class ASHRAE9012013 < ASHRAE901 # @!group Model # Determine the prototypical economizer type for the model. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param climate_zone [String] ASHRAE climate zone, e.g. 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4A' # @return [String] the economizer type. Possible values are: # 'NoEconomizer' # 'FixedDryBulb' # 'FixedEnthalpy' # 'DifferentialDryBulb' # 'DifferentialEnthalpy' # 'FixedDewPointAndDryBulb' # 'ElectronicEnthalpy' # 'DifferentialDryBulbAndEnthalpy' def model_economizer_type(model, climate_zone) economizer_type = case climate_zone when 'ASHRAE 169-2006-0A', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-1A', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-2A', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-3A', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-4A', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-0A', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-1A', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-2A', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-3A', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4A' 'DifferentialEnthalpy' else 'DifferentialDryBulb' end return economizer_type end # Adjust model to comply with fenestration orientation requirements # @note code_sections [90.1-2013_5.5.4.5] # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param climate_zone [String] ASHRAE climate zone, e.g. 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4A' # @return [Boolean] returns true if successful, false if not def model_fenestration_orientation(model, climate_zone) # Building rotation to meet the same code requirement for # 90.1-2010 are kept if model.getBuilding.standardsBuildingType.is_initialized building_type = model.getBuilding.standardsBuildingType.get case building_type when 'Hospital' # Rotate the building counter-clockwise model_set_building_north_axis(model, 270.0) when 'SmallHotel' # Rotate the building clockwise model_set_building_north_axis(model, 180) end end wwr = false # Section in the ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2013 Determination # of Energy Savings: Quantitative Analysis mentions that the SHGC trade-off # path is most likely to be used by designers for compliance. # # The following adjustment are only made for models with simple glazing objects non_simple_glazing = false shgc_a = 0 model.getSpaces.each do |space| # Get thermal zone multiplier multiplier = space.thermalZone.get.multiplier space.surfaces.each do |surface| surface.subSurfaces.each do |subsurface| # Get window subsurface type subsurface_type = subsurface.subSurfaceType.to_s.downcase # Window, glass doors next unless (subsurface_type.include? 'window') || (subsurface_type.include? 'glass') # Check if non simple glazing fenestration objects are used subsurface_cons = non_simple_glazing = true unless subsurface_cons.layers[0].to_SimpleGlazing.is_initialized if non_simple_glazing OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.ashrae_90_1_2013.model', 'Fenestration objects in the model use non-simple glazing models, fenestration requirements are not applied') return false end # Get subsurface's simple glazing object subsurface_shgc = subsurface_cons.layers[0].to_SimpleGlazing.get.solarHeatGainCoefficient # Get subsurface area subsurface_area = subsurface.grossArea * subsurface.multiplier * multiplier # SHGC * Area shgc_a += subsurface_shgc * subsurface_area end end end # Calculate West, East and total fenestration area a_w = model_get_window_area_info_for_orientation(model, 'W', wwr: wwr) a_e = model_get_window_area_info_for_orientation(model, 'E', wwr: wwr) a_t = a_w + a_e + model_get_window_area_info_for_orientation(model, 'N', wwr: wwr) + model_get_window_area_info_for_orientation(model, 'S', wwr: wwr) return true if a_t == 0.0 # For prototypes SHGC_c assumed to be the building's weighted average SHGC shgc_c = shgc_a / a_t shgc_c = shgc_c.round(2) # West and East facing WWR wwr_w = model_get_window_area_info_for_orientation(model, 'W', wwr: true) wwr_e = model_get_window_area_info_for_orientation(model, 'E', wwr: true) # Calculate new SHGC for west and east facing fenestration; # Create new simple glazing object and assign it to all # West and East fenestration # # Exception 5 is applied when applicable shgc_w = 0 shgc_e = 0 if !((a_w <= a_t / 4) && (a_e <= a_t / 4)) # Calculate new SHGC if wwr_w > 0.2 shgc_w = a_t * shgc_c / (4 * a_w) end if wwr_e > 0.2 shgc_e = a_t * shgc_c / (4 * a_w) end # No SHGC adjustment needed return true if shgc_w == 0 && shgc_e == 0 model.getSpaces.each do |space| # Get thermal zone multiplier multiplier = space.thermalZone.get.multiplier space.surfaces.each do |surface| # Proceed only for East and West facing surfaces that are required # to have their SHGC adjusted next unless (surface_cardinal_direction(surface) == 'W' && shgc_w > 0) || (surface_cardinal_direction(surface) == 'E' && shgc_e > 0) surface.subSurfaces.each do |subsurface| # Get window subsurface type subsurface_type = subsurface.subSurfaceType.to_s.downcase # Window, glass doors next unless (subsurface_type.include? 'window') || (subsurface_type.include? 'glass') new_shgc = surface_cardinal_direction(surface) == 'W' ? shgc_w : shgc_e new_shgc = new_shgc.round(2) # Get construction/simple glazing associated with the subsurface subsurface_org_cons = subsurface_org_cons_mat = subsurface_org_cons.layers[0].to_SimpleGlazing.get # Only proceed if new SHGC is different than orignal one next unless (new_shgc - subsurface_org_cons_mat.solarHeatGainCoefficient).abs > 0 # Clone construction/simple glazing associated with the subsurface subsurface_new_cons = subsurface_org_cons.clone(model).to_Construction.get subsurface_new_cons.setName("#{} Wind Cons U-#{OpenStudio.convert(subsurface_org_cons_mat.uFactor, 'W/m^2*K', 'Btu/ft^2*h*R').get.round(2)} SHGC #{new_shgc}") subsurface_new_cons_mat = subsurface_org_cons_mat.clone(model).to_SimpleGlazing.get subsurface_new_cons_mat.setName("#{} Wind SG Mat U-#{OpenStudio.convert(subsurface_org_cons_mat.uFactor, 'W/m^2*K', 'Btu/ft^2*h*R').get.round(2)} SHGC #{new_shgc}") subsurface_new_cons_mat.setSolarHeatGainCoefficient(new_shgc) new_layers = new_layers << subsurface_new_cons_mat subsurface_new_cons.setLayers(new_layers) # Assign new construction to sub surface subsurface.setConstruction(subsurface_new_cons) end end end end return true end # Is transfer air required? # @note code_sections [90.1-2013_6.] # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [Boolean] returns true if transfer air is required, false if not def model_transfer_air_required?(model) # @todo It actually is for kitchen but not implemented yet return false end end