# typed: true
# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `activemodel` gem.
# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem activemodel`.
# :include: ../README.rdoc
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/gem_version.rb#3
module ActiveModel
extend ::ActiveSupport::Autoload
class << self
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/deprecator.rb#4
def deprecator; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model.rb#76
def eager_load!; end
# Returns the currently loaded version of \Active \Model as a +Gem::Version+.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/gem_version.rb#5
def gem_version; end
# Returns the currently loaded version of \Active \Model as a +Gem::Version+.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/version.rb#7
def version; end
# = Active \Model \API
# Includes the required interface for an object to interact with
# Action Pack and Action View, using different Active \Model modules.
# It includes model name introspections, conversions, translations, and
# validations. Besides that, it allows you to initialize the object with a
# hash of attributes, pretty much like Active Record does.
# A minimal implementation could be:
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::API
# attr_accessor :name, :age
# end
# person = Person.new(name: 'bob', age: '18')
# person.name # => "bob"
# person.age # => "18"
# Note that, by default, +ActiveModel::API+ implements #persisted?
# to return +false+, which is the most common case. You may want to override
# it in your class to simulate a different scenario:
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::API
# attr_accessor :id, :name
# def persisted?
# self.id.present?
# end
# end
# person = Person.new(id: 1, name: 'bob')
# person.persisted? # => true
# Also, if for some reason you need to run code on initialize ( ::new ), make
# sure you call +super+ if you want the attributes hash initialization to
# happen.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::API
# attr_accessor :id, :name, :omg
# def initialize(attributes={})
# super
# @omg ||= true
# end
# end
# person = Person.new(id: 1, name: 'bob')
# person.omg # => true
# For more detailed information on other functionalities available, please
# refer to the specific modules included in +ActiveModel::API+
# (see below).
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/api.rb#59
module ActiveModel::API
include ::ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection
include ::ActiveModel::AttributeAssignment
extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern
include GeneratedInstanceMethods
include ::ActiveSupport::Callbacks
include ::ActiveModel::Validations::HelperMethods
include ::ActiveModel::Validations
include ::ActiveModel::Conversion
mixes_in_class_methods GeneratedClassMethods
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveModel::Validations::ClassMethods
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveModel::Callbacks
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveSupport::Callbacks::ClassMethods
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveModel::Translation
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveModel::Validations::HelperMethods
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveModel::Conversion::ClassMethods
# Initializes a new model with the given +params+.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::API
# attr_accessor :name, :age
# end
# person = Person.new(name: 'bob', age: '18')
# person.name # => "bob"
# person.age # => "18"
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/api.rb#80
def initialize(attributes = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Indicates if the model is persisted. Default is +false+.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::API
# attr_accessor :id, :name
# end
# person = Person.new(id: 1, name: 'bob')
# person.persisted? # => false
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/api.rb#95
def persisted?; end
module GeneratedClassMethods
def __callbacks; end
def __callbacks=(value); end
def _validators; end
def _validators=(value); end
def _validators?; end
def param_delimiter; end
def param_delimiter=(value); end
def param_delimiter?; end
module GeneratedInstanceMethods
def __callbacks; end
def _validators; end
def _validators?; end
def param_delimiter=(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/access.rb#7
module ActiveModel::Access
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/access.rb#8
def slice(*methods); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/access.rb#12
def values_at(*methods); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#6
class ActiveModel::Attribute
# This method should not be called directly.
# Use #from_database or #from_user
# @return [Attribute] a new instance of Attribute
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#33
def initialize(name, value_before_type_cast, type, original_attribute = T.unsafe(nil), value = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#115
def ==(other); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#107
def came_from_user?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#66
def changed?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#70
def changed_in_place?; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#135
def encode_with(coder); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#115
def eql?(other); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#74
def forgetting_assignment; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#111
def has_been_read?; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#123
def hash; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#127
def init_with(coder); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#103
def initialized?; end
# Returns the value of attribute name.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#29
def name; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#47
def original_value; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#143
def original_value_for_database; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#62
def serializable?(&block); end
# Returns the value of attribute type.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#29
def type; end
# @raise [NotImplementedError]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#99
def type_cast(*_arg0); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#41
def value; end
# Returns the value of attribute value_before_type_cast.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#29
def value_before_type_cast; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#55
def value_for_database; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#87
def with_cast_value(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#91
def with_type(type); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute/user_provided_default.rb#7
def with_user_default(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#83
def with_value_from_database(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#78
def with_value_from_user(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#169
def _original_value_for_database; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#165
def _value_for_database; end
# Returns the value of attribute original_attribute.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#152
def assigned?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#161
def changed_from_assignment?; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#155
def initialize_dup(other); end
# Returns the value of attribute original_attribute.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#152
def original_attribute; end
class << self
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#8
def from_database(name, value_before_type_cast, type, value = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#12
def from_user(name, value_before_type_cast, type, original_attribute = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#20
def null(name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#24
def uninitialized(name, type); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#16
def with_cast_value(name, value_before_type_cast, type); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#173
class ActiveModel::Attribute::FromDatabase < ::ActiveModel::Attribute
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#178
def forgetting_assignment; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#174
def type_cast(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#192
def _original_value_for_database; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#197
class ActiveModel::Attribute::FromUser < ::ActiveModel::Attribute
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#202
def came_from_user?; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#198
def type_cast(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#207
def _value_for_database; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#222
class ActiveModel::Attribute::Null < ::ActiveModel::Attribute
# @return [Null] a new instance of Null
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#223
def initialize(name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#227
def type_cast(*_arg0); end
# @raise [ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#235
def with_cast_value(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#231
def with_type(type); end
# @raise [ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#235
def with_value_from_database(value); end
# @raise [ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#235
def with_value_from_user(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#242
class ActiveModel::Attribute::Uninitialized < ::ActiveModel::Attribute
# @return [Uninitialized] a new instance of Uninitialized
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#245
def initialize(name, type); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#266
def forgetting_assignment; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#262
def initialized?; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#255
def original_value; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#249
def value; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#259
def value_for_database; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#270
def with_type(type); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#243
ActiveModel::Attribute::Uninitialized::UNINITIALIZED_ORIGINAL_VALUE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Object)
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute/user_provided_default.rb#11
class ActiveModel::Attribute::UserProvidedDefault < ::ActiveModel::Attribute::FromUser
# @return [UserProvidedDefault] a new instance of UserProvidedDefault
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute/user_provided_default.rb#12
def initialize(name, value, type, database_default); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute/user_provided_default.rb#29
def marshal_dump; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute/user_provided_default.rb#40
def marshal_load(values); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute/user_provided_default.rb#17
def value_before_type_cast; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute/user_provided_default.rb#25
def with_type(type); end
# Returns the value of attribute user_provided_value.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute/user_provided_default.rb#52
def user_provided_value; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#212
class ActiveModel::Attribute::WithCastValue < ::ActiveModel::Attribute
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#217
def changed_in_place?; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute.rb#213
def type_cast(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_assignment.rb#6
module ActiveModel::AttributeAssignment
include ::ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection
# Allows you to set all the attributes by passing in a hash of attributes with
# keys matching the attribute names.
# If the passed hash responds to permitted? method and the return value
# of this method is +false+ an ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesError
# exception is raised.
# class Cat
# include ActiveModel::AttributeAssignment
# attr_accessor :name, :status
# end
# cat = Cat.new
# cat.assign_attributes(name: "Gorby", status: "yawning")
# cat.name # => 'Gorby'
# cat.status # => 'yawning'
# cat.assign_attributes(status: "sleeping")
# cat.name # => 'Gorby'
# cat.status # => 'sleeping'
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_assignment.rb#28
def assign_attributes(new_attributes); end
# Like `BasicObject#method_missing`, `#attribute_writer_missing` is invoked
# when `#assign_attributes` is passed an unknown attribute name.
# By default, `#attribute_writer_missing` raises an UnknownAttributeError.
# class Rectangle
# include ActiveModel::AttributeAssignment
# attr_accessor :length, :width
# def attribute_writer_missing(name, value)
# Rails.logger.warn "Tried to assign to unknown attribute #{name}"
# end
# end
# rectangle = Rectangle.new
# rectangle.assign_attributes(height: 10) # => Logs "Tried to assign to unknown attribute 'height'"
# @raise [UnknownAttributeError]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_assignment.rb#56
def attribute_writer_missing(name, value); end
# Allows you to set all the attributes by passing in a hash of attributes with
# keys matching the attribute names.
# If the passed hash responds to permitted? method and the return value
# of this method is +false+ an ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesError
# exception is raised.
# class Cat
# include ActiveModel::AttributeAssignment
# attr_accessor :name, :status
# end
# cat = Cat.new
# cat.assign_attributes(name: "Gorby", status: "yawning")
# cat.name # => 'Gorby'
# cat.status # => 'yawning'
# cat.assign_attributes(status: "sleeping")
# cat.name # => 'Gorby'
# cat.status # => 'sleeping'
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_assignment.rb#28
def attributes=(new_attributes); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_assignment.rb#67
def _assign_attribute(k, v); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_assignment.rb#61
def _assign_attributes(attributes); end
# = Active \Model \Attribute \Methods
# Provides a way to add prefixes and suffixes to your methods as
# well as handling the creation of ActiveRecord::Base - like
# class methods such as +table_name+.
# The requirements to implement +ActiveModel::AttributeMethods+ are to:
# * include ActiveModel::AttributeMethods in your class.
# * Call each of its methods you want to add, such as +attribute_method_suffix+
# or +attribute_method_prefix+.
# * Call +define_attribute_methods+ after the other methods are called.
# * Define the various generic +_attribute+ methods that you have declared.
# * Define an +attributes+ method which returns a hash with each
# attribute name in your model as hash key and the attribute value as hash value.
# Hash keys must be strings.
# A minimal implementation could be:
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::AttributeMethods
# attribute_method_affix prefix: 'reset_', suffix: '_to_default!'
# attribute_method_suffix '_contrived?'
# attribute_method_prefix 'clear_'
# define_attribute_methods :name
# attr_accessor :name
# def attributes
# { 'name' => @name }
# end
# private
# def attribute_contrived?(attr)
# true
# end
# def clear_attribute(attr)
# send("#{attr}=", nil)
# end
# def reset_attribute_to_default!(attr)
# send("#{attr}=", 'Default Name')
# end
# end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#64
module ActiveModel::AttributeMethods
extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern
include GeneratedInstanceMethods
mixes_in_class_methods GeneratedClassMethods
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods
# +attribute_missing+ is like +method_missing+, but for attributes. When
# +method_missing+ is called we check to see if there is a matching
# attribute method. If so, we tell +attribute_missing+ to dispatch the
# attribute. This method can be overloaded to customize the behavior.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#520
def attribute_missing(match, *_arg1, **_arg2, &_arg3); end
# Allows access to the object attributes, which are held in the hash
# returned by attributes, as though they were first-class
# methods. So a +Person+ class with a +name+ attribute can for example use
# Person#name and Person#name= and never directly use
# the attributes hash -- except for multiple assignments with
# ActiveRecord::Base#attributes=.
# It's also possible to instantiate related objects, so a Client
# class belonging to the +clients+ table with a +master_id+ foreign key
# can instantiate master through Client#master.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#507
def method_missing(method, *_arg1, **_arg2, &_arg3); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#528
def respond_to?(method, include_private_methods = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# A +Person+ instance with a +name+ attribute can ask
# person.respond_to?(:name), person.respond_to?(:name=),
# and person.respond_to?(:name?) which will all return +true+.
def respond_to_without_attributes?(*_arg0); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#556
def _read_attribute(attr); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#541
