# coding: utf-8 # typed: true require 'io/console' module CLI module UI module Prompt class InteractiveOptions extend T::Sig DONE = 'Done' CHECKBOX_ICON = { false => '☐', true => '☑' } class << self extend T::Sig # Prompts the user with options # Uses an interactive session to allow the user to pick an answer # Can use arrows, y/n, numbers (1/2), and vim bindings to control # For more than 9 options, hitting 'e', ':', or 'G' will enter select # mode allowing the user to type in longer numbers # Pressing 'f' or '/' will allow the user to filter the results # # https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3074765/33797984-0ebb5e64-dcdf-11e7-9e7e-7204f279cece.gif # # ==== Example Usage: # # Ask an interactive question # CLI::UI::Prompt::InteractiveOptions.call(%w(rails go python)) # sig do params(options: T::Array[String], multiple: T::Boolean, default: T.nilable(T.any(String, T::Array[String]))) .returns(T.any(String, T::Array[String])) end def call(options, multiple: false, default: nil) list = new(options, multiple: multiple, default: default) selected = list.call case selected when Array selected.map { |s| T.must(options[s - 1]) } else T.must(options[selected - 1]) end end end # Initializes a new +InteractiveOptions+ # Usually called from +self.call+ # # ==== Example Usage: # # CLI::UI::Prompt::InteractiveOptions.new(%w(rails go python)) # sig do params(options: T::Array[String], multiple: T::Boolean, default: T.nilable(T.any(String, T::Array[String]))) .void end def initialize(options, multiple: false, default: nil) @options = options @active = 1 @marker = '>' @answer = nil @state = :root @multiple = multiple # Indicate that an extra line (the "metadata" line) is present and # the terminal output should be drawn over when processing user input @displaying_metadata = false @filter = '' # 0-indexed array representing if selected # @options[0] is selected if @chosen[0] if multiple @chosen = if default @options.map { |option| default.include?(option) } else Array.new(@options.size) { false } end end @redraw = true @presented_options = T.let([], T::Array[[String, T.nilable(Integer)]]) end # Calls the +InteractiveOptions+ and asks the question # Usually used from +self.call+ # sig { returns(T.any(Integer, T::Array[Integer])) } def call calculate_option_line_lengths CLI::UI.raw { print(ANSI.hide_cursor) } while @answer.nil? render_options process_input_until_redraw_required reset_position end clear_output @answer ensure CLI::UI.raw do print(ANSI.show_cursor) end end private sig { void } def calculate_option_line_lengths @terminal_width_at_calculation_time = CLI::UI::Terminal.width # options will be an array of questions but each option can be multi-line # so to get the # of lines, you need to join then split # since lines may be longer than the terminal is wide, we need to # determine how many extra lines would be taken up by them max_width = (@terminal_width_at_calculation_time - @options.count.to_s.size - # Width of the displayed number 5 - # Extra characters added during rendering (@multiple ? 1 : 0) # Space for the checkbox, if rendered ).to_f @option_lengths = @options.map do |text| width = 1 if text.empty? width ||= text .split("\n") .reject(&:empty?) .sum { |l| (CLI::UI.fmt(l, enable_color: false).length / max_width).ceil } width end end sig { params(number_of_lines: Integer).void } def reset_position(number_of_lines = num_lines) # This will put us back at the beginning of the options # When we redraw the options, they will be overwritten CLI::UI.raw do number_of_lines.times { print(ANSI.previous_line) } end end sig { params(number_of_lines: Integer).void } def clear_output(number_of_lines = num_lines) CLI::UI.raw do # Write over all lines with whitespace number_of_lines.times { puts(' ' * CLI::UI::Terminal.width) } end reset_position(number_of_lines) # Update if metadata is being displayed # This must be done _after_ the output is cleared or it won't draw over # the entire output @displaying_metadata = display_metadata? end # Don't use this in place of +@displaying_metadata+, this updates too # quickly to be useful when drawing to the screen. sig { returns(T::Boolean) } def display_metadata? filtering? || selecting? || has_filter? end sig { returns(Integer) } def num_lines calculate_option_line_lengths if terminal_width_changed? option_length = presented_options.reduce(0) do |total_length, (_, option_number)| # Handle continuation markers and "Done" option when multiple is true next total_length + 1 if option_number.nil? || option_number.zero? total_length + @option_lengths[option_number - 1] end option_length + (@displaying_metadata ? 