class Brief::Apps::Blueprint::Epic include Brief::Model defined_in Pathname(__FILE__) meta do title subheading project owner status String, :in => %w(draft published) tags Array end example <<-EOF --- type: epic status: draft --- # Epic Title Write a description for your epic. # Features ## Feature Title As a **PERSONA** I would like to **BEHAVIOR** so that I can **GOAL** EOF template <<-EOF # <%= object.title %> # Features <% Array(object.features).each do |feature| %> ## <%= feature.title %> As a **User** I would like to **Do this** so that I can **succeed** <% end %> EOF content do title "h1:first-of-type" paragraph "p:first-of-type" paragraphs "p" define_section "Features" do each("h2").has(:title => "h2", :paragraph => "p:first-of-type", :components => "p:first-of-type strong", :tasks => "ul li" ) each("h2").is_a :feature end end helpers do def features do |item| item.components = Array(item.components) item.merge(goal: item.components[2], persona: item.components[0], behavior: item.components[1]) end end end end