def attribute_method?(attr_name); end
# Returns a struct representing the matching attribute method.
# The struct's attributes are prefix, base and suffix.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#547
def matched_attribute_method(method_name); end
# @raise [ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#552
def missing_attribute(attr_name, stack); end
module GeneratedClassMethods
def attribute_aliases; end
def attribute_aliases=(value); end
def attribute_aliases?; end
def attribute_method_patterns; end
def attribute_method_patterns=(value); end
def attribute_method_patterns?; end
module GeneratedInstanceMethods
def attribute_aliases; end
def attribute_aliases?; end
def attribute_method_patterns; end
def attribute_method_patterns?; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#560
module ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::AttrNames
class << self
# We want to generate the methods via module_eval rather than
# define_method, because define_method is slower on dispatch.
# But sometimes the database might return columns with
# characters that are not allowed in normal method names (like
# 'my_column(omg)'. So to work around this we first define with
# the __temp__ identifier, and then use alias method to rename
# it to what we want.
# We are also defining a constant to hold the frozen string of
# the attribute name. Using a constant means that we do not have
# to allocate an object on each call to the attribute method.
# Making it frozen means that it doesn't get duped when used to
# key the @attributes in read_attribute.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#577
def define_attribute_accessor_method(owner, attr_name, writer: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#561
ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::AttrNames::DEF_SAFE_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#68
ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::CALL_COMPILABLE_REGEXP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#75
module ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods
# Allows you to make aliases for attributes.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::AttributeMethods
# attr_accessor :name
# attribute_method_suffix '_short?'
# define_attribute_methods :name
# alias_attribute :nickname, :name
# private
# def attribute_short?(attr)
# send(attr).length < 5
# end
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.name = 'Bob'
# person.name # => "Bob"
# person.nickname # => "Bob"
# person.name_short? # => true
# person.nickname_short? # => true
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#203
def alias_attribute(new_name, old_name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#226
def alias_attribute_method_definition(code_generator, pattern, new_name, old_name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#382
def aliases_by_attribute_name; end
# Returns the original name for the alias +name+
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#245
def attribute_alias(name); end
# Is +new_name+ an alias?
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#240
def attribute_alias?(new_name); end
# Declares a method available for all attributes with the given prefix
# and suffix. Uses +method_missing+ and respond_to? to rewrite
# the method.
# #{prefix}#{attr}#{suffix}(*args, &block)
# to
# #{prefix}attribute#{suffix}(#{attr}, *args, &block)
# An #{prefix}attribute#{suffix} instance method must exist and
# accept at least the +attr+ argument.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::AttributeMethods
# attr_accessor :name
# attribute_method_affix prefix: 'reset_', suffix: '_to_default!'
# define_attribute_methods :name
# private
# def reset_attribute_to_default!(attr)
# send("#{attr}=", 'Default Name')
# end
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.name # => 'Gem'
# person.reset_name_to_default!
# person.name # => 'Default Name'
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#175
def attribute_method_affix(*affixes); end
# Declares a method available for all attributes with the given prefix.
# Uses +method_missing+ and respond_to? to rewrite the method.
# #{prefix}#{attr}(*args, &block)
# to
# #{prefix}attribute(#{attr}, *args, &block)
# An instance method #{prefix}attribute must exist and accept
# at least the +attr+ argument.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::AttributeMethods
# attr_accessor :name
# attribute_method_prefix 'clear_'
# define_attribute_methods :name
# private
# def clear_attribute(attr)
# send("#{attr}=", nil)
# end
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.name = 'Bob'
# person.name # => "Bob"
# person.clear_name
# person.name # => nil
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#106
def attribute_method_prefix(*prefixes, parameters: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Declares a method available for all attributes with the given suffix.
# Uses +method_missing+ and respond_to? to rewrite the method.
# #{attr}#{suffix}(*args, &block)
# to
# attribute#{suffix}(#{attr}, *args, &block)
# An attribute#{suffix} instance method must exist and accept at
# least the +attr+ argument.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::AttributeMethods
# attr_accessor :name
# attribute_method_suffix '_short?'
# define_attribute_methods :name
# private
# def attribute_short?(attr)
# send(attr).length < 5
# end
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.name = 'Bob'
# person.name # => "Bob"
# person.name_short? # => true
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#140
def attribute_method_suffix(*suffixes, parameters: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Declares an attribute that should be prefixed and suffixed by
# +ActiveModel::AttributeMethods+.
# To use, pass an attribute name (as string or symbol). Be sure to declare
# +define_attribute_method+ after you define any prefix, suffix or affix
# method, or they will not hook in.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::AttributeMethods
# attr_accessor :name
# attribute_method_suffix '_short?'
# # Call to define_attribute_method must appear after the
# # attribute_method_prefix, attribute_method_suffix or
# # attribute_method_affix declarations.
# define_attribute_method :name
# private
# def attribute_short?(attr)
# send(attr).length < 5
# end
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.name = 'Bob'
# person.name # => "Bob"
# person.name_short? # => true
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#311
def define_attribute_method(attr_name, _owner: T.unsafe(nil), as: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#320
def define_attribute_method_pattern(pattern, attr_name, owner:, as:, override: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Declares the attributes that should be prefixed and suffixed by
# +ActiveModel::AttributeMethods+.
# To use, pass attribute names (as strings or symbols). Be sure to declare
# +define_attribute_methods+ after you define any prefix, suffix, or affix
# methods, or they will not hook in.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::AttributeMethods
# attr_accessor :name, :age, :address
# attribute_method_prefix 'clear_'
# # Call to define_attribute_methods must appear after the
# # attribute_method_prefix, attribute_method_suffix or
# # attribute_method_affix declarations.
# define_attribute_methods :name, :age, :address
# private
# def clear_attribute(attr)
# send("#{attr}=", nil)
# end
# end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#272
def define_attribute_methods(*attr_names); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#211
def eagerly_generate_alias_attribute_methods(new_name, old_name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#217
def generate_alias_attribute_methods(code_generator, new_name, old_name); end
# Removes all the previously dynamically defined methods from the class, including alias attribute methods.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::AttributeMethods
# attr_accessor :name
# attribute_method_suffix '_short?'
# define_attribute_method :name
# alias_attribute :first_name, :name
# private
# def attribute_short?(attr)
# send(attr).length < 5
# end
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.name = 'Bob'
# person.first_name # => "Bob"
# person.name_short? # => true
# Person.undefine_attribute_methods
# person.name_short? # => NoMethodError
# person.first_name # => NoMethodError
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#375
def undefine_attribute_methods; end
# The methods +method_missing+ and +respond_to?+ of this module are
# invoked often in a typical rails, both of which invoke the method
# +matched_attribute_method+. The latter method iterates through an
# array doing regular expression matches, which results in a lot of
# object creations. Most of the time it returns a +nil+ match. As the
# match result is always the same given a +method_name+, this cache is
# used to alleviate the GC, which ultimately also speeds up the app
# significantly (in our case our test suite finishes 10% faster with
# this cache).
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#417
def attribute_method_patterns_cache; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#421
def attribute_method_patterns_matching(method_name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#445
def build_mangled_name(name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#455
def define_call(code_generator, name, target_name, mangled_name, parameters, call_args, namespace:, as:); end
# Define a method `name` in `mod` that dispatches to `send`
# using the given `extra` args. This falls back on `send`
# if the called name cannot be compiled.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#430
def define_proxy_call(code_generator, name, proxy_target, parameters, *call_args, namespace:, as: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#400
def generated_attribute_methods; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#387
def inherited(base); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#404
def instance_method_already_implemented?(method_name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#396
def resolve_attribute_name(name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#471
class ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods::AttributeMethodPattern
# @return [AttributeMethodPattern] a new instance of AttributeMethodPattern
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#476
def initialize(prefix: T.unsafe(nil), suffix: T.unsafe(nil), parameters: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#485
def match(method_name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#491
def method_name(attr_name); end
# Returns the value of attribute parameters.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#472
def parameters; end
# Returns the value of attribute prefix.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#472
def prefix; end
# Returns the value of attribute proxy_target.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#472
def proxy_target; end
# Returns the value of attribute suffix.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#472
def suffix; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#474
class ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods::AttributeMethodPattern::AttributeMethod < ::Struct
# Returns the value of attribute attr_name
# @return [Object] the current value of attr_name
def attr_name; end
# Sets the attribute attr_name
# @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute attr_name to.
# @return [Object] the newly set value
def attr_name=(_); end
# Returns the value of attribute proxy_target
# @return [Object] the current value of proxy_target
def proxy_target; end
# Sets the attribute proxy_target
# @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute proxy_target to.
# @return [Object] the newly set value
def proxy_target=(_); end
class << self
def [](*_arg0); end
def inspect; end
def keyword_init?; end
def members; end
def new(*_arg0); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#67
ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::NAME_COMPILABLE_REGEXP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#7
class ActiveModel::AttributeMutationTracker
# @return [AttributeMutationTracker] a new instance of AttributeMutationTracker
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#10
def initialize(attributes); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#40
def any_changes?; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#34
def change_to_attribute(attr_name); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#44
def changed?(attr_name, from: T.unsafe(nil), to: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#14
def changed_attribute_names; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#50
def changed_in_place?(attr_name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#18
def changed_values; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#26
def changes; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#63
def force_change(attr_name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#54
def forget_change(attr_name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#59
def original_value(attr_name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#74
def attr_names; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#78
def attribute_changed?(attr_name); end
# Returns the value of attribute attributes.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#68
def attributes; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#82
def fetch_value(attr_name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#70
def forced_changes; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#86
def type_cast(attr_name, value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#8
ActiveModel::AttributeMutationTracker::OPTION_NOT_GIVEN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Object)
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_registration.rb#8
module ActiveModel::AttributeRegistration
extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveModel::AttributeRegistration::ClassMethods
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_registration.rb#11
module ActiveModel::AttributeRegistration::ClassMethods
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_registration.rb#31
def _default_attributes; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_registration.rb#12
def attribute(name, type = T.unsafe(nil), default: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_registration.rb#37
def attribute_types; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_registration.rb#23
def decorate_attributes(names = T.unsafe(nil), &decorator); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_registration.rb#43
def type_for_attribute(attribute_name, &block); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_registration.rb#81
def apply_pending_attribute_modifications(attribute_set); end
# Hook for other modules to override. The attribute type is passed
# through this method immediately after it is resolved, before any type
# decorations are applied.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_registration.rb#112
def hook_attribute_type(attribute, type); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_registration.rb#77
def pending_attribute_modifications; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_registration.rb#91
def reset_default_attributes; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_registration.rb#96
def reset_default_attributes!; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_registration.rb#101
def resolve_attribute_name(name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_registration.rb#105
def resolve_type_name(name, **options); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_registration.rb#67
class ActiveModel::AttributeRegistration::ClassMethods::PendingDecorator < ::Struct
