require 'rake/tasklib' require 'ping' require 'tempfile' class Sandbox < Rake::TaskLib @@images_directory = "/var/tmp" def self.images_directory @@images_directory end def self.images_directory=(directory) @@images_directory = directory end def puppet_file(name) File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/#{name}.pp" end attr_reader :name attr_accessor :bootstraper, :ip_address, :host_ip_address, :tap_device attr_accessor :disk_size, :memory_size, :mount_point def initialize(name = "sandbox") @name = name init yield self if block_given? define end def define @bootstraper ||= @ip_address ||= '' @host_ip_address ||= @ip_address.gsub(/\.[0-9]+$/,'.1') @disk_size ||= '512M' @memory_size ||= '128M' @mount_point ||= "/mnt/#{name}" @tap_device ||= 'tap0' end def init namespace @name do desc "Setup local machine to host sandbox" task :setup => 'tmp:create' do sudo "puppet #{puppet_file(:host)}" end # Mix between these ways : # - # - # - qemu-make-debian-root namespace :create do task :image do sh "qemu-img create -f raw #{disk_image} #{disk_size}" # create the partition table sh "echo '63,' | /sbin/sfdisk --no-reread -uS -H16 -S63 #{disk_image}" end task :fs do # format the filesystem begin sudo "losetup -o #{fs_offset} /dev/loop0 #{disk_image}" # because '/sbin/sfdisk -s /dev/loop0' returns a wrong value : extract_fs_block_size = "/sbin/sfdisk -l #{disk_image} 2> /dev/null | awk '/img1/ { gsub(\"\\+\", \"\", $5); print $5 }'" sudo "/sbin/mke2fs -jqF /dev/loop0 `#{extract_fs_block_size}`" ensure sudo "losetup -d /dev/loop0" end end task :system do # install a debian base system mount do bootstraper.bootstrap mount_point end end task :kernel do mount do chroot_sh "echo 'do_initrd = Yes' >> /etc/kernel-img.conf" kernel_packages = { 'etch' => 'linux-image-2.6-686', 'lenny' => 'linux-image-2.6-686', 'hardy' => 'linux-image-2.6.24-16-generic', 'intrepid' => 'linux-image-generic' } kernel_package = kernel_packages[self.bootstraper.version] chroot_sh "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --force-yes #{kernel_package}" end end task :grub do mount do chroot_sh "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --force-yes grub" grub_dir = "#{mount_point}/boot/grub" chroot_sh "mkdir /boot/grub" unless File.exists?(grub_dir) stage_files = Dir["#{mount_point}/usr/lib/grub/**/stage?", "#{mount_point}/usr/lib/grub/**/e2fs_stage1_5"] sudo "cp #{stage_files.join(' ')} #{grub_dir}"'menu_lst') do |f| f.write(['default 0', 'timeout 0', 'title Linux', 'root (hd0,0)', 'kernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/hda1 ro', 'initrd /initrd.img'].join("\n")) f.close sudo "cp #{f.path} #{grub_dir}" end end'grub_input') do |f| f.write(["device (hd0) #{disk_image}", "root (hd0,0)", "setup (hd0)", "quit"].join("\n")) f.close sudo "grub --device-map=/dev/null < #{f.path}" end end task :config do'sandbox_puppet_file') do |sandbox_puppet_file| sandbox_puppet_file.puts "$host_ip='#{host_ip_address}'" sandbox_puppet_file.puts "$sandbox_ip='#{ip_address}'" sandbox_puppet_file.puts sandbox_puppet_file.close # finalize configuration with puppet mount do sudo "cp #{sandbox_puppet_file.path} #{mount_point}/etc/sandbox.pp" sudo "chroot #{mount_point} puppet /etc/sandbox.pp" end end end task :tap_device do unless tap_device_exists? sudo "tunctl -u #{ENV['USER']} -t #{tap_device}" end end task :snapshot do snapshot(:initial) end end desc "Create a fresh image for sandbox" task :create => [ 'clean', 'create:image', 'create:fs', 'create:system', 'create:kernel', 'create:grub', 'create:config', 'create:snapshot' ] desc "Destroy sandbox images" task :destroy => 'clean' do rm_f disk_image rm_f disk_image(:initial) end desc "Start sandbox" task :start => ['create:tap_device', 'tmp:create'] do start end desc "Start sandbox from initial image in snapshot" task :start_from_initial do start :hda => disk_image(:initial), :snapshot => true end task :wait do wait end desc "Stop sandbox" task :stop do sh "kill -9 `cat tmp/run/#{name}.pid`" end task :revert do sh "qemu-img convert -O raw #{disk_image(:initial)} #{disk_image}" end task :mount do mount_image end task :umount do umount_image end task :clean => 'puppet:clean' do # clean known_hosts known_hosts_file="#{ENV['HOME']}/.ssh/known_hosts" sh "sed -i '/#{hostname},#{ip_address}/ d' #{known_hosts_file}" if File.exists?