1 : 0) end sig { returns(T::Boolean) } def terminal_width_changed? @terminal_width_at_calculation_time != CLI::UI::Terminal.width end ESC = "\e" BACKSPACE = "\u007F" CTRL_C = "\u0003" CTRL_D = "\u0004" sig { void } def up active_index = @filtered_options.index { |_, num| num == @active } || 0 previous_visible = @filtered_options[active_index - 1] previous_visible ||= @filtered_options.last @active = previous_visible ? previous_visible.last : -1 @redraw = true end sig { void } def down active_index = @filtered_options.index { |_, num| num == @active } || 0 next_visible = @filtered_options[active_index + 1] next_visible ||= @filtered_options.first @active = next_visible ? next_visible.last : -1 @redraw = true end # n is 1-indexed selection # n == 0 if "Done" was selected in @multiple mode sig { params(n: Integer).void } def select_n(n) if @multiple if n == 0 @answer = [] @chosen.each_with_index do |selected, i| @answer << i + 1 if selected end else @active = n @chosen[n - 1] = !@chosen[n - 1] end elsif n == 0 # Ignore pressing "0" when not in multiple mode else @active = n @answer = n end @redraw = true end sig { params(char: String).void } def select_bool(char) return unless (@options - ['yes', 'no']).empty? index = T.must(@options.index { |o| o.start_with?(char) }) @active = index + 1 @answer = index + 1 @redraw = true end sig { params(char: String).void } def build_selection(char) @active = (@active.to_s + char).to_i @redraw = true end sig { void } def chop_selection @active = @active.to_s.chop.to_i @redraw = true end sig { params(char: String).void } def update_search(char) @redraw = true # Control+D or Backspace on empty search closes search if (char == CTRL_D) || (@filter.empty? && (char == BACKSPACE)) @filter = '' @state = :root return end if char == BACKSPACE @filter.chop! else @filter += char end end sig { void } def select_current # Prevent selection of invisible options return unless presented_options.any? { |_, num| num == @active } select_n(@active) end sig { void } def process_input_until_redraw_required @redraw = false wait_for_user_input until @redraw end # rubocop:disable Style/WhenThen,Layout/SpaceBeforeSemicolon,Style/Semicolon sig { void } def wait_for_user_input char = read_char @last_char = char case char when CTRL_C, nil ; raise Interrupt end max_digit = [@options.size, 9].min.to_s case @state when :root case char when ESC ; @state = :esc when 'k' ; up when 'j' ; down when 'e', ':', 'G' ; start_line_select when 'f', '/' ; start_filter when ('0'..max_digit) ; select_n(char.to_i) when 'y', 'n' ; select_bool(char) when ' ', "\r", "\n" ; select_current # <enter> end when :filter case char when ESC ; @state = :esc when "\r", "\n" ; select_current when "\b" ; update_search(BACKSPACE) # Happens on Windows else ; update_search(char) end when :line_select case char when ESC ; @state = :esc when 'k' ; up ; @state = :root when 'j' ; down ; @state = :root when 'e', ':', 'G', 'q' ; stop_line_select when '0'..'9' ; build_selection(char) when BACKSPACE ; chop_selection # Pop last input on backspace when ' ', "\r", "\n" ; select_current end when :esc case char when '[' ; @state = :esc_bracket else ; raise Interrupt # unhandled escape sequence. end when :esc_bracket @state = has_filter? ? :filter : :root case char when 'A' ; up when 'B' ; down when 'C' ; # Ignore right key when 'D' ; # Ignore left key else ; raise Interrupt # unhandled escape sequence. end end end # rubocop:enable Style/WhenThen,Layout/SpaceBeforeSemicolon,Style/Semicolon sig { returns(T::Boolean) } def selecting? @state == :line_select end sig { returns(T::Boolean) } def filtering? @state == :filter end sig { returns(T::Boolean) } def has_filter? !