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_registration.rb#68
def apply_to(attribute_set); end
# Returns the value of attribute decorator
# @return [Object] the current value of decorator
def decorator; end
# Sets the attribute decorator
# @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute decorator to.
# @return [Object] the newly set value
def decorator=(_); end
# Returns the value of attribute names
# @return [Object] the current value of names
def names; end
# Sets the attribute names
# @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute names to.
# @return [Object] the newly set value
def names=(_); end
class << self
def [](*_arg0); end
def inspect; end
def keyword_init?; end
def members; end
def new(*_arg0); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_registration.rb#61
class ActiveModel::AttributeRegistration::ClassMethods::PendingDefault < ::Struct
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_registration.rb#62
def apply_to(attribute_set); end
# Returns the value of attribute default
# @return [Object] the current value of default
def default; end
# Sets the attribute default
# @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute default to.
# @return [Object] the newly set value
def default=(_); end
# Returns the value of attribute name
# @return [Object] the current value of name
def name; end
# Sets the attribute name
# @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute name to.
# @return [Object] the newly set value
def name=(_); end
class << self
def [](*_arg0); end
def inspect; end
def keyword_init?; end
def members; end
def new(*_arg0); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_registration.rb#54
class ActiveModel::AttributeRegistration::ClassMethods::PendingType < ::Struct
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_registration.rb#55
def apply_to(attribute_set); end
# Returns the value of attribute name
# @return [Object] the current value of name
def name; end
# Sets the attribute name
# @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute name to.
# @return [Object] the newly set value
def name=(_); end
# Returns the value of attribute type
# @return [Object] the current value of type
def type; end
# Sets the attribute type
# @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute type to.
# @return [Object] the newly set value
def type=(_); end
class << self
def [](*_arg0); end
def inspect; end
def keyword_init?; end
def members; end
def new(*_arg0); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#6
class ActiveModel::AttributeSet
# @return [AttributeSet] a new instance of AttributeSet
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set.rb#12
def initialize(attributes); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set.rb#106
def ==(other); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set.rb#16
def [](name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set.rb#20
def []=(name, value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set.rb#93
def accessed; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set.rb#24
def cast_types; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set.rb#73
def deep_dup; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set.rb#10
def each_value(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set.rb#10
def except(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set.rb#10
def fetch(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set.rb#50
def fetch_value(name, &block); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set.rb#68
def freeze; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set.rb#41
def include?(name); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set.rb#41
def key?(name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set.rb#46
def keys; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set.rb#97
def map(&block); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set.rb#87
def reset(key); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set.rb#102
def reverse_merge!(target_attributes); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set.rb#36
def to_h; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set.rb#36
def to_hash; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set.rb#28
def values_before_type_cast; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set.rb#32
def values_for_database; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set.rb#64
def write_cast_value(name, value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set.rb#54
def write_from_database(name, value); end
# @raise [FrozenError]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set.rb#58
def write_from_user(name, value); end
# Returns the value of attribute attributes.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set.rb#111
def attributes; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set.rb#114
def default_attribute(name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set.rb#82
def initialize_clone(_); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set.rb#77
def initialize_dup(_); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#7
class ActiveModel::AttributeSet::Builder
# @return [Builder] a new instance of Builder
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#10
def initialize(types, default_attributes = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#15
def build_from_database(values = T.unsafe(nil), additional_types = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the value of attribute default_attributes.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#8
def default_attributes; end
# Returns the value of attribute types.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#8
def types; end
# Attempts to do more intelligent YAML dumping of an
# ActiveModel::AttributeSet to reduce the size of the resulting string
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/yaml_encoder.rb#7
class ActiveModel::AttributeSet::YAMLEncoder
# @return [YAMLEncoder] a new instance of YAMLEncoder
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/yaml_encoder.rb#8
def initialize(default_types); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/yaml_encoder.rb#22
def decode(coder); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/yaml_encoder.rb#12
def encode(attribute_set, coder); end
# Returns the value of attribute default_types.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/yaml_encoder.rb#37
def default_types; end
# = Active \Model \Attributes
# The Attributes module allows models to define attributes beyond simple Ruby
# readers and writers. Similar to Active Record attributes, which are
# typically inferred from the database schema, Active Model Attributes are
# aware of data types, can have default values, and can handle casting and
# serialization.
# To use Attributes, include the module in your model class and define your
# attributes using the +attribute+ macro. It accepts a name, a type, a default
# value, and any other options supported by the attribute type.
# ==== Examples
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Attributes
# attribute :name, :string
# attribute :active, :boolean, default: true
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.name = "Volmer"
# person.name # => "Volmer"
# person.active # => true
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attributes.rb#30
module ActiveModel::Attributes
extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern
include GeneratedInstanceMethods
include ::ActiveModel::AttributeRegistration
include ::ActiveModel::AttributeMethods
mixes_in_class_methods GeneratedClassMethods
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveModel::AttributeRegistration::ClassMethods
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveModel::Attributes::ClassMethods
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attributes.rb#106
def initialize(*_arg0); end
# Returns an array of attribute names as strings.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Attributes
# attribute :name, :string
# attribute :age, :integer
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.attribute_names # => ["name", "age"]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attributes.rb#146
def attribute_names; end
# Returns a hash of all the attributes with their names as keys and the
# values of the attributes as values.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Attributes
# attribute :name, :string
# attribute :age, :integer
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.name = "Francesco"
# person.age = 22
# person.attributes # => { "name" => "Francesco", "age" => 22}
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attributes.rb#131
def attributes; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attributes.rb#150
def freeze; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attributes.rb#156
def _write_attribute(attr_name, value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attributes.rb#161
def attribute(attr_name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attributes.rb#156
def attribute=(attr_name, value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attributes.rb#111
def initialize_dup(other); end
module GeneratedClassMethods
def attribute_aliases; end
def attribute_aliases=(value); end
def attribute_aliases?; end
def attribute_method_patterns; end
def attribute_method_patterns=(value); end
def attribute_method_patterns?; end
module GeneratedInstanceMethods
def attribute_aliases; end
def attribute_aliases?; end
def attribute_method_patterns; end
def attribute_method_patterns?; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attributes.rb#39
module ActiveModel::Attributes::ClassMethods
# :call-seq: attribute(name, cast_type = nil, default: nil, **options)
# Defines a model attribute. In addition to the attribute name, a cast
# type and default value may be specified, as well as any options
# supported by the given cast type.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Attributes
# attribute :name, :string
# attribute :active, :boolean, default: true
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.name = "Volmer"
# person.name # => "Volmer"
# person.active # => true
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attributes.rb#59
def attribute(name, *_arg1, **_arg2, &_arg3); end
# Returns an array of attribute names as strings.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Attributes
# attribute :name, :string
# attribute :age, :integer
# end
# Person.attribute_names # => ["name", "age"]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attributes.rb#74
def attribute_names; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attributes.rb#92
def define_method_attribute=(canonical_name, owner:, as: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# +BlockValidator+ is a special +EachValidator+ which receives a block on initialization
# and call this block for each attribute being validated. +validates_each+ uses this validator.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validator.rb#179
class ActiveModel::BlockValidator < ::ActiveModel::EachValidator
# @return [BlockValidator] a new instance of BlockValidator
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validator.rb#180
def initialize(options, &block); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validator.rb#186
def validate_each(record, attribute, value); end
# = Active \Model \Callbacks
# Provides an interface for any class to have Active Record like callbacks.
# Like the Active Record methods, the callback chain is aborted as soon as
# one of the methods throws +:abort+.
# First, extend +ActiveModel::Callbacks+ from the class you are creating:
# class MyModel
# extend ActiveModel::Callbacks
# end
# Then define a list of methods that you want callbacks attached to:
# define_model_callbacks :create, :update
# This will provide all three standard callbacks (before, around and after)
# for both the :create and :update methods. To implement,
# you need to wrap the methods you want callbacks on in a block so that the
# callbacks get a chance to fire:
# def create
# run_callbacks :create do
# # Your create action methods here
# end
# end
# Then in your class, you can use the +before_create+, +after_create+, and
# +around_create+ methods, just as you would in an Active Record model.
# before_create :action_before_create
# def action_before_create
# # Your code here
# end
# When defining an around callback remember to yield to the block, otherwise
# it won't be executed:
# around_create :log_status
# def log_status
# puts 'going to call the block...'
# yield
# puts 'block successfully called.'
# end
# You can choose to have only specific callbacks by passing a hash to the
# +define_model_callbacks+ method.
# define_model_callbacks :create, only: [:after, :before]
# Would only create the +after_create+ and +before_create+ callback methods in
# your class.
# NOTE: Defining the same callback multiple times will overwrite previous callback definitions.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/callbacks.rb#65
module ActiveModel::Callbacks
# +define_model_callbacks+ accepts the same options +define_callbacks+ does,
# in case you want to overwrite a default. Besides that, it also accepts an
# :only option, where you can choose if you want all types (before,
# around or after) or just some.
# define_model_callbacks :initialize, only: :after
# Note, the only: hash will apply to all callbacks defined
# on that method call. To get around this you can call the +define_model_callbacks+
# method as many times as you need.
# define_model_callbacks :create, only: :after
# define_model_callbacks :update, only: :before
# define_model_callbacks :destroy, only: :around
# Would create +after_create+, +before_update+, and +around_destroy+ methods
# only.
# You can pass in a class to before_, after_ and around_,
# in which case the callback will call that class's _ method
# passing the object that the callback is being called on.
# class MyModel
# extend ActiveModel::Callbacks
# define_model_callbacks :create
# before_create AnotherClass
# end
# class AnotherClass
# def self.before_create( obj )
# # obj is the MyModel instance that the callback is being called on
# end
# end
# NOTE: +method_name+ passed to +define_model_callbacks+ must not end with
# !, ? or =.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/callbacks.rb#109
def define_model_callbacks(*callbacks); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/callbacks.rb#143
def _define_after_model_callback(klass, callback); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/callbacks.rb#136
def _define_around_model_callback(klass, callback); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/callbacks.rb#129
def _define_before_model_callback(klass, callback); end
class << self
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/callbacks.rb#66
def extended(base); end
# = Active \Model \Conversion
# Handles default conversions: #to_model, #to_key, #to_param, and #to_partial_path.
# Let's take for example this non-persisted object.
# class ContactMessage
# include ActiveModel::Conversion
# # ContactMessage are never persisted in the DB
# def persisted?
# false
# end
# end
# cm = ContactMessage.new
# cm.to_model == cm # => true
# cm.to_key # => nil
# cm.to_param # => nil
# cm.to_partial_path # => "contact_messages/contact_message"
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/conversion.rb#24
module ActiveModel::Conversion
extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern
include GeneratedInstanceMethods
mixes_in_class_methods GeneratedClassMethods
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveModel::Conversion::ClassMethods
# Returns an Array of all key attributes if any of the attributes is set, whether or not
# the object is persisted. Returns +nil+ if there are no key attributes.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Conversion
# attr_accessor :id
# def initialize(id)
# @id = id
# end
# end
# person = Person.new(1)
# person.to_key # => [1]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/conversion.rb#67
def to_key; end
# If your object is already designed to implement all of the \Active \Model
# you can use the default :to_model implementation, which simply
# returns +self+.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Conversion
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.to_model == person # => true
# If your model does not act like an \Active \Model object, then you should
# define :to_model yourself returning a proxy object that wraps
# your object with \Active \Model compliant methods.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/conversion.rb#49
