def calabash_build(app) apk_fingerprint = fingerprint_from_apk(app) calabash_log "#{app} was signed with a certificate with fingerprint #{apk_fingerprint}" keystores = JavaKeystore.get_keystores if keystores.empty? puts "No keystores found." puts "Please create one or run calabash-android setup to configure calabash-android to use an existing keystore." exit 1 end keystore = keystores.find { |k| k.fingerprint == apk_fingerprint} unless keystore puts "#{app} is not signed with any of the available keystores." puts "Tried the following keystores:" keystores.each do |k| puts k.location end puts "" puts "You can resign the app with #{keystores.first.location} by running: calabash-android resign #{app}" puts "" puts "Notice that resigning an app might break some functionality." puts "Getting a copy of the certificate used when the app was built will in general be more reliable." exit 1 end test_server_file_name = test_server_path(app) FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(test_server_file_name) unless File.exist? File.dirname(test_server_file_name) unsigned_test_apk = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib/calabash-android/lib/TestServer.apk') test_server_manifest = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib', 'calabash-android', 'lib', 'AndroidManifest.xml') Dir.mktmpdir do |workspace_dir| Dir.chdir(workspace_dir) do FileUtils.cp(unsigned_test_apk, "TestServer.apk") FileUtils.cp(test_server_manifest, "AndroidManifest.xml") unless system %Q{"#{RbConfig.ruby}" -pi.bak -e "gsub(/#targetPackage#/, '#{package_name(app)}')" AndroidManifest.xml} raise "Could not replace package name in manifest" end unless system %Q{"#{RbConfig.ruby}" -pi.bak -e "gsub(/#testPackage#/, '#{package_name(app)}.test')" AndroidManifest.xml} raise "Could not replace test package name in manifest" end unless system %Q{"#{Calabash::Android::Dependencies.aapt_path}" package -M AndroidManifest.xml -I "#{Calabash::Android::Dependencies.android_jar_path}" -F dummy.apk} raise "Could not create dummy.apk" end Calabash::Utils.with_silent_zip do"dummy.apk").extract("AndroidManifest.xml","customAndroidManifest.xml")"TestServer.apk") do |zip_file| begin check_file("AndroidManifest.xml") manifest_exists = true rescue manifest_exists = false end if manifest_exists zip_file.remove("AndroidManifest.xml") end zip_file.add("AndroidManifest.xml", "customAndroidManifest.xml") end end end keystore.sign_apk("#{workspace_dir}/TestServer.apk", test_server_file_name) begin rescue => e calabash_log e raise "Could not sign test server" end end puts "Done signing the test server. Moved it to #{test_server_file_name}" end