# == Schema Information # # Endpoint: # - /v1/users # - /v1/organizations/:organization_id/users # # id :string e.g.: 1 # uid :string e.g.: usr-k3j23npo # email :string(255) default(""), not null # authenticatable_salt :string(255) used for session authentication # encrypted_password :string(255) default(""), not null # reset_password_token :string(255) # reset_password_sent_at :datetime # remember_created_at :datetime # sign_in_count :integer default(0) # current_sign_in_at :datetime # last_sign_in_at :datetime # current_sign_in_ip :string(255) # last_sign_in_ip :string(255) # confirmation_token :string(255) # confirmed_at :datetime # confirmation_sent_at :datetime # unconfirmed_email :string(255) # failed_attempts :integer default(0) # unlock_token :string(255) # locked_at :datetime # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # name :string(255) # surname :string(255) # company :string(255) # phone :string(255) # phone_country_code :string(255) # geo_country_code :string(255) # geo_state_code :string(255) # geo_city :string(255) # website :string(255) # module MnoEnterprise class User < BaseResource extend Devise::Models # Note: password and encrypted_password are write-only attributes and are never returned by # the remote API. If you are looking for a session token, use authenticatable_salt attributes :uid, :email, :password, :current_password, :password_confirmation, :authenticatable_salt, :encrypted_password, :reset_password_token, :reset_password_sent_at, :remember_created_at, :sign_in_count, :current_sign_in_at, :last_sign_in_at, :current_sign_in_ip, :last_sign_in_ip, :confirmation_token, :confirmed_at, :confirmation_sent_at, :unconfirmed_email, :failed_attempts, :unlock_token, :locked_at, :name, :surname, :company, :phone, :phone_country_code, :geo_country_code, :geo_state_code, :geo_city, :website, :orga_on_create, :sso_session, :current_password_required, :admin_role define_model_callbacks :validation #required by Devise devise :remote_authenticatable, :registerable, :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable, :lockable, :confirmable, :timeoutable, :password_expirable #================================ # Validation #================================ if Devise.password_regex validates :password, format: { with: Devise.password_regex, message: Devise.password_regex_message }, if: :password_required? end #================================ # Associations #================================ has_many :organizations, class_name: 'MnoEnterprise::Organization' has_many :org_invites, class_name: 'MnoEnterprise::OrgInvite' has_one :deletion_request, class_name: 'MnoEnterprise::DeletionRequest' has_many :dashboards, class_name: 'MnoEnterprise::Impac::Dashboard' has_many :teams, class_name: 'MnoEnterprise::Team' #================================ # Callbacks #================================ before_save :expire_user_cache #================================ # Class Methods #================================ # The auth_hash includes an email and password # Return nil in case of failure def self.authenticate(auth_hash) u = self.post("user_sessions", auth_hash) if u && u.id u.clear_attribute_changes! return u end nil end #================================ # Devise Confirmation # TODO: should go in a module #================================ # Override Devise to allow confirmation via original token # Less secure but useful if user has been created by Maestrano Enterprise # (happens when an orga_invite is sent to a new user) # # Find a user by its confirmation token and try to confirm it. # If no user is found, returns a new user with an error. # If the user is already confirmed, create an error for the user # Options must have the confirmation_token def self.confirm_by_token(confirmation_token) confirmable = self.find_for_confirmation(confirmation_token) confirmable.perform_confirmation(confirmation_token) confirmable end # Find a user using a confirmation token def self.find_for_confirmation(confirmation_token) original_token = confirmation_token confirmation_token = Devise.token_generator.digest(self, :confirmation_token, confirmation_token) confirmable = find_or_initialize_with_error_by(:confirmation_token, confirmation_token) confirmable = find_or_initialize_with_error_by(:confirmation_token, original_token) if confirmable.errors.any? confirmable end # Confirm the user and store confirmation_token def perform_confirmation(confirmation_token) self.confirm if self.persisted? self.confirmation_token = confirmation_token end # It may happen that that the errors attribute become nil, which breaks the controller logic (rails responder) # This getter ensures that 'errors' is always initialized def errors @errors ||= ActiveModel::Errors.new(self) end #================================ # Instance Methods #================================ def to_s "#{name} #{surname}" end # Format for audit log def to_audit_event { user_name: to_s, user_email: email } end # Default value for failed attempts def failed_attempts read_attribute(:failed_attempts) || 0 end # Override Devise default method def authenticatable_salt read_attribute(:authenticatable_salt) end # Return the role of this user for the provided # organization def role(organization = nil) # Return cached version if available return self.read_attribute(:role) if !organization org = self.organizations.to_a.find { |o| o.id.to_s == organization.id.to_s } org ? org.role : nil end def expire_user_cache Rails.cache.delete(['user', self.to_key]) true # Don't skip save if above return false (memory_store) end def refresh_user_cache self.reload Rails.cache.write(['user', self.to_key], self) end end end