# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: # srb rbi gems # typed: ignore # # If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: # # https://github.com/sorbet/sorbet-typed/new/master?filename=lib/active_interaction/all/active_interaction.rbi # # active_interaction-4.1.0 module ActiveInteraction end class ActiveInteraction::Error < StandardError end class ActiveInteraction::InvalidNameError < ActiveInteraction::Error end class ActiveInteraction::InvalidConverterError < ActiveInteraction::Error end class ActiveInteraction::InvalidDefaultError < ActiveInteraction::Error end class ActiveInteraction::InvalidFilterError < ActiveInteraction::Error end class ActiveInteraction::InvalidInteractionError < ActiveInteraction::Error def interaction; end def interaction=(arg0); end end class ActiveInteraction::InvalidValueError < ActiveInteraction::Error end class ActiveInteraction::MissingFilterError < ActiveInteraction::Error end class ActiveInteraction::MissingValueError < ActiveInteraction::Error end class ActiveInteraction::NoDefaultError < ActiveInteraction::Error end class ActiveInteraction::InvalidNestedValueError < ActiveInteraction::InvalidValueError def filter_name; end def initialize(filter_name, input_value); end def input_value; end end class ActiveInteraction::Interrupt < ActiveInteraction::Error def errors; end def initialize(errors); end end class ActiveInteraction::Errors < ActiveModel::Errors def attribute?(attribute); end def backtrace; end def backtrace=(arg0); end def detailed_error?(detail); end def merge!(other); end def merge_detail!(attribute, detail, message); end def merge_details!(other); end def merge_message!(attribute, message); end end module ActiveInteraction::ActiveModelable def i18n_scope; end def model_name(*args, &block); end def new_record?; end def persisted?; end extend ActiveModel::Naming extend ActiveSupport::Concern include ActiveModel::Conversion include ActiveModel::Validations end module ActiveInteraction::ActiveModelable::ClassMethods def i18n_scope; end end module ActiveInteraction::ActiveRecordable def column_for_attribute(name); end def has_attribute?(name); end end module ActiveInteraction::Hashable def hash(*args, &block); end extend ActiveSupport::Concern end module ActiveInteraction::Missable def filter(slug); end def method_missing(slug, *args); end def respond_to_missing?(slug, *arg1); end extend ActiveSupport::Concern end module ActiveInteraction::Runnable def compose(other, *args); end def errors; end def execute; end def result; end def result=(result); end def run!; end def run; end def valid?(*arg0); end extend ActiveSupport::Concern include ActiveModel::Validations end module ActiveInteraction::Runnable::ClassMethods def new(*arg0); end def run!(*args); end def run(*args); end end class ActiveInteraction::GroupedInput < OpenStruct end class ActiveInteraction::Inputs < Anonymous_Delegator_1 def initialize(inputs = nil); end def self.assign_to_grouped_input!(inputs, key, index, value); end def self.keys_for_group?(keys, group_key); end def self.normalize_inputs!(inputs); end def self.process(inputs); end def self.reserved?(name); end end module ActiveInteraction::Validation def self.type(filter); end def self.validate(context, filters, inputs); end end class ActiveInteraction::FilterColumn def initialize(type); end def limit; end def number?; end def self.intern(type); end def self.new(*arg0); end def text?; end def type; end end class ActiveInteraction::Filter def accepts_grouped_inputs?; end def adjust_output(value, _context); end def cast(value, context, convert: nil, reconstantize: nil); end def clean(value, context); end def convert(value); end def database_column_type; end def default(context = nil); end def default?; end def desc; end def describe(value); end def filters; end def initialize(name, options = nil, &block); end def klass; end def matches?(_value); end def name; end def options; end def raw_default(context); end def self.factory(slug); end def self.register(slug); end def self.slug; end end class ActiveInteraction::Base def __callbacks; end def __callbacks?; end def _execute_callbacks; end def _run_execute_callbacks(&block); end def _run_type_check_callbacks(&block); end def _run_validate_callbacks(&block); end def _type_check_callbacks; end def _validate_callbacks; end def _validators; end def _validators?; end def given?(input, *rest); end def initialize(inputs = nil); end def inputs; end def model_name(*args, &block); end def populate_filters_and_inputs(inputs); end def run_validations!; end def self.__callbacks; end def self.__callbacks=(value); end def self.