<%#= README.md.erb is used to auto-generate README.md. %> <%#= To manually maintain README.md throw away README.md.erb and manually edit README.md %> ###### (Automatically generated documentation) # <%= name %> ## Description <%= description %> ## Modeler Description <%= modelerDescription %> ## Measure Type <%= measureType %> ## Taxonomy <%= taxonomy %> ## Arguments <% arguments.each do |argument| %> ### <%= argument[:display_name] %> <%= argument[:description] %> **Name:** <%= argument[:name] %>, **Type:** <%= argument[:type] %>, **Units:** <%= argument[:units] %>, **Required:** <%= argument[:required] %>, **Model Dependent:** <%= argument[:model_dependent] %> <% end %> <% if arguments.size == 0 %> <%= "This measure does not have any user arguments" %> <% end %> <% if outputs.size > 0 %> ## Outputs <% output_names = [] %> <% outputs.each do |output| %> <% output_names << output[:display_name] %> <% end %> <%= output_names.join(", ") %> <% end %> ## Screenshot of Sample Summary Table ![Summary Table](./docs/generic_qaqc_summary.jpg?raw=true) ## Screenshot of Sample Detailed Table ![Detailed Table](./docs/generic_qaqc_detailed.jpg?raw=true)