def to_model; end
# Returns a +string+ representing the object's key suitable for use in URLs,
# or +nil+ if persisted? is +false+.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Conversion
# attr_accessor :id
# def initialize(id)
# @id = id
# end
# def persisted?
# true
# end
# end
# person = Person.new(1)
# person.to_param # => "1"
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/conversion.rb#90
def to_param; end
# Returns a +string+ identifying the path associated with the object.
# ActionPack uses this to find a suitable partial to represent the object.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Conversion
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.to_partial_path # => "people/person"
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/conversion.rb#103
def to_partial_path; end
module GeneratedClassMethods
def param_delimiter; end
def param_delimiter=(value); end
def param_delimiter?; end
module GeneratedInstanceMethods
def param_delimiter=(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/conversion.rb#107
module ActiveModel::Conversion::ClassMethods
# Provide a class level cache for #to_partial_path. This is an
# internal method and should not be accessed directly.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/conversion.rb#110
def _to_partial_path; end
# = Active \Model \Dirty
# Provides a way to track changes in your object in the same way as
# Active Record does.
# The requirements for implementing ActiveModel::Dirty are:
# * include ActiveModel::Dirty in your object.
# * Call define_attribute_methods passing each method you want to
# track.
# * Call *_will_change! before each change to the tracked attribute.
# * Call changes_applied after the changes are persisted.
# * Call clear_changes_information when you want to reset the changes
# information.
# * Call restore_attributes when you want to restore previous data.
# A minimal implementation could be:
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Dirty
# define_attribute_methods :name
# def initialize
# @name = nil
# end
# def name
# @name
# end
# def name=(val)
# name_will_change! unless val == @name
# @name = val
# end
# def save
# # do persistence work
# changes_applied
# end
# def reload!
# # get the values from the persistence layer
# clear_changes_information
# end
# def rollback!
# restore_attributes
# end
# end
# A newly instantiated +Person+ object is unchanged:
# person = Person.new
# person.changed? # => false
# Change the name:
# person.name = 'Bob'
# person.changed? # => true
# person.name_changed? # => true
# person.name_changed?(from: nil, to: "Bob") # => true
# person.name_was # => nil
# person.name_change # => [nil, "Bob"]
# person.name = 'Bill'
# person.name_change # => [nil, "Bill"]
# Save the changes:
# person.save
# person.changed? # => false
# person.name_changed? # => false
# Reset the changes:
# person.previous_changes # => {"name" => [nil, "Bill"]}
# person.name_previously_changed? # => true
# person.name_previously_changed?(from: nil, to: "Bill") # => true
# person.name_previous_change # => [nil, "Bill"]
# person.name_previously_was # => nil
# person.reload!
# person.previous_changes # => {}
# Rollback the changes:
# person.name = "Uncle Bob"
# person.rollback!
# person.name # => "Bill"
# person.name_changed? # => false
# Assigning the same value leaves the attribute unchanged:
# person.name = 'Bill'
# person.name_changed? # => false
# person.name_change # => nil
# Which attributes have changed?
# person.name = 'Bob'
# person.changed # => ["name"]
# person.changes # => {"name" => ["Bill", "Bob"]}
# If an attribute is modified in-place then make use of
# {*_will_change!}[rdoc-label:method-i-2A_will_change-21] to mark that the attribute is changing.
# Otherwise \Active \Model can't track changes to in-place attributes. Note
# that Active Record can detect in-place modifications automatically. You do
# not need to call *_will_change! on Active Record models.
# person.name_will_change!
# person.name_change # => ["Bill", "Bill"]
# person.name << 'y'
# person.name_change # => ["Bill", "Billy"]
# Methods can be invoked as +name_changed?+ or by passing an argument to the
# generic method attribute_changed?("name").
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/dirty.rb#123
module ActiveModel::Dirty
extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern
include GeneratedInstanceMethods
include ::ActiveModel::AttributeMethods
mixes_in_class_methods GeneratedClassMethods
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/dirty.rb#264
def as_json(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Dispatch target for {*_changed?}[rdoc-label:method-i-2A_changed-3F] attribute methods.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/dirty.rb#300
def attribute_changed?(attr_name, **options); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/dirty.rb#367
def attribute_changed_in_place?(attr_name); end
# Dispatch target for {*_previously_changed?}[rdoc-label:method-i-2A_previously_changed-3F] attribute methods.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/dirty.rb#310
def attribute_previously_changed?(attr_name, **options); end
# Dispatch target for {*_previously_was}[rdoc-label:method-i-2A_previously_was] attribute methods.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/dirty.rb#315
def attribute_previously_was(attr_name); end
# Dispatch target for {*_was}[rdoc-label:method-i-2A_was] attribute methods.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/dirty.rb#305
def attribute_was(attr_name); end
# Returns an array with the name of the attributes with unsaved changes.
# person.changed # => []
# person.name = 'bob'
# person.changed # => ["name"]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/dirty.rb#295
def changed; end
# Returns +true+ if any of the attributes has unsaved changes, +false+ otherwise.
# person.changed? # => false
# person.name = 'bob'
# person.changed? # => true
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/dirty.rb#286
def changed?; end
# Returns a hash of the attributes with unsaved changes indicating their original
# values like attr => original value.
# person.name # => "bob"
# person.name = 'robert'
# person.changed_attributes # => {"name" => "bob"}
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/dirty.rb#343
def changed_attributes; end
# Returns a hash of changed attributes indicating their original
# and new values like attr => [original value, new value].
# person.changes # => {}
# person.name = 'bob'
# person.changes # => { "name" => ["bill", "bob"] }
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/dirty.rb#353
def changes; end
# Clears dirty data and moves +changes+ to +previous_changes+ and
# +mutations_from_database+ to +mutations_before_last_save+ respectively.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/dirty.rb#272
def changes_applied; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/dirty.rb#331
def clear_attribute_changes(attr_names); end
# Clears all dirty data: current changes and previous changes.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/dirty.rb#325
def clear_changes_information; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/dirty.rb#253
def init_attributes(other); end
# Returns a hash of attributes that were changed before the model was saved.
# person.name # => "bob"
# person.name = 'robert'
# person.save
# person.previous_changes # => {"name" => ["bob", "robert"]}
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/dirty.rb#363
def previous_changes; end
# Restore all previous data of the provided attributes.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/dirty.rb#320
def restore_attributes(attr_names = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Dispatch target for *_change attribute methods.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/dirty.rb#399
def attribute_change(attr_name); end
# Dispatch target for *_previous_change attribute methods.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/dirty.rb#404
def attribute_previous_change(attr_name); end
# Dispatch target for *_will_change! attribute methods.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/dirty.rb#409
def attribute_will_change!(attr_name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/dirty.rb#378
def clear_attribute_change(attr_name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/dirty.rb#390
def forget_attribute_assignments; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/dirty.rb#372
def init_internals; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/dirty.rb#248
def initialize_dup(other); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/dirty.rb#394
def mutations_before_last_save; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/dirty.rb#382
def mutations_from_database; end
# Dispatch target for restore_*! attribute methods.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/dirty.rb#414
def restore_attribute!(attr_name); end
module GeneratedClassMethods
def attribute_aliases; end
def attribute_aliases=(value); end
def attribute_aliases?; end
def attribute_method_patterns; end
def attribute_method_patterns=(value); end
def attribute_method_patterns?; end
module GeneratedInstanceMethods
def attribute_aliases; end
def attribute_aliases?; end
def attribute_method_patterns; end
def attribute_method_patterns?; end
# = Active \Model \EachValidator
# +EachValidator+ is a validator which iterates through the attributes given
# in the options hash invoking the validate_each method passing in the
# record, attribute, and value.
# All \Active \Model validations are built on top of this validator.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validator.rb#134
class ActiveModel::EachValidator < ::ActiveModel::Validator
# Returns a new validator instance. All options will be available via the
# +options+ reader, however the :attributes option will be removed
# and instead be made available through the +attributes+ reader.
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# @return [EachValidator] a new instance of EachValidator
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validator.rb#140
def initialize(options); end
# Returns the value of attribute attributes.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validator.rb#135
def attributes; end
# Hook method that gets called by the initializer allowing verification
# that the arguments supplied are valid. You could for example raise an
# +ArgumentError+ when invalid options are supplied.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validator.rb#168
def check_validity!; end
# Performs validation on the supplied record. By default this will call
# +validate_each+ to determine validity therefore subclasses should
# override +validate_each+ with validation logic.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validator.rb#150
def validate(record); end
# Override this method in subclasses with the validation logic, adding
# errors to the records +errors+ array where necessary.
# @raise [NotImplementedError]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validator.rb#161
def validate_each(record, attribute, value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validator.rb#172
def prepare_value_for_validation(value, record, attr_name); end
# = Active \Model \Error
# Represents one single error
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/error.rb#9
class ActiveModel::Error
# @return [Error] a new instance of Error
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/error.rb#103
def initialize(base, attribute, type = T.unsafe(nil), **options); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/error.rb#190
def ==(other); end
# The attribute of +base+ which the error belongs to
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/error.rb#121
def attribute; end
# The object which the error belongs to
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/error.rb#119
def base; end
# Returns the error details.
# error = ActiveModel::Error.new(person, :name, :too_short, count: 5)
# error.details
# # => { error: :too_short, count: 5 }
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/error.rb#149
def detail; end
# Returns the error details.
# error = ActiveModel::Error.new(person, :name, :too_short, count: 5)
# error.details
# # => { error: :too_short, count: 5 }
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/error.rb#149
def details; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/error.rb#190
def eql?(other); end
# Returns the full error message.
# error = ActiveModel::Error.new(person, :name, :too_short, count: 5)
# error.full_message
# # => "Name is too short (minimum is 5 characters)"
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/error.rb#159
def full_message; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/error.rb#195
def hash; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/error.rb#13
def i18n_customize_full_message; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/error.rb#13
def i18n_customize_full_message=(_arg0); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/error.rb#13
def i18n_customize_full_message?; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/error.rb#199
def inspect; end
# See if error matches provided +attribute+, +type+, and +options+.
# Omitted params are not checked for a match.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/error.rb#166
def match?(attribute, type = T.unsafe(nil), **options); end
# Returns the error message.
# error = ActiveModel::Error.new(person, :name, :too_short, count: 5)
# error.message
# # => "is too short (minimum is 5 characters)"
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/error.rb#135
def message; end
# The options provided when calling errors#add
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/error.rb#128
def options; end
# The raw value provided as the second parameter when calling
# errors#add
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/error.rb#126
def raw_type; end
# See if error matches provided +attribute+, +type+, and +options+ exactly.
# All params must be equal to Error's own attributes to be considered a
# strict match.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/error.rb#184
def strict_match?(attribute, type, **options); end
# The type of error, defaults to +:invalid+ unless specified
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/error.rb#123
def type; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/error.rb#204
def attributes_for_hash; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/error.rb#111
def initialize_dup(other); end
class << self
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/error.rb#15
def full_message(attribute, message, base); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/error.rb#64
def generate_message(attribute, type, base, options); end
# source://activesupport/8.0.0/lib/active_support/class_attribute.rb#12
def i18n_customize_full_message; end
# source://activesupport/8.0.0/lib/active_support/class_attribute.rb#15
def i18n_customize_full_message=(new_value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/error.rb#13
def i18n_customize_full_message?; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/error.rb#10
ActiveModel::Error::CALLBACKS_OPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/error.rb#11
ActiveModel::Error::MESSAGE_OPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# = Active \Model \Errors
