def name_referencers link_name=nil link_name = link_name.nil? ? key : link_name.to_name.key Card.all :joins => :references_to, :conditions => { :card_references => { :referee_key => link_name } } end def extended_referencers # FIXME .. we really just need a number here. (dependents + [self]).map(&:referencers).flatten.uniq end def replace_references old_name, new_name obj_content = raw_content, card=self obj_content.find_chunks( Card::Chunk::Reference ).select do |chunk| if old_ref_name = chunk.referee_name and new_ref_name = old_ref_name.replace_part(old_name, new_name) chunk.referee_name = chunk.replace_reference old_name, new_name Card::Reference.where( :referee_key => old_ref_name.key ).update_all :referee_key => new_ref_name.key end end obj_content.to_s end def update_references rendered_content = nil, refresh = false raise "update references should not be called on new cards" if id.nil? Card::Reference.delete_all_from self # FIXME: why not like this: references_expired = nil # do we have to make sure this is saved? #Card.update( id, :references_expired=>nil ) # or just this and save it elsewhere? #references_expired=nil connection.execute("update cards set references_expired=NULL where id=#{id}") # references_expired = nil expire if refresh rendered_content ||=, card=self) rendered_content.find_chunks(Card::Chunk::Reference).each do |chunk| if referee_name = chunk.referee_name # name is referenced (not true of commented inclusions) referee_id = chunk.referee_id if id != referee_id # not self reference #update_references chunk.referee_name if Card::Content === chunk.referee_name # for the above to work we will need to get past delete_all! referee_name.piece_names.each do |name| if name.key != key # don't create self reference # reference types: # L = link # I = inclusion # P = partial (i.e. the name is part of a compound name that is referenced by a link or inclusion) # The partial type is needed to keep track of references of virtual cards. # For example a link [[A+*self]] won't make it to the reference table because A+*self is virtual and # doesn't have an id but when A's name is changed we have to find and update that link. ref_type = if name == referee_name Card::Chunk::Link===chunk ? 'L' : 'I' else 'P' end Card::Reference.create!( :referer_id => id, :referee_id => Card.where(:key=>name.key).pluck(:id).first, :referee_key => name.key, :ref_type => ref_type, :present => 1 ) end end end end end end def referencers return [] unless refs = references_from &Card.method(:fetch) ).compact end def includers return [] unless refs = references_from.where( :ref_type => 'I' ) &Card.method(:fetch) ).compact end def referees return [] unless refs = references_to { |ref| Card.fetch ref.referee_key, :new=>{} }.compact end def includees return [] unless refs = references_to.where( :ref_type => 'I' ) { |ref| Card.fetch ref.referee_key, :new=>{} }.compact end protected event :refresh_references, :after=>:store, :on=>:save do self.update_references expire_structuree_references end event :refresh_references_on_create, :before=>:refresh_references, :on=>:create do Card::Reference.update_existing_key self # FIXME: bogus blank default content is set on structured cards... end event :refresh_references_on_delete, :after=>:store, :on=>:delete do Card::Reference.update_on_delete self expire_structuree_references end