require 'jwt' require 'faraday' require 'forwardable' # Public: Toplevel Livefyre namespace module Livefyre # Public: Exception thrown when the Livefyre API does not return a success value # #message will be the response body from the Livefyre API. class APIException < ::Exception; end # Public: Set the default configuration object for Livefyre clients # # Returns [nil] def self.config=(config) config.keys.each do |key| config[(key.to_sym rescue key) || key] = config.delete(key) end if config.is_a? Hash @@config = config @@client = nil end # Public: Get the configuration object for default clients # # Returns [Hash] configuration hash def self.config @@config end # Public: Retreive a singleton instance of the Livefyre client # # Returns [Livefyre::Client] instance configured with the default settings # Raises Exception if #config is nil def self.client raise "Invalid configuration" if @@config.nil? @@client ||= end end require File.expand_path("livefyre/client", File.dirname(__FILE__)) require File.expand_path("livefyre/user", File.dirname(__FILE__)) require File.expand_path("livefyre/domain", File.dirname(__FILE__)) require File.expand_path("livefyre/site", File.dirname(__FILE__)) if defined?(Rails) require File.expand_path("livefyre/controller_extensions", File.dirname(__FILE__)) require File.expand_path("livefyre/helpers", File.dirname(__FILE__)) require File.expand_path("livefyre/model_extensions", File.dirname(__FILE__)) require File.expand_path("../railties/railtie", File.dirname(__FILE__)) require File.expand_path("livefyre/engine", File.dirname(__FILE__)) end