# Provides error related functionalities you can include in your object
# for handling error messages and interacting with Action View helpers.
# A minimal implementation could be:
# class Person
# # Required dependency for ActiveModel::Errors
# extend ActiveModel::Naming
# def initialize
# @errors = ActiveModel::Errors.new(self)
# end
# attr_accessor :name
# attr_reader :errors
# def validate!
# errors.add(:name, :blank, message: "cannot be nil") if name.nil?
# end
# # The following methods are needed to be minimally implemented
# def read_attribute_for_validation(attr)
# send(attr)
# end
# def self.human_attribute_name(attr, options = {})
# attr
# end
# def self.lookup_ancestors
# [self]
# end
# end
# The last three methods are required in your object for +Errors+ to be
# able to generate error messages correctly and also handle multiple
# languages. Of course, if you extend your object with ActiveModel::Translation
# you will not need to implement the last two. Likewise, using
# ActiveModel::Validations will handle the validation related methods
# for you.
# The above allows you to do:
# person = Person.new
# person.validate! # => ["cannot be nil"]
# person.errors.full_messages # => ["name cannot be nil"]
# # etc..
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#61
class ActiveModel::Errors
include ::Enumerable
extend ::Forwardable
# Pass in the instance of the object that is using the errors object.
# class Person
# def initialize
# @errors = ActiveModel::Errors.new(self)
# end
# end
# @return [Errors] a new instance of Errors
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#117
def initialize(base); end
# When passed a symbol or a name of a method, returns an array of errors
# for the method.
# person.errors[:name] # => ["cannot be nil"]
# person.errors['name'] # => ["cannot be nil"]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#229
def [](attribute); end
# Adds a new error of +type+ on +attribute+.
# More than one error can be added to the same +attribute+.
# If no +type+ is supplied, :invalid is assumed.
# person.errors.add(:name)
# # Adds <#ActiveModel::Error attribute=name, type=invalid>
# person.errors.add(:name, :not_implemented, message: "must be implemented")
# # Adds <#ActiveModel::Error attribute=name, type=not_implemented,
# options={:message=>"must be implemented"}>
# person.errors.messages
# # => {:name=>["is invalid", "must be implemented"]}
# If +type+ is a string, it will be used as error message.
# If +type+ is a symbol, it will be translated using the appropriate
# scope (see +generate_message+).
# person.errors.add(:name, :blank)
# person.errors.messages
# # => {:name=>["can't be blank"]}
# person.errors.add(:name, :too_long, count: 25)
# person.errors.messages
# # => ["is too long (maximum is 25 characters)"]
# If +type+ is a proc, it will be called, allowing for things like
# Time.now to be used within an error.
# If the :strict option is set to +true+, it will raise
# ActiveModel::StrictValidationFailed instead of adding the error.
# :strict option can also be set to any other exception.
# person.errors.add(:name, :invalid, strict: true)
# # => ActiveModel::StrictValidationFailed: Name is invalid
# person.errors.add(:name, :invalid, strict: NameIsInvalid)
# # => NameIsInvalid: Name is invalid
# person.errors.messages # => {}
# +attribute+ should be set to :base if the error is not
# directly associated with a single attribute.
# person.errors.add(:base, :name_or_email_blank,
# message: "either name or email must be present")
# person.errors.messages
# # => {:base=>["either name or email must be present"]}
# person.errors.details
# # => {:base=>[{error: :name_or_email_blank}]}
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#342
def add(attribute, type = T.unsafe(nil), **options); end
# Returns +true+ if an error matches provided +attribute+ and +type+,
# or +false+ otherwise. +type+ is treated the same as for +add+.
# person.errors.add :name, :blank
# person.errors.added? :name, :blank # => true
# person.errors.added? :name, "can't be blank" # => true
# If the error requires options, then it returns +true+ with
# the correct options, or +false+ with incorrect or missing options.
# person.errors.add :name, :too_long, count: 25
# person.errors.added? :name, :too_long, count: 25 # => true
# person.errors.added? :name, "is too long (maximum is 25 characters)" # => true
# person.errors.added? :name, :too_long, count: 24 # => false
# person.errors.added? :name, :too_long # => false
# person.errors.added? :name, "is too long" # => false
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#372
def added?(attribute, type = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns a Hash that can be used as the JSON representation for this
# object. You can pass the :full_messages option. This determines
# if the JSON object should contain full messages or not (false by default).
# person.errors.as_json # => {:name=>["cannot be nil"]}
# person.errors.as_json(full_messages: true) # => {:name=>["name cannot be nil"]}
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#247
def as_json(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns all error attribute names
# person.errors.messages # => {:name=>["cannot be nil", "must be specified"]}
# person.errors.attribute_names # => [:name]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#237
def attribute_names; end
# source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
def clear(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Copies the errors from other.
# For copying errors but keep @base as is.
# ==== Parameters
# * +other+ - The ActiveModel::Errors instance.
# ==== Examples
# person.errors.copy!(other)
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#138
def copy!(other); end
# Delete messages for +key+. Returns the deleted messages.
# person.errors[:name] # => ["cannot be nil"]
# person.errors.delete(:name) # => ["cannot be nil"]
# person.errors[:name] # => []
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#215
def delete(attribute, type = T.unsafe(nil), **options); end
# Returns a Hash of attributes with an array of their error details.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#276
def details; end
# source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
def each(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
def empty?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# The actual array of +Error+ objects
# This method is aliased to objects.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#107
def errors; end
# Returns a full message for a given attribute.
# person.errors.full_message(:name, 'is invalid') # => "Name is invalid"
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#451
def full_message(attribute, message); end
# Returns all the full error messages in an array.
# class Person
# validates_presence_of :name, :address, :email
# validates_length_of :name, in: 5..30
# end
# person = Person.create(address: '123 First St.')
# person.errors.full_messages
# # => ["Name is too short (minimum is 5 characters)", "Name can't be blank", "Email can't be blank"]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#415
def full_messages; end
# Returns all the full error messages for a given attribute in an array.
# class Person
# validates_presence_of :name, :email
# validates_length_of :name, in: 5..30
# end
# person = Person.create()
# person.errors.full_messages_for(:name)
# # => ["Name is too short (minimum is 5 characters)", "Name can't be blank"]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#430
def full_messages_for(attribute); end
# Translates an error message in its default scope
# (activemodel.errors.messages).
# Error messages are first looked up in activemodel.errors.models.MODEL.attributes.ATTRIBUTE.MESSAGE,
# if it's not there, it's looked up in activemodel.errors.models.MODEL.MESSAGE and if
# that is not there also, it returns the translation of the default message
# (e.g. activemodel.errors.messages.MESSAGE). The translated model
# name, translated attribute name, and the value are available for
# interpolation.
# When using inheritance in your models, it will check all the inherited
# models too, but only if the model itself hasn't been found. Say you have
# class Admin < User; end and you wanted the translation for
# the :blank error message for the title attribute,
# it looks for these translations:
# * activemodel.errors.models.admin.attributes.title.blank
# * activemodel.errors.models.admin.blank
# * activemodel.errors.models.user.attributes.title.blank
# * activemodel.errors.models.user.blank
# * any default you provided through the +options+ hash (in the activemodel.errors scope)
# * activemodel.errors.messages.blank
# * errors.attributes.title.blank
# * errors.messages.blank
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#479
def generate_message(attribute, type = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns a Hash of attributes with an array of their Error objects.
# person.errors.group_by_attribute
# # => {:name=>[<#ActiveModel::Error>, <#ActiveModel::Error>]}
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#289
def group_by_attribute; end
# Returns +true+ if the error messages include an error for the given key
# +attribute+, +false+ otherwise.
# person.errors.messages # => {:name=>["cannot be nil"]}
# person.errors.include?(:name) # => true
# person.errors.include?(:age) # => false
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#202
def has_key?(attribute); end
# Imports one error.
# Imported errors are wrapped as a NestedError,
# providing access to original error object.
# If attribute or type needs to be overridden, use +override_options+.
# ==== Options
# * +:attribute+ - Override the attribute the error belongs to.
# * +:type+ - Override type of the error.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#154
def import(error, override_options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns +true+ if the error messages include an error for the given key
# +attribute+, +false+ otherwise.
# person.errors.messages # => {:name=>["cannot be nil"]}
# person.errors.include?(:name) # => true
# person.errors.include?(:age) # => false
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#202
def include?(attribute); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#483
def inspect; end
# Returns +true+ if the error messages include an error for the given key
# +attribute+, +false+ otherwise.
# person.errors.messages # => {:name=>["cannot be nil"]}
# person.errors.include?(:name) # => true
# person.errors.include?(:age) # => false
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#202
def key?(attribute); end
# Merges the errors from other,
# each Error wrapped as NestedError.
# ==== Parameters
# * +other+ - The ActiveModel::Errors instance.
# ==== Examples
# person.errors.merge!(other)
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#174
def merge!(other); end
# Returns a Hash of attributes with an array of their error messages.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#268
def messages; end
# Returns all the error messages for a given attribute in an array.
# class Person
# validates_presence_of :name, :email
# validates_length_of :name, in: 5..30
# end
# person = Person.create()
# person.errors.messages_for(:name)
# # => ["is too short (minimum is 5 characters)", "can't be blank"]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#444
def messages_for(attribute); end
# The actual array of +Error+ objects
# This method is aliased to objects.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#107
def objects; end
# Returns +true+ if an error on the attribute with the given type is
# present, or +false+ otherwise. +type+ is treated the same as for +add+.
# person.errors.add :age
# person.errors.add :name, :too_long, count: 25
# person.errors.of_kind? :age # => true
# person.errors.of_kind? :name # => false
# person.errors.of_kind? :name, :too_long # => true
# person.errors.of_kind? :name, "is too long (maximum is 25 characters)" # => true
# person.errors.of_kind? :name, :not_too_long # => false
# person.errors.of_kind? :name, "is too long" # => false
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#395
def of_kind?(attribute, type = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
def size(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Returns all the full error messages in an array.
# class Person
# validates_presence_of :name, :address, :email
# validates_length_of :name, in: 5..30
# end
# person = Person.create(address: '123 First St.')
# person.errors.full_messages
# # => ["Name is too short (minimum is 5 characters)", "Name can't be blank", "Email can't be blank"]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#415
def to_a; end
# Returns a Hash of attributes with their error messages. If +full_messages+
# is +true+, it will contain full messages (see +full_message+).
# person.errors.to_hash # => {:name=>["cannot be nil"]}
# person.errors.to_hash(true) # => {:name=>["name cannot be nil"]}
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#256
def to_hash(full_messages = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
def uniq!(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Search for errors matching +attribute+, +type+, or +options+.