@filter.empty? end sig { void } def start_filter @state = :filter @redraw = true end sig { void } def start_line_select @state = :line_select @active = 0 @redraw = true end sig { void } def stop_line_select @state = :root @active = 1 if @active.zero? @redraw = true end sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) } def read_char if $stdin.tty? && !ENV['TEST'] $stdin.getch # raw mode for tty else $stdin.getc # returns nil at end of input end rescue Errno::EIO, Errno::EPIPE, IOError "\e" end sig { params(recalculate: T::Boolean).returns(T::Array[[String, T.nilable(Integer)]]) } def presented_options(recalculate: false) return @presented_options unless recalculate @presented_options = @options.zip(1..) if has_filter? @presented_options.select! { |option, _| option.downcase.include?(@filter.downcase) } end # Used for selection purposes @presented_options.push([DONE, 0]) if @multiple @filtered_options = @presented_options.dup ensure_visible_is_active if has_filter? # Must have more lines before the selection than we can display if distance_from_start_to_selection > max_lines @presented_options.shift(distance_from_start_to_selection - max_lines) ensure_first_item_is_continuation_marker end # Must have more lines after the selection than we can display if distance_from_selection_to_end > max_lines @presented_options.pop(distance_from_selection_to_end - max_lines) ensure_last_item_is_continuation_marker end while num_lines > max_lines # try to keep the selection centered in the window: if distance_from_selection_to_end > distance_from_start_to_selection # selection is closer to top than bottom, so trim a row from the bottom ensure_last_item_is_continuation_marker @presented_options.delete_at(-2) else # selection is closer to bottom than top, so trim a row from the top ensure_first_item_is_continuation_marker @presented_options.delete_at(1) end end @presented_options end sig { void } def ensure_visible_is_active unless presented_options.any? { |_, num| num == @active } @active = presented_options.first&.last.to_i end end sig { returns(Integer) } def distance_from_selection_to_end @presented_options.count - index_of_active_option end sig { returns(Integer) } def distance_from_start_to_selection index_of_active_option end sig { returns(Integer) } def index_of_active_option @presented_options.index { |_, num| num == @active }.to_i end sig { void } def ensure_last_item_is_continuation_marker @presented_options.push(['...', nil]) if @presented_options.last&.last end sig { void } def ensure_first_item_is_continuation_marker @presented_options.unshift(['...', nil]) if @presented_options.first&.last end sig { returns(Integer) } def max_lines CLI::UI::Terminal.height - (@displaying_metadata ? 3 : 2) # Keeps a one line question visible end sig { void } def render_options previously_displayed_lines = num_lines @displaying_metadata = display_metadata? options = presented_options(recalculate: true) clear_output(previously_displayed_lines) if previously_displayed_lines > num_lines max_num_length = (@options.size + 1).to_s.length metadata_text = if selecting? select_text = @active select_text = '{{info:e, q, or up/down anytime to exit}}' if @active == 0 "Select: #{select_text}" elsif filtering? || has_filter? filter_text = @filter filter_text = '{{info:Ctrl-D anytime or Backspace now to exit}}' if @filter.empty? "Filter: #{filter_text}" end puts CLI::UI.fmt(" {{green:#{metadata_text}}}#{ANSI.clear_to_end_of_line}") if metadata_text options.each do |choice, num| is_chosen = @multiple && num && @chosen[num - 1] && num != 0 padding = ' ' * (max_num_length - num.to_s.length) message = " #{num}#{num ? "." : " "}#{padding}" format = '%s' # If multiple, bold only selected. If not multiple, bold everything format = "{{bold:#{format}}}" if !@multiple || is_chosen format = "{{cyan:#{format}}}" if @multiple && is_chosen && num != @active format = " #{format}" message += format(format, CHECKBOX_ICON[is_chosen]) if @multiple && num && num > 0 message += format_choice(format, choice) if num == @active color = filtering? || selecting? ? 'green' : 'blue' message = message.split("\n").map { |l| "{{#{color}:> #{l.strip}}}" }.join("\n") end puts CLI::UI.fmt(message) end end sig { params(format: String, choice: String).returns(String) } def format_choice(format, choice) eol = CLI::UI::ANSI.clear_to_end_of_line lines = choice.split("\n") return eol if lines.empty? # Handle blank options lines.map! { |l| format(format, l) + eol } lines.join("\n") end end end end end