__callbacks?; end def self._execute_callbacks; end def self._execute_callbacks=(value); end def self._type_check_callbacks; end def self._type_check_callbacks=(value); end def self._validate_callbacks; end def self._validate_callbacks=(value); end def self._validators; end def self._validators=(value); end def self._validators?; end def self.add_filter(klass, name, options, &block); end def self.desc(desc = nil); end def self.eagerly_evaluate_default(filter); end def self.filters; end def self.import_filters(klass, options = nil); end def self.inherited(klass); end def self.initialize_filter(filter); end def self.method_missing(*args, &block); end def type_check; end def validation_context; end def validation_context=(arg0); end extend ActiveInteraction::ActiveModelable::ClassMethods extend ActiveInteraction::Runnable::ClassMethods extend ActiveModel::Callbacks extend ActiveModel::Conversion::ClassMethods extend ActiveModel::Naming extend ActiveModel::Translation extend ActiveModel::Validations::ClassMethods extend ActiveModel::Validations::HelperMethods extend ActiveSupport::Callbacks::ClassMethods extend ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker include ActiveInteraction::ActiveModelable include ActiveInteraction::ActiveRecordable include ActiveInteraction::Runnable include ActiveModel::Conversion include ActiveModel::Validations include ActiveModel::Validations include ActiveModel::Validations::HelperMethods include ActiveSupport::Callbacks end class ActiveInteraction::InterfaceFilter < ActiveInteraction::Filter def checking_class_inheritance?(object, from); end def class_inherits_from?(klass, inherits_from); end def from; end def initialize(name, options = nil, &block); end def matches?(object); end def matches_methods?(object); end def singleton_ancestor?(object, from); end end class ActiveInteraction::AbstractDateTimeFilter < ActiveInteraction::Filter def accepts_grouped_inputs?; end def convert(value); end def convert_grouped_input(value); end def convert_string(value); end def database_column_type; end def format; end def format?; end def klasses; end def matches?(value); end end class ActiveInteraction::AbstractNumericFilter < ActiveInteraction::Filter def convert(value); end def converter(value); end def database_column_type; end def matches?(value); end def safe_converter(value); end end class ActiveInteraction::ArrayFilter < ActiveInteraction::Filter def add_option_in_place_of_name(klass, options); end def adjust_output(value, context); end def convert(value); end def klasses; end def matches?(value); end def method_missing(*arg0, &block); end def validate!(names); end include ActiveInteraction::Missable end class ActiveInteraction::BooleanFilter < ActiveInteraction::Filter def convert(value); end def database_column_type; end def matches?(value); end end class ActiveInteraction::DateFilter < ActiveInteraction::AbstractDateTimeFilter end class ActiveInteraction::DateTimeFilter < ActiveInteraction::AbstractDateTimeFilter def database_column_type; end end class ActiveInteraction::DecimalFilter < ActiveInteraction::AbstractNumericFilter def converter(value); end def digits; end def klass; end end class ActiveInteraction::FileFilter < ActiveInteraction::Filter def database_column_type; end def matches?(object); end end class ActiveInteraction::FloatFilter < ActiveInteraction::AbstractNumericFilter end class ActiveInteraction::HashFilter < ActiveInteraction::Filter def adjust_output(value, context); end def clean_value(hash, name, filter, value, context); end def convert(value); end def matches?(value); end def method_missing(*args, &block); end def raw_default(*arg0); end def strip?; end include ActiveInteraction::Missable end class ActiveInteraction::IntegerFilter < ActiveInteraction::AbstractNumericFilter def base; end def converter(value); end end class ActiveInteraction::ObjectFilter < ActiveInteraction::Filter def convert(value); end def converter(value); end def klass; end def matches?(value); end end class ActiveInteraction::RecordFilter < ActiveInteraction::Filter def convert(value); end def find(klass, value, finder); end def klass; end def matches?(value); end end class ActiveInteraction::StringFilter < ActiveInteraction::Filter def adjust_output(value, _context); end def convert(value); end def matches?(value); end def strip?; end end class ActiveInteraction::SymbolFilter < ActiveInteraction::Filter def convert(value); end def matches?(value); end end class ActiveInteraction::TimeFilter < ActiveInteraction::AbstractDateTimeFilter def convert(value); end def database_column_type; end def initialize(name, options = nil, &block); end def klass; end def klasses; end def time_with_zone?; end end