# Only supplied params will be matched.
# person.errors.where(:name) # => all name errors.
# person.errors.where(:name, :too_short) # => all name errors being too short
# person.errors.where(:name, :too_short, minimum: 2) # => all name errors being too short and minimum is 2
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#189
def where(attribute, type = T.unsafe(nil), **options); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#122
def initialize_dup(other); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#490
def normalize_arguments(attribute, type, **options); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#265
ActiveModel::Errors::EMPTY_ARRAY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# = Active \Model \ForbiddenAttributesError
# Raised when forbidden attributes are used for mass assignment.
# class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
# end
# params = ActionController::Parameters.new(name: 'Bob')
# Person.new(params)
# # => ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesError
# params.permit!
# Person.new(params)
# # => #
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/forbidden_attributes_protection.rb#18
class ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesError < ::StandardError; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/forbidden_attributes_protection.rb#21
module ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/forbidden_attributes_protection.rb#23
def sanitize_for_mass_assignment(attributes); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/forbidden_attributes_protection.rb#23
def sanitize_forbidden_attributes(attributes); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#91
class ActiveModel::ForcedMutationTracker < ::ActiveModel::AttributeMutationTracker
# @return [ForcedMutationTracker] a new instance of ForcedMutationTracker
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#92
def initialize(attributes); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#101
def change_to_attribute(attr_name); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#97
def changed_in_place?(attr_name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#125
def finalize_changes; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#121
def force_change(attr_name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#109
def forget_change(attr_name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#113
def original_value(attr_name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#132
def attr_names; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#136
def attribute_changed?(attr_name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#144
def clone_value(attr_name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#140
def fetch_value(attr_name); end
# Returns the value of attribute finalized_changes.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#130
def finalized_changes; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#151
def type_cast(attr_name, value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#94
class ActiveModel::LazyAttributeHash
# @return [LazyAttributeHash] a new instance of LazyAttributeHash
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#97
def initialize(types, values, additional_types, default_attributes, delegate_hash = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#134
def ==(other); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#110
def [](key); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#114
def []=(key, value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#118
def deep_dup; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#129
def each_key(&block); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#95
def each_value(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#95
def except(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#95
def fetch(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#106
def key?(key); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#142
def marshal_dump; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#146
def marshal_load(values); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#95
def transform_values(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#151
def materialize; end
# Returns the value of attribute additional_types.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#163
def additional_types; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#165
def assign_default_value(name); end
# Returns the value of attribute default_attributes.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#163
def default_attributes; end
# Returns the value of attribute delegate_hash.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#163
def delegate_hash; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#124
def initialize_dup(_); end
# Returns the value of attribute types.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#163
def types; end
# Returns the value of attribute values.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#163
def values; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#21
class ActiveModel::LazyAttributeSet < ::ActiveModel::AttributeSet
# @return [LazyAttributeSet] a new instance of LazyAttributeSet
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#22
def initialize(values, types, additional_types, default_attributes, attributes = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#41
def fetch_value(name, &block); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#32
def key?(name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#36
def keys; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#61
def attributes; end
# Returns the value of attribute additional_types.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#71
def additional_types; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#73
def default_attribute(name, value_present = T.unsafe(nil), value = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the value of attribute default_attributes.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#71
def default_attributes; end
# Returns the value of attribute types.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#71
def types; end
# Returns the value of attribute values.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rb#71
def values; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/lint.rb#4
module ActiveModel::Lint; end
# == Active \Model \Lint \Tests
# You can test whether an object is compliant with the Active \Model API by
# including +ActiveModel::Lint::Tests+ in your TestCase. It will
# include tests that tell you whether your object is fully compliant,
# or if not, which aspects of the API are not implemented.
# Note an object is not required to implement all APIs in order to work
# with Action Pack. This module only intends to provide guidance in case
# you want all features out of the box.
# These tests do not attempt to determine the semantic correctness of the
# returned values. For instance, you could implement valid? to
# always return +true+, and the tests would pass. It is up to you to ensure
# that the values are semantically meaningful.
# Objects you pass in are expected to return a compliant object from a call
# to to_model. It is perfectly fine for to_model to return
# +self+.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/lint.rb#24
module ActiveModel::Lint::Tests
# Passes if the object's model responds to errors and if calling
# [](attribute) on the result of this method returns an array.
# Fails otherwise.
# errors[attribute] is used to retrieve the errors of a model
# for a given attribute. If errors are present, the method should return
# an array of strings that are the errors for the attribute in question.
# If localization is used, the strings should be localized for the current
# locale. If no error is present, the method should return an empty array.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/lint.rb#102
def test_errors_aref; end
# Passes if the object's model responds to model_name both as
# an instance method and as a class method, and if calling this method
# returns a string with some convenience methods: :human,
# :singular and :plural.
# Check ActiveModel::Naming for more information.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/lint.rb#81
def test_model_naming; end
# Passes if the object's model responds to persisted? and if
# calling this method returns either +true+ or +false+. Fails otherwise.
# persisted? is used when calculating the URL for an object.
# If the object is not persisted, a form for that object, for instance,
# will route to the create action. If it is persisted, a form for the
# object will route to the update action.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/lint.rb#70
def test_persisted?; end
# Passes if the object's model responds to to_key and if calling
# this method returns +nil+ when the object is not persisted.
# Fails otherwise.
# to_key returns an Enumerable of all (primary) key attributes
# of the model, and is used to a generate unique DOM id for the object.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/lint.rb#31
def test_to_key; end
# Passes if the object's model responds to to_param and if
# calling this method returns +nil+ when the object is not persisted.
# Fails otherwise.
# to_param is used to represent the object's key in URLs.
# Implementers can decide to either raise an exception or provide a
# default in case the record uses a composite primary key. There are no
# tests for this behavior in lint because it doesn't make sense to force
# any of the possible implementation strategies on the implementer.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/lint.rb#46
def test_to_param; end
# Passes if the object's model responds to to_partial_path and if
# calling this method returns a string. Fails otherwise.
# to_partial_path is used for looking up partials. For example,
# a BlogPost model might return "blog_posts/blog_post".
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/lint.rb#58
def test_to_partial_path; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/lint.rb#113
def assert_boolean(result, name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/lint.rb#108
def model; end
# Raised when an attribute is not defined.
# class User < ActiveRecord::Base
# has_many :pets
# end
# user = User.first
# user.pets.select(:id).first.user_id
# # => ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError: missing attribute 'user_id' for Pet
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb#15
class ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError < ::NoMethodError; end
# = Active \Model \Basic \Model
# Allows implementing models similar to ActiveRecord::Base.
# Includes ActiveModel::API for the required interface for an
# object to interact with Action Pack and Action View, but can be
# extended with other functionalities.
# A minimal implementation could be:
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Model
# attr_accessor :name, :age
# end
# person = Person.new(name: 'bob', age: '18')
# person.name # => "bob"
# person.age # => "18"
# If for some reason you need to run code on initialize, make
# sure you call +super+ if you want the attributes hash initialization to
# happen.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Model
# attr_accessor :id, :name, :omg
# def initialize(attributes={})
# super
# @omg ||= true
# end
# end
# person = Person.new(id: 1, name: 'bob')
# person.omg # => true
# For more detailed information on other functionalities available, please
# refer to the specific modules included in +ActiveModel::Model+
# (see below).
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/model.rb#42
module ActiveModel::Model
include ::ActiveModel::Access
extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern
include GeneratedInstanceMethods
include ::ActiveSupport::Callbacks
include ::ActiveModel::Validations::HelperMethods
include ::ActiveModel::Validations
include ::ActiveModel::Conversion
include ::ActiveModel::API
mixes_in_class_methods GeneratedClassMethods
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveModel::Validations::ClassMethods
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveModel::Callbacks
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveSupport::Callbacks::ClassMethods
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveModel::Translation
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveModel::Validations::HelperMethods
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveModel::Conversion::ClassMethods
module GeneratedClassMethods
def __callbacks; end
def __callbacks=(value); end
def _validators; end
def _validators=(value); end
def _validators?; end
def param_delimiter; end
def param_delimiter=(value); end
def param_delimiter?; end
module GeneratedInstanceMethods
def __callbacks; end
def _validators; end
def _validators?; end
def param_delimiter=(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#9
class ActiveModel::Name
include ::Comparable
# Returns a new ActiveModel::Name instance. By default, the +namespace+
# and +name+ option will take the namespace and name of the given class
# respectively.
# Use +locale+ argument for singularize and pluralize model name.
# module Foo
# class Bar
# end
# end
# ActiveModel::Name.new(Foo::Bar).to_s
# # => "Foo::Bar"
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# @return [Name] a new instance of Name
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#166
def initialize(klass, namespace = T.unsafe(nil), name = T.unsafe(nil), locale = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#151
def !~(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#151
def <=>(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#151
def ==(arg); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#151
def ===(arg); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#151
def =~(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#151
def as_json(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end
# Returns the value of attribute collection.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#12
def cache_key; end
# Returns the value of attribute collection.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#12
def collection; end
# Sets the attribute collection
# @param value the value to set the attribute collection to.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#12
def collection=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute element.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#12
def element; end
# Sets the attribute element
# @param value the value to set the attribute element to.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#12
def element=(_arg0); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#151
def eql?(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end
# Transform the model name into a more human format, using I18n. By default,
# it will underscore then humanize the class name.
# class BlogPost
# extend ActiveModel::Naming
# end
# BlogPost.model_name.human # => "Blog post"
# Specify +options+ with additional translating options.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#197
def human(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the value of attribute i18n_key.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#12
def i18n_key; end
# Sets the attribute i18n_key
# @param value the value to set the attribute i18n_key to.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#12
def i18n_key=(_arg0); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#151
def match?(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end
# Returns the value of attribute name.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#12
def name; end
# Sets the attribute name
# @param value the value to set the attribute name to.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#12
def name=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute param_key.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#12
def param_key; end
# Sets the attribute param_key
# @param value the value to set the attribute param_key to.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#12
def param_key=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute plural.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#12
def plural; end
# Sets the attribute plural
# @param value the value to set the attribute plural to.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#12
def plural=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute route_key.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#12
def route_key; end
# Sets the attribute route_key
# @param value the value to set the attribute route_key to.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#12
def route_key=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute singular.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#12
def singular; end
# Sets the attribute singular
# @param value the value to set the attribute singular to.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#12
def singular=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute singular_route_key.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#12
def singular_route_key; end
# Sets the attribute singular_route_key
# @param value the value to set the attribute singular_route_key to.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#12
def singular_route_key=(_arg0); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#151
def to_s(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#151
def to_str(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#209
def uncountable?; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#216
def _singularize(string); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#220
def i18n_keys; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#228
def i18n_scope; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#214
ActiveModel::Name::MISSING_TRANSLATION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
