Feature: Create a new Test Kitchen Driver project In order to make plugin development a snap As a user of Test Kitchen I want a command to run that will give me a driver gem project scaffold Scenario: Displaying help When I run `kitchen help driver create` Then the output should contain: """ Usage: kitchen driver create [NAME] """ And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: Running with default values When I run `kitchen driver create qemu` Then a directory named "kitchen-qemu" should exist And the file "kitchen-qemu/CHANGELOG.md" should contain: """ ## 0.1.0 / Unreleased """ And the file "kitchen-qemu/Gemfile" should contain "gemspec" And the file "kitchen-qemu/Rakefile" should contain "task :stats" And the file "kitchen-qemu/README.md" should contain: """ Kitchen::Qemu """ And the file "kitchen-qemu/kitchen-qemu.gemspec" should contain: """ require 'kitchen/driver/qemu_version' """ And the file "kitchen-qemu/LICENSE" should contain: """ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 """ And the file "kitchen-qemu/.gitignore" should contain: """ Gemfile.lock """ And the file "kitchen-qemu/.tailor" should contain: """ config.file_set 'lib/**/*.rb' """ And the file "kitchen-qemu/.travis.yml" should contain: """ language: ruby """ And a file named "kitchen-qemu/.cane" should exist And the file "kitchen-qemu/lib/kitchen/driver/qemu_version.rb" should contain: """ QEMU_VERSION = "0.1.0.dev" """ And the file "kitchen-qemu/lib/kitchen/driver/qemu.rb" should contain: """ class Qemu < Kitchen::Driver::SSHBase """ Scenario: Running with an alternate license When I successfully run `kitchen driver create foo --license=reserved` Then the file "kitchen-foo/LICENSE" should contain: """ All rights reserved - Do Not Redistribute """