless uri.start_with?( self.route ) headers = self.make_merged_headers( :POST, uri, headers ) rclass = Mongrel2::Request.subclass_for_method( :POST ) req = rclass.new( self.sender_id, self.conn_id.to_s, uri.to_s, headers, body ) return req end ### Create a new PUT Mongrel2::Request for the specified +uri+ with ### the given +body+ and +headers+. def put( uri, body='', headers={} ) raise "Request doesn't route through %p" % [ self.route ] unless uri.start_with?( self.route ) headers = self.make_merged_headers( :PUT, uri, headers ) rclass = Mongrel2::Request.subclass_for_method( :PUT ) req = rclass.new( self.sender_id, self.conn_id.to_s, uri.to_s, headers, body ) return req end ### Create a new DELETE Mongrel2::Request for the specified +uri+ with ### the given +headers+. def delete( uri, headers={} ) raise "Request doesn't route through %p" % [ self.route ] unless uri.start_with?( self.route ) headers = self.make_merged_headers( :DELETE, uri, headers ) rclass = Mongrel2::Request.subclass_for_method( :DELETE ) return rclass.new( self.sender_id, self.conn_id.to_s, uri.to_s, headers ) end ######### protected ######### ### Merge the factory's headers with +userheaders+, and then merge in the ### special headers that Mongrel2 adds that are based on the +uri+ and other ### server attributes. def make_merged_headers( verb, uri, userheaders ) headers = self.headers.merge( userheaders ) uri = URI( uri ) # Add mongrel headers headers.uri = uri.to_s headers.path = uri.path headers['METHOD'] = verb.to_s headers.host = "%s:%d" % [ self.host, self.port ] headers.query = uri.query if uri.query headers.pattern = self.route return headers end end # RequestFactory # A factory for generating WebSocket request objects for testing. # class WebSocketFrameFactory < Mongrel2::RequestFactory include Mongrel2::Constants # The default host DEFAULT_TESTING_HOST = 'localhost' DEFAULT_TESTING_PORT = '8113' DEFAULT_TESTING_ROUTE = '/ws' # The default WebSocket opcode DEFAULT_OPCODE = :text # Default headers DEFAULT_TESTING_HEADERS = { 'METHOD' => 'WEBSOCKET', 'PATTERN' => '/ws', 'URI' => '/ws', 'VERSION' => 'HTTP/1.1', 'PATH' => '/ws', 'upgrade' => 'websocket', 'host' => DEFAULT_TESTING_HOST, 'sec-websocket-key' => 'rBP9u8uxVvIYrH/8bNOPwQ==', 'sec-websocket-version' => '13', 'connection' => 'Upgrade', 'origin' => "http://#{DEFAULT_TESTING_HOST}", 'FLAGS' => '0x89', # FIN + PING 'x-forwarded-for' => '' } # The defaults used by the websocket request factory DEFAULT_FACTORY_CONFIG = { :sender_id => DEFAULT_TEST_UUID, :conn_id => DEFAULT_CONN_ID, :host => DEFAULT_TESTING_HOST, :port => DEFAULT_TESTING_PORT, :route => DEFAULT_TESTING_ROUTE, :headers => DEFAULT_TESTING_HEADERS, } DEFAULT_HANDSHAKE_BODY = 'GR7M5bFPiY2GvVc5a7CIMErQ18Q=' # Freeze all testing constants constants.each do |cname| const_get(cname).freeze end ### Create a new factory using the specified +config+. def initialize( config={} ) config[:headers] = DEFAULT_TESTING_HEADERS.merge( config[:headers] ) if config[:headers] config = DEFAULT_FACTORY_CONFIG.merge( config ) @sender_id = config[:sender_id] @host = config[:host] @port = config[:port] @route = config[:route] @headers = Mongrel2::Table.new( config[:headers] ) @conn_id = 0 end ###### public ###### ### Create an initial websocket handshake request and return it. def handshake( uri, *subprotocols ) raise "Request doesn't route through %p" % [ self.route ] unless uri.start_with?( self.route ) headers = if subprotocols.last.is_a?( Hash ) then subprotocols.pop else {} end headers = self.make_merged_headers( uri, 0, headers ) headers.delete( :flags ) unless subprotocols.empty? protos = subprotocols.map( &:to_s ).join( ', ' ) headers.sec_websocket_protocol = protos end rclass = Mongrel2::Request.subclass_for_method( :WEBSOCKET_HANDSHAKE ) return rclass.new( self.sender_id, self.conn_id.to_s, self.route, headers, DEFAULT_HANDSHAKE_BODY.dup ) end ### Create a new request with the specified +uri+, +data+, and +flags+. def create( uri, data, *flags ) raise "Request doesn't route through %p" % [ self.route ] unless uri.start_with?( self.route ) headers = if flags.last.is_a?( Hash ) then flags.pop else {} end flagheader = make_flags_header( flags ) headers = self.make_merged_headers( uri, flagheader, headers ) rclass = Mongrel2::Request.subclass_for_method( :WEBSOCKET ) return rclass.new( self.sender_id, self.conn_id.to_s, self.route, headers, data ) end ### Create a continuation frame. def continuation( uri, payload='', *flags ) flags << :continuation return self.create( uri, payload, flags ) end ### Create a text frame. def text( uri, payload='', *flags ) flags << :text return self.create( uri, payload, flags ) end ### Create a binary frame. def binary( uri, payload='', *flags ) flags << :binary return self.create( uri, payload, flags ) end ### Create a close frame. def close( uri, payload='', *flags ) flags << :close << :fin return self.create( uri, payload, flags ) end ### Create a ping frame. def ping( uri, payload='', *flags ) flags << :ping << :fin return self.create( uri, payload, flags ) end ### Create a pong frame. def pong( uri, payload='', *flags ) flags << :pong << :fin return self.create( uri, payload, flags ) end ######### protected ######### ### Merge the factory's headers with +userheaders+, and then merge in the ### special headers that Mongrel2 adds that are based on the +uri+ and other ### server attributes. def make_merged_headers( uri, flags, userheaders ) headers = self.headers.merge( userheaders ) uri = URI( uri ) # Add mongrel headers headers.uri = uri.to_s headers.path = uri.path headers.host = "%s:%d" % [ self.host, self.port ] headers.query = uri.query if uri.query headers.pattern = self.route headers.origin = "http://#{headers.host}" headers.flags = "0x%02x" % [ flags ] return headers end ####### private ####### ### Make a flags value out of flag Symbols that correspond to the flag ### bits and opcodes: [ :fin, :rsv1, :rsv2, :rsv3, :continuation, ### :text, :binary, :close, :ping, :pong ]. If the flags contain ### Integers instead, they are ORed with the result. def make_flags_header( *flag_symbols ) flag_symbols.flatten! flag_symbols.compact! self.log.debug "Making a flags header for symbols: %p" % [ flag_symbols ] return flag_symbols.inject( 0x00 ) do |flags, flag| case flag when :fin flags | WebSocket::FIN_FLAG when :rsv1 flags | WebSocket::RSV1_FLAG when :rsv2 flags | WebSocket::RSV2_FLAG when :rsv3 flags | WebSocket::RSV3_FLAG when :continuation, :text, :binary, :close, :ping, :pong # Opcodes clear any other opcodes present flags ^= ( flags & WebSocket::OPCODE_BITMASK ) flags | WebSocket::OPCODE[ flag ] when Integer flags | flag else raise ArgumentError, "Don't know what the %p flag is." % [ flag ] end end end end # class WebSocketFrameFactory end # module Mongrel2