# = Active \Model \Naming
# Creates a +model_name+ method on your object.
# To implement, just extend ActiveModel::Naming in your object:
# class BookCover
# extend ActiveModel::Naming
# end
# BookCover.model_name.name # => "BookCover"
# BookCover.model_name.human # => "Book cover"
# BookCover.model_name.i18n_key # => :book_cover
# BookModule::BookCover.model_name.i18n_key # => :"book_module/book_cover"
# Providing the functionality that ActiveModel::Naming provides in your object
# is required to pass the \Active \Model Lint test. So either extending the
# provided method below, or rolling your own is required.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#252
module ActiveModel::Naming
# Returns an ActiveModel::Name object for module. It can be
# used to retrieve all kinds of naming-related information
# (See ActiveModel::Name for more information).
# class Person
# extend ActiveModel::Naming
# end
# Person.model_name.name # => "Person"
# Person.model_name.class # => ActiveModel::Name
# Person.model_name.singular # => "person"
# Person.model_name.plural # => "people"
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#270
def model_name; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#352
def inherited(base); end
class << self
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#253
def extended(base); end
# Returns string to use for params names. It differs for
# namespaced models regarding whether it's inside isolated engine.
# # For isolated engine:
# ActiveModel::Naming.param_key(Blog::Post) # => "post"
# # For shared engine:
# ActiveModel::Naming.param_key(Blog::Post) # => "blog_post"
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#338
def param_key(record_or_class); end
# Returns the plural class name of a record or class.
# ActiveModel::Naming.plural(post) # => "posts"
# ActiveModel::Naming.plural(Highrise::Person) # => "highrise_people"
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#283
def plural(record_or_class); end
# Returns string to use while generating route names. It differs for
# namespaced models regarding whether it's inside isolated engine.
# # For isolated engine:
# ActiveModel::Naming.route_key(Blog::Post) # => "posts"
# # For shared engine:
# ActiveModel::Naming.route_key(Blog::Post) # => "blog_posts"
# The route key also considers if the noun is uncountable and, in
# such cases, automatically appends _index.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#326
def route_key(record_or_class); end
# Returns the singular class name of a record or class.
# ActiveModel::Naming.singular(post) # => "post"
# ActiveModel::Naming.singular(Highrise::Person) # => "highrise_person"
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#291
def singular(record_or_class); end
# Returns string to use while generating route names. It differs for
# namespaced models regarding whether it's inside isolated engine.
# # For isolated engine:
# ActiveModel::Naming.singular_route_key(Blog::Post) # => "post"
# # For shared engine:
# ActiveModel::Naming.singular_route_key(Blog::Post) # => "blog_post"
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#311
def singular_route_key(record_or_class); end
# Identifies whether the class name of a record or class is uncountable.
# ActiveModel::Naming.uncountable?(Sheep) # => true
# ActiveModel::Naming.uncountable?(Post) # => false
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#299
def uncountable?(record_or_class); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/naming.rb#342
def model_name_from_record_or_class(record_or_class); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/nested_error.rb#7
class ActiveModel::NestedError < ::ActiveModel::Error
extend ::Forwardable
# @return [NestedError] a new instance of NestedError
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/nested_error.rb#8
def initialize(base, inner_error, override_options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the value of attribute inner_error.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/nested_error.rb#17
def inner_error; end
# source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
def message(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#156
class ActiveModel::NullMutationTracker
include ::Singleton
extend ::Singleton::SingletonClassMethods
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#174
def any_changes?; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#171
def change_to_attribute(attr_name); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#178
def changed?(attr_name, **_arg1); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#159
def changed_attribute_names; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#182
def changed_in_place?(attr_name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#163
def changed_values; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#167
def changes; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/attribute_mutation_tracker.rb#186
def original_value(attr_name); end
class << self
def allocate; end
def new(*_arg0); end
# = Active \Model \RangeError
# Raised when attribute values are out of range.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#523
class ActiveModel::RangeError < ::RangeError; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/secure_password.rb#4
module ActiveModel::SecurePassword
extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveModel::SecurePassword::ClassMethods
class << self
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/secure_password.rb#13
def min_cost; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/secure_password.rb#13
def min_cost=(_arg0); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/secure_password.rb#17
module ActiveModel::SecurePassword::ClassMethods
# Adds methods to set and authenticate against a BCrypt password.
# This mechanism requires you to have a +XXX_digest+ attribute,
# where +XXX+ is the attribute name of your desired password.
# The following validations are added automatically:
# * Password must be present on creation
# * Password length should be less than or equal to 72 bytes
# * Confirmation of password (using a +XXX_confirmation+ attribute)
# If confirmation validation is not needed, simply leave out the
# value for +XXX_confirmation+ (i.e. don't provide a form field for
# it). When this attribute has a +nil+ value, the validation will not be
# triggered.
# Additionally, a +XXX_challenge+ attribute is created. When set to a
# value other than +nil+, it will validate against the currently persisted
# password. This validation relies on dirty tracking, as provided by
# ActiveModel::Dirty; if dirty tracking methods are not defined, this
# validation will fail.
# All of the above validations can be omitted by passing
# validations: false as an argument. This allows complete
# customizability of validation behavior.
# Finally, a password reset token that's valid for 15 minutes after issue
# is automatically configured when +reset_token+ is set to true (which it is by default)
# and the object responds to +generates_token_for+ (which Active Records do).
# To use +has_secure_password+, add bcrypt (~> 3.1.7) to your Gemfile:
# gem "bcrypt", "~> 3.1.7"
# ==== Examples
# ===== Using Active Record (which automatically includes ActiveModel::SecurePassword)
# # Schema: User(name:string, password_digest:string, recovery_password_digest:string)
# class User < ActiveRecord::Base
# has_secure_password
# has_secure_password :recovery_password, validations: false
# end
# user = User.new(name: "david", password: "", password_confirmation: "nomatch")
# user.save # => false, password required
# user.password = "vr00m"
# user.save # => false, confirmation doesn't match
# user.password_confirmation = "vr00m"
# user.save # => true
# user.authenticate("notright") # => false
# user.authenticate("vr00m") # => user
# User.find_by(name: "david")&.authenticate("notright") # => false
# User.find_by(name: "david")&.authenticate("vr00m") # => user
# user.recovery_password = "42password"
# user.recovery_password_digest # => "$2a$04$iOfhwahFymCs5weB3BNH/uXkTG65HR.qpW.bNhEjFP3ftli3o5DQC"
# user.save # => true
# user.authenticate_recovery_password("42password") # => user
# user.update(password: "pwn3d", password_challenge: "") # => false, challenge doesn't authenticate
# user.update(password: "nohack4u", password_challenge: "vr00m") # => true
# user.authenticate("vr00m") # => false, old password
# user.authenticate("nohack4u") # => user
# ===== Conditionally requiring a password
# class Account
# include ActiveModel::SecurePassword
# attr_accessor :is_guest, :password_digest
# has_secure_password
# def errors
# super.tap { |errors| errors.delete(:password, :blank) if is_guest }
# end
# end
# account = Account.new
# account.valid? # => false, password required
# account.is_guest = true
# account.valid? # => true
# ===== Using the password reset token
# user = User.create!(name: "david", password: "123", password_confirmation: "123")
# token = user.password_reset_token
# User.find_by_password_reset_token(token) # returns user
# # 16 minutes later...
# User.find_by_password_reset_token(token) # returns nil
# # raises ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier::InvalidSignature since the token is expired
# User.find_by_password_reset_token!(token)
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/secure_password.rb#116
def has_secure_password(attribute = T.unsafe(nil), validations: T.unsafe(nil), reset_token: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/secure_password.rb#182
class ActiveModel::SecurePassword::InstanceMethodsOnActivation < ::Module
# @return [InstanceMethodsOnActivation] a new instance of InstanceMethodsOnActivation
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/secure_password.rb#183
def initialize(attribute, reset_token:); end
# BCrypt hash function can handle maximum 72 bytes, and if we pass
# password of length more than 72 bytes it ignores extra characters.
# Hence need to put a restriction on password length.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/secure_password.rb#10
ActiveModel::SecurePassword::MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH_ALLOWED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
# = Active \Model \Serialization
# Provides a basic serialization to a serializable_hash for your objects.
# A minimal implementation could be:
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Serialization
# attr_accessor :name
# def attributes
# {'name' => nil}
# end
# end
# Which would provide you with:
# person = Person.new
# person.serializable_hash # => {"name"=>nil}
# person.name = "Bob"
# person.serializable_hash # => {"name"=>"Bob"}
# An +attributes+ hash must be defined and should contain any attributes you
# need to be serialized. Attributes must be strings, not symbols.
# When called, serializable hash will use instance methods that match the name
# of the attributes hash's keys. In order to override this behavior, override
# the +read_attribute_for_serialization+ method.
# ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON module automatically includes
# the +ActiveModel::Serialization+ module, so there is no need to
# explicitly include +ActiveModel::Serialization+.
# A minimal implementation including JSON would be:
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON
# attr_accessor :name
# def attributes
# {'name' => nil}
# end
# end
# Which would provide you with:
# person = Person.new
# person.serializable_hash # => {"name"=>nil}
# person.as_json # => {"name"=>nil}
# person.to_json # => "{\"name\":null}"
# person.name = "Bob"
# person.serializable_hash # => {"name"=>"Bob"}
# person.as_json # => {"name"=>"Bob"}
# person.to_json # => "{\"name\":\"Bob\"}"
# Valid options are :only, :except, :methods and
# :include. The following are all valid examples:
# person.serializable_hash(only: 'name')
# person.serializable_hash(include: :address)
# person.serializable_hash(include: { address: { only: 'city' }})
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/serialization.rb#69
module ActiveModel::Serialization
# Hook method defining how an attribute value should be retrieved for
# serialization. By default this is assumed to be an instance named after
# the attribute. Override this method in subclasses should you need to
# retrieve the value for a given attribute differently:
# class MyClass
# include ActiveModel::Serialization
# def initialize(data = {})
# @data = data
# end
# def read_attribute_for_serialization(key)
# @data[key]
# end
# end
def read_attribute_for_serialization(*_arg0); end
# Returns a serialized hash of your object.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Serialization
# attr_accessor :name, :age
# def attributes
# {'name' => nil, 'age' => nil}
# end
# def capitalized_name
# name.capitalize
# end
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.name = 'bob'
# person.age = 22
# person.serializable_hash # => {"name"=>"bob", "age"=>22}
# person.serializable_hash(only: :name) # => {"name"=>"bob"}
# person.serializable_hash(except: :name) # => {"age"=>22}
# person.serializable_hash(methods: :capitalized_name)
# # => {"name"=>"bob", "age"=>22, "capitalized_name"=>"Bob"}
# Example with :include option
# class User
# include ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON
# attr_accessor :name, :notes # Emulate has_many :notes
# def attributes
# {'name' => nil}
# end
# end
# class Note
# include ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON
# attr_accessor :title, :text
# def attributes
# {'title' => nil, 'text' => nil}
# end
# end
# note = Note.new
# note.title = 'Battle of Austerlitz'
# note.text = 'Some text here'
# user = User.new
# user.name = 'Napoleon'
# user.notes = [note]
# user.serializable_hash
# # => {"name" => "Napoleon"}
# user.serializable_hash(include: { notes: { only: 'title' }})
# # => {"name" => "Napoleon", "notes" => [{"title"=>"Battle of Austerlitz"}]}
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/serialization.rb#125
def serializable_hash(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/serialization.rb#170
def attribute_names_for_serialization; end
# Add associations specified via the :include option.
# Expects a block that takes as arguments:
# +association+ - name of the association
# +records+ - the association record(s) to be serialized
# +opts+ - options for the association records
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/serialization.rb#184
def serializable_add_includes(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/serialization.rb#174
def serializable_attributes(attribute_names); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model.rb#68
