<%= csrf_tag %>


Plugin components extend the functionality of the framework in abstract ways.

<%= erb :flash, {:layout => false} %> <% plugins.each do |plugin|%>
disabled="disabled" <%end%> type="checkbox" class="plugin" name="plugins[<%=plugin['plug_name']%>]" <% if session['opts']['plugins'] && session['opts']['plugins'].include?( plugin['plug_name'] ) %> checked="checked" <% end %> /> <%=plugin['name']%> <%if plugin_has_required_file_option?( plugin['options'] )%> (This plugin requires an option type which is not yet supported by the WebUI) <%end%>
 <%=prep_description( escape( plugin['description'] ) )%>
<%= erb :options, { :layout => false }, :component => plugin, :session_options => session_options%>

Version: <%=plugin['version']%>
Author: <%=escape( plugin['author'])%>

<% end %>