module ActiveSupport module Cache module Strategy module LocalCache module LocalCacheRegistry def cache_for: (untyped local_cache_key) -> untyped def set_cache_for: (untyped local_cache_key, untyped value) -> untyped extend LocalCacheRegistry end end end end module Notifications interface _Callable5 def call: (String, Time, Time, String, Hash[untyped, untyped]) -> void end interface _Callable1 def call: (untyped event) -> void end # Subscribe to a given event name with the passed +block+. # # You can subscribe to events by passing a String to match exact event # names, or by passing a Regexp to match all events that match a pattern. # # ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe(/render/) do |*args| # @event =*args) # end # # The +block+ will receive five parameters with information about the event: # # ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe('render') do |name, start, finish, id, payload| # name # => String, name of the event (such as 'render' from above) # start # => Time, when the instrumented block started execution # finish # => Time, when the instrumented block ended execution # id # => String, unique ID for the instrumenter that fired the event # payload # => Hash, the payload # end # # If the block passed to the method only takes one parameter, # it will yield an event object to the block: # # ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe(/render/) do |event| # @event = event # end def self.subscribe: (String | Regexp, _Callable5 | _Callable1) -> Subscriber | ... end class TimeWithZone # Returns a string of the object's date and time. # # This method is aliased to to_formatted_s. # # Accepts an optional format: # * :default - default value, mimics Ruby Time#to_s format. # * :db - format outputs time in UTC :db time. See Time#to_fs(:db). # * Any key in +Time::DATE_FORMATS+ can be used. See active_support/core_ext/time/conversions.rb. def to_fs: (?Symbol format) -> String end class TimeZone # Locate a specific time zone object. If the argument is a string, it # is interpreted to mean the name of the timezone to locate. If it is a # numeric value it is either the hour offset, or the second offset, of the # timezone to find. (The first one with that offset will be returned.) # Returns +nil+ if no such time zone is known to the system. def self.[]: (instance | TZInfo::Timezone | String | real | Duration) -> instance? end end # activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/zones.rb class Time # Returns a TimeZone instance matching the time zone provided. # Accepts the time zone in any format supported by # Raises an +ArgumentError+ for invalid time zones. # # Time.find_zone! "America/New_York" # => # # Time.find_zone! "EST" # => # # Time.find_zone! -5.hours # => # # Time.find_zone! nil # => nil # Time.find_zone! false # => false # Time.find_zone! "NOT-A-TIMEZONE" # => ArgumentError: Invalid Timezone: NOT-A-TIMEZONE def self.find_zone!: (ActiveSupport::TimeZone | TZInfo::Timezone | String | real | ActiveSupport::Duration) -> ActiveSupport::TimeZone # Returns a TimeZone instance matching the time zone provided. # Accepts the time zone in any format supported by # Returns +nil+ for invalid time zones. # # Time.find_zone "America/New_York" # => # # Time.find_zone "NOT-A-TIMEZONE" # => nil def self.find_zone: (ActiveSupport::TimeZone | TZInfo::Timezone | String | real | ActiveSupport::Duration | nil) -> ActiveSupport::TimeZone? end module Enumerable[unchecked out Elem] # Returns a new +Array+ without the blank items. # Uses Object#blank? for determining if an item is blank. # # [1, "", nil, 2, " ", [], {}, false, true].compact_blank # # => [1, 2, true] # #[nil, "", 1, false]).compact_blank # # => [1] # # When called on a +Hash+, returns a new +Hash+ without the blank values. # # { a: "", b: 1, c: nil, d: [], e: false, f: true }.compact_blank # # => { b: 1, f: true } def compact_blank: () -> Array[Elem] end class Hash[unchecked out K, unchecked out V] # Hash#reject has its own definition, so this needs one too. def compact_blank: () -> Hash[K, V] # Removes all blank values from the +Hash+ in place and returns self. # Uses Object#blank? for determining if a value is blank. # # h = { a: "", b: 1, c: nil, d: [], e: false, f: true } # h.compact_blank! # # => { b: 1, f: true } def compact_blank!: () -> Hash[K, V] end class Array[unchecked out Elem] # Removes all blank elements from the +Array+ in place and returns self. # Uses Object#blank? for determining if an item is blank. # # a = [1, "", nil, 2, " ", [], {}, false, true] # a.compact_blank! # # => [1, 2, true] def compact_blank!: () -> Array[Elem] end # active_support/core_ext/string/inflections.rb class String def downcase_first: () -> String end