require "time" #This object writes headers, trailing headers, status headers and more for HTTP-sessions. class Hayabusa::Http_session::Response attr_accessor :chunked, :cgroup, :nl, :status, :http_version, :headers, :headers_trailing, :headers_sent, :socket STATUS_CODES = { 100 => "Continue", 200 => "OK", 201 => "Created", 202 => "Accepted", 204 => "No Content", 205 => "Reset Content", 206 => "Partial Content", 301 => "Moved Permanently", 302 => "Found", 303 => "See Other", 304 => "Not Modified", 307 => "Temporary Redirect", 400 => "Bad Request", 401 => "Unauthorized", 403 => "Forbidden", 404 => "Not Found", 408 => "Request Timeout", 500 => "Internal Server Error" } NL = "\r\n" def initialize(args) @chunked = false @socket = args[:socket] @hb = args[:hb] end def reset(args) @status = 200 @http_version = args[:http_version] @close = args[:close] @fileobj = nil @close = true if @http_version == "1.0" @trailers = [] @skip_statuscode = true if args[:mode] == :cgi @session_cookie = args[:cookie] @headers_sent = false @headers_trailing = {} @mode = args[:mode] @cookies = [] @headers = { "date" => ["Date",] } if args[:mode] != :cgi and (!args.key?(:chunked) or args[:chunked]) @chunked = true end end def header(key, val) lines = val.to_s.count("\n") + 1 raise "Value contains more lines than 1 (#{lines})." if lines > 1 if !@headers_sent @headers[key.to_s.downcase.strip] = [key, val] else raise "Headers already sent and given header was not in trailing headers: '#{key}'." if @trailers.index(key) == nil @headers_trailing[key.to_s.downcase.strip] = [key, val] end end # Returns the value of a header. def get_header_value(header) header_p = header.to_s.downcase.strip gothrough = [@headers, @headers_trailing] gothrough.each do |headers| headers.each do |key, val| return val[1] if header_p == key end end return nil end # Returns true if the given header-name is sat. def has_header?(header) header_p = header.to_s.downcase.strip return @headers.key?(header_p) || @headers_trailing.key?(header_p) end def cookie(cookie) @cookies << cookie @session_cookie[cookie["name"]] = cookie["value"] end def header_str if @http_version == "1.1" && @chunked self.header("Connection", "Keep-Alive") self.header("Transfer-Encoding", "chunked") elsif @http_version == "1.1" && get_header_value("content-length").to_i > 0 self.header("Connection", "Keep-Alive") end self.header("Keep-Alive", "timeout=15, max=30") if self.get_header_value("connection") == "Keep-Alive" if @skip_statuscode res = "" else if @http_version == "1.0" res = "HTTP/1.0 #{@status}" else res = "HTTP/1.1 #{@status}" end code = STATUS_CODES[@status] res << " #{code}" if code res << NL end @headers.each do |key, val| res << "#{val[0]}: #{val[1]}#{NL}" end if @http_version == "1.1" @trailers.each do |trailer| res << "Trailer: #{trailer}#{NL}" end end @cookies.each do |cookie| res << "Set-Cookie: #{Knj::Web.cookie_str(cookie)}#{NL}" end res << NL return res end def write # Write headers to socket. @socket.write(self.header_str) @headers_sent = true @cgroup.chunked = @chunked # Set the content-length on the content-group to enable write-lenght-validation. if self.has_header?("content-length") @cgroup.content_length = self.get_header_value("content-length").to_i else @cgroup.content_length = nil end if @chunked @cgroup.write_to_socket @socket.write("0#{NL}") @headers_trailing.each do |header_id_str, header| @socket.write("#{header[0]}: #{header[1]}#{NL}") end @socket.write(NL) else @cgroup.write_to_socket end # Validate that no more has been written than given in content-length, since that will corrupt the client. if self.has_header?("content-length") length = cgroup.length_written content_length = self.get_header_value("content-length").to_i raise "More written than given in content-length: #{length}, #{content_length}" if length != content_length end # Close socket if that should be done. if @close and @mode != :cgi @hb.log_puts("Hauabusa: Closing socket.") @socket.close end end end