# New Relic Logstash Output Plugin This is a plugin for [Logstash](https://github.com/elastic/logstash) that outputs logs to New Relic. ## Installation Install the New Relic Logstash plugin using the following command:
`logstash-plugin install logstash-output-newrelic` ### Versions Versions of this plugin less than 1.0.0 are unsupported. ## Configuration Add the following block to your logstash.conf (with your specific API Insert key), then restart Logstash. There are other optional configuration properties, see below. Get your API Insert Key: `https://insights.newrelic.com/accounts//manage/api_keys` Example: ```rb output { newrelic { api_key => "" } } ``` ### Required plugin configuration | Property | Description | |---|---| | api_key | your New Relic API Insert key | ### Optional plugin configuration | Property | Description | Default value | |---|---|---| | concurrent_requests | The number of threads to make requests from | 1 | | base_uri | New Relic ingestion endpoint | https://log-api.newrelic.com/log/v1 | ### EU plugin configuration When using this plugin in the EU override the base_uri with `http://log-api.eu.newrelic.com/log/v1` ## Testing An easy way to test the plugin is to make sure Logstash is getting input from a log file you can write to. Something like this in your logstash.conf: ``` input { file { path => "/path/to/your/log/file" } } ``` * Restart Logstash * Append a test log message to your log file: `echo "test message" >> /path/to/your/log/file` * Search New Relic Logs for `"test message"` ## JSON message parsing This plugin will attempt to parse any 'message' attribute as JSON -- if it is JSON, it will be parsed and the JSON attributes will be added to the event. For example, the event: ``` { "timestamp": 1562767499238, "message": "{\"service-name\": \"login-service\", \"user\": {\"id\": 123, \"name\": \"alice\"}}" } ``` Will be treated as: ``` { "timestamp": 1562767499238, "message": "{\"service-name\": \"my-service\", \"user\": {\"id\": 123, \"name\": \"alice\"}}", "service-name": "login-service", "user": { "id": 123, "name": "alice" } } ```