(known_hosts_file) end task :status do status end namespace :puppet do desc "Run puppetd in sandbox" task :run do sh "./script/puppetrun --host #{hostname}" end desc "Sign a request from sandbox" task :sign do sh "./script/puppetca --sign #{hostname}" end task :clean do # remove pending request sh "rm -f ssl/ca/requests/#{hostname}*.pem" # remove signed certificat sh "./script/puppetca --clean #{hostname} || true" end end end end def start(options = {}) options = { :daemonize => true, :snapshot => ENV['SNAPSHOT'], :hda => disk_image, :nographic => false, :m => memory_size, :net => ["nic", "tap,ifname=#{tap_device}"] }.update(options) if options[:daemonize] options = { :pidfile => File.expand_path("tmp/run/#{name}.pid"), :serial => "file:" + File.expand_path("log/#{name}.log") }.update(options) end options_as_string = options.collect do |name,value| argument = "-#{name}" case value when Array value.collect { |v| "#{argument} '#{v}'" } when true argument when false when nil when '' nil else "#{argument} '#{value}'" end end.compact.join(' ') qemu_command = case PLATFORM when /x86_64/ "qemu-system-x86_64" else "qemu" end sh "#{qemu_command} #{options_as_string}" end def snapshot(name) sh "qemu-img convert -O qcow2 #{disk_image} #{disk_image(name)}" end def wait(timeout = 30, max_try_count = 5) try_count = 5 try_timeout = timeout / try_count 5.times do if Ping.pingecho(ip_address, try_timeout) return else sleep try_timeout end end raise "no response from #{hostname} after #{timeout} seconds" end def mount(&block) begin mount_image yield mount_point ensure umount_image end end def mount_image sudo "mkdir #{mount_point}" unless File.exists? mount_point sudo "mount -o loop,offset=#{fs_offset} #{disk_image} #{mount_point}" sudo "mount proc #{mount_point}/proc -t proc" if File.exists? "#{mount_point}/proc" end def umount_image [ "#{mount_point}/proc", mount_point ].each do |mount| sudo "umount #{mount} || true" end end # TODO to be customizable def disk_image(suffix = nil) suffix = "-#{suffix}" if suffix File.join Sandbox.images_directory, "#{name}#{suffix}.img" end def fs_offset 32256 end def hostname if name =~ /^sandbox/ name else "sandbox-#{name}" end end def tap_device_exists? IO.readlines('/proc/net/dev').any? { |l| l =~ /\s+#{tap_device}/ } end def status puts "#{hostname} status:" puts self.inspect end def chroot_sh(cmd) sudo "chroot #{mount_point} sh -c \"#{cmd}\"" end end class DebianBoostraper attr_accessor :version, :mirror, :include, :exclude, :architecture def initialize(&block) default_attributes @include = %w{puppet ssh udev resolvconf} @exclude = %w{syslinux at exim mailx libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 mbr setserial fdutils info ipchains iptables lilo pcmcia-cs ppp pppoe pppoeconf pppconfig telnet exim4 exim4-base exim4-config exim4-daemon-light pciutils modconf tasksel console-common console-tools console-data base-config man-db manpages} yield self if block_given? end def default_attributes @version = 'lenny' @mirror = '' @architecture = case PLATFORM when /x86_64/ "amd64" else "i386" end end def bootstrap(root) options_as_string = options.collect{|k,v| "--#{k} #{Array(v).join(',')}"}.join(' ') sudo "debootstrap #{options_as_string} #{version} #{root} #{mirror}" end def options { :arch => architecture, :exclude => @exclude, :include => @include } end end class UbuntuBoostraper < DebianBoostraper def default_attributes super @version = 'intrepid' @mirror = '' end def options super.update :components => 'main,universe' end end