module ActiveModel::Serializers
extend ::ActiveSupport::Autoload
# = Active \Model \JSON \Serializer
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/serializers/json.rb#8
module ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON
include ::ActiveModel::Serialization
extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern
include GeneratedInstanceMethods
mixes_in_class_methods GeneratedClassMethods
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveModel::Naming
# Returns a hash representing the model. Some configuration can be
# passed through +options+.
# The option include_root_in_json controls the top-level behavior
# of +as_json+. If +true+, +as_json+ will emit a single root node named
# after the object's type. The default value for include_root_in_json
# option is +false+.
# user = User.find(1)
# user.as_json
# # => { "id" => 1, "name" => "Konata Izumi", "age" => 16,
# # "created_at" => "2006-08-01T17:27:133.000Z", "awesome" => true}
# ActiveRecord::Base.include_root_in_json = true
# user.as_json
# # => { "user" => { "id" => 1, "name" => "Konata Izumi", "age" => 16,
# # "created_at" => "2006-08-01T17:27:13.000Z", "awesome" => true } }
# This behavior can also be achieved by setting the :root option
# to +true+ as in:
# user = User.find(1)
# user.as_json(root: true)
# # => { "user" => { "id" => 1, "name" => "Konata Izumi", "age" => 16,
# # "created_at" => "2006-08-01T17:27:13.000Z", "awesome" => true } }
# If you prefer, :root may also be set to a custom string key instead as in:
# user = User.find(1)
# user.as_json(root: "author")
# # => { "author" => { "id" => 1, "name" => "Konata Izumi", "age" => 16,
# # "created_at" => "2006-08-01T17:27:13.000Z", "awesome" => true } }
# Without any +options+, the returned Hash will include all the model's
# attributes.
# user = User.find(1)
# user.as_json
# # => { "id" => 1, "name" => "Konata Izumi", "age" => 16,
# # "created_at" => "2006-08-01T17:27:13.000Z", "awesome" => true}
# The :only and :except options can be used to limit
# the attributes included, and work similar to the +attributes+ method.
# user.as_json(only: [:id, :name])
# # => { "id" => 1, "name" => "Konata Izumi" }
# user.as_json(except: [:id, :created_at, :age])
# # => { "name" => "Konata Izumi", "awesome" => true }
# To include the result of some method calls on the model use :methods:
# user.as_json(methods: :permalink)
# # => { "id" => 1, "name" => "Konata Izumi", "age" => 16,
# # "created_at" => "2006-08-01T17:27:13.000Z", "awesome" => true,
# # "permalink" => "1-konata-izumi" }
# To include associations use :include:
# user.as_json(include: :posts)
# # => { "id" => 1, "name" => "Konata Izumi", "age" => 16,
# # "created_at" => "2006-08-01T17:27:13.000Z", "awesome" => true,
# # "posts" => [ { "id" => 1, "author_id" => 1, "title" => "Welcome to the weblog" },
# # { "id" => 2, "author_id" => 1, "title" => "So I was thinking" } ] }
# Second level and higher order associations work as well:
# user.as_json(include: { posts: {
# include: { comments: {
# only: :body } },
# only: :title } })
# # => { "id" => 1, "name" => "Konata Izumi", "age" => 16,
# # "created_at" => "2006-08-01T17:27:13.000Z", "awesome" => true,
# # "posts" => [ { "comments" => [ { "body" => "1st post!" }, { "body" => "Second!" } ],
# # "title" => "Welcome to the weblog" },
# # { "comments" => [ { "body" => "Don't think too hard" } ],
# # "title" => "So I was thinking" } ] }
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/serializers/json.rb#96
def as_json(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Sets the model +attributes+ from a JSON string. Returns +self+.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON
# attr_accessor :name, :age, :awesome
# def attributes=(hash)
# hash.each do |key, value|
# send("#{key}=", value)
# end
# end
# def attributes
# instance_values
# end
# end
# json = { name: 'bob', age: 22, awesome:true }.to_json
# person = Person.new
# person.from_json(json) # => #
# person.name # => "bob"
# person.age # => 22
# person.awesome # => true
# The default value for +include_root+ is +false+. You can change it to
# +true+ if the given JSON string includes a single root node.
# json = { person: { name: 'bob', age: 22, awesome:true } }.to_json
# person = Person.new
# person.from_json(json, true) # => #
# person.name # => "bob"
# person.age # => 22
# person.awesome # => true
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/serializers/json.rb#146
def from_json(json, include_root = T.unsafe(nil)); end
module GeneratedClassMethods
def include_root_in_json; end
def include_root_in_json=(value); end
def include_root_in_json?; end
module GeneratedInstanceMethods
def include_root_in_json; end
def include_root_in_json?; end
# = Active \Model \StrictValidationFailed
# Raised when a validation cannot be corrected by end users and are considered
# exceptional.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# attr_accessor :name
# validates_presence_of :name, strict: true
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.name = nil
# person.valid?
# # => ActiveModel::StrictValidationFailed: Name can't be blank
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#517
class ActiveModel::StrictValidationFailed < ::StandardError; end
# = Active \Model \Translation
# Provides integration between your object and the \Rails internationalization
# (i18n) framework.
# A minimal implementation could be:
# class TranslatedPerson
# extend ActiveModel::Translation
# end
# TranslatedPerson.human_attribute_name('my_attribute')
# # => "My attribute"
# This also provides the required class methods for hooking into the
# \Rails internationalization API, including being able to define a
# class-based +i18n_scope+ and +lookup_ancestors+ to find translations in
# parent classes.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/translation.rb#22
module ActiveModel::Translation
include ::ActiveModel::Naming
# Transforms attribute names into a more human format, such as "First name"
# instead of "first_name".
# Person.human_attribute_name("first_name") # => "First name"
# Specify +options+ with additional translating options.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/translation.rb#48
def human_attribute_name(attribute, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the +i18n_scope+ for the class. Override if you want custom lookup.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/translation.rb#28
def i18n_scope; end
# When localizing a string, it goes through the lookup returned by this
# method, which is used in ActiveModel::Name#human,
# ActiveModel::Errors#full_messages and
# ActiveModel::Translation#human_attribute_name.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/translation.rb#36
def lookup_ancestors; end
class << self
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/translation.rb#25
def raise_on_missing_translations; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/translation.rb#25
def raise_on_missing_translations=(_arg0); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/translation.rb#40
ActiveModel::Translation::MISSING_TRANSLATION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/accepts_multiparameter_time.rb#4
module ActiveModel::Type
class << self
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type.rb#38
def default_value; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type.rb#34
def lookup(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end
# Add a new type to the registry, allowing it to be referenced as a
# symbol by {attribute}[rdoc-ref:Attributes::ClassMethods#attribute].
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type.rb#30
def register(type_name, klass = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type.rb#26
def registry; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type.rb#26
def registry=(_arg0); end
# = Active Model \BigInteger \Type
# Attribute type for integers that can be serialized to an unlimited number
# of bytes. This type is registered under the +:big_integer+ key.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Attributes
# attribute :id, :big_integer
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.id = "18_000_000_000"
# person.id # => 18000000000
# All casting and serialization are performed in the same way as the
# standard ActiveModel::Type::Integer type.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/big_integer.rb#25
class ActiveModel::Type::BigInteger < ::ActiveModel::Type::Integer
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/big_integer.rb#26
def serialize_cast_value(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/big_integer.rb#31
def max_value; end
# = Active Model \Binary \Type
# Attribute type for representation of binary data. This type is registered
# under the +:binary+ key.
# Non-string values are coerced to strings using their +to_s+ method.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/binary.rb#11
class ActiveModel::Type::Binary < ::ActiveModel::Type::Value
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/binary.rb#16
def binary?; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/binary.rb#20
def cast(value); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/binary.rb#35
def changed_in_place?(raw_old_value, value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/binary.rb#30
def serialize(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/binary.rb#12
def type; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/binary.rb#40
class ActiveModel::Type::Binary::Data
# @return [Data] a new instance of Data
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/binary.rb#41
def initialize(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/binary.rb#56
def ==(other); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/binary.rb#52
def hex; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/binary.rb#47
def to_s; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/binary.rb#47
def to_str; end
# = Active Model \Boolean \Type
# A class that behaves like a boolean type, including rules for coercion of
# user input.
# - "false", "f", "0", +0+ or any other value in
# +FALSE_VALUES+ will be coerced to +false+.
# - Empty strings are coerced to +nil+.
# - All other values will be coerced to +true+.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/boolean.rb#14
class ActiveModel::Type::Boolean < ::ActiveModel::Type::Value
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/boolean.rb#30
def serialize(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/boolean.rb#34
def serialize_cast_value(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/boolean.rb#26
def type; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/boolean.rb#39
def cast_value(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/boolean.rb#15
ActiveModel::Type::Boolean::FALSE_VALUES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# = Active Model \Date \Type
# Attribute type for date representation. It is registered under the
# +:date+ key.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Attributes
# attribute :birthday, :date
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.birthday = "1989-07-13"
# person.birthday.class # => Date
# person.birthday.year # => 1989
# person.birthday.month # => 7
# person.birthday.day # => 13
# String values are parsed using the ISO 8601 date format. Any other values
# are cast using their +to_date+ method, if it exists.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/date.rb#26
class ActiveModel::Type::Date < ::ActiveModel::Type::Value
include ::ActiveModel::Type::Helpers::Timezone
include ::ActiveModel::Type::Helpers::AcceptsMultiparameterTime::InstanceMethods
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/date.rb#30
def type; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/date.rb#34
def type_cast_for_schema(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/date.rb#39
def cast_value(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/date.rb#57
def fallback_string_to_date(string); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/date.rb#51
def fast_string_to_date(string); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/date.rb#66
def new_date(year, mon, mday); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/date.rb#72
def value_from_multiparameter_assignment(*_arg0); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/date.rb#50
ActiveModel::Type::Date::ISO_DATE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# = Active Model \DateTime \Type
# Attribute type to represent dates and times. It is registered under the
# +:datetime+ key.
# class Event
# include ActiveModel::Attributes
# attribute :start, :datetime
# end
# event = Event.new
# event.start = "Wed, 04 Sep 2013 03:00:00 EAT"
# event.start.class # => Time
# event.start.year # => 2013
# event.start.month # => 9
# event.start.day # => 4
# event.start.hour # => 3
# event.start.min # => 0
# event.start.sec # => 0
# event.start.zone # => "EAT"
# String values are parsed using the ISO 8601 datetime format. Partial
# time-only formats are also accepted.
# event.start = "06:07:08+09:00"
# event.start.utc # => 1999-12-31 21:07:08 UTC
# The degree of sub-second precision can be customized when declaring an
# attribute:
# class Event
# include ActiveModel::Attributes
# attribute :start, :datetime, precision: 4
# end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/date_time.rb#42
class ActiveModel::Type::DateTime < ::ActiveModel::Type::Value
include ::ActiveModel::Type::Helpers::Timezone
include ::ActiveModel::Type::Helpers::AcceptsMultiparameterTime::InstanceMethods
include ::ActiveModel::Type::Helpers::TimeValue
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/date_time.rb#49
def type; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/date_time.rb#54
def cast_value(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/date_time.rb#67
def fallback_string_to_time(string); end
# '0.123456' -> 123456
# '1.123456' -> 123456
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/date_time.rb#63
def microseconds(time); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/date_time.rb#79
def value_from_multiparameter_assignment(values_hash); end
# = Active Model \Decimal \Type
# Attribute type for decimal, high-precision floating point numeric
# representation. It is registered under the +:decimal+ key.
# class BagOfCoffee
# include ActiveModel::Attributes
# attribute :weight, :decimal
# end
# Numeric instances are converted to BigDecimal instances. Any other objects
# are cast using their +to_d+ method, except for blank strings, which are
# cast to +nil+. If a +to_d+ method is not defined, the object is converted
# to a string using +to_s+, which is then cast using +to_d+.
# bag = BagOfCoffee.new
# bag.weight = 0.01
# bag.weight # => 0.1e-1
# bag.weight = "0.01"
# bag.weight # => 0.1e-1
# bag.weight = ""
# bag.weight # => nil
# bag.weight = :arbitrary
# bag.weight # => nil (the result of `.to_s.to_d`)
# Decimal precision defaults to 18, and can be customized when declaring an
# attribute:
# class BagOfCoffee
# include ActiveModel::Attributes
# attribute :weight, :decimal, precision: 24
# end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/decimal.rb#45
class ActiveModel::Type::Decimal < ::ActiveModel::Type::Value
include ::ActiveModel::Type::Helpers::Numeric
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/decimal.rb#49
def type; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/decimal.rb#53
def type_cast_for_schema(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/decimal.rb#98
def apply_scale(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/decimal.rb#58
def cast_value(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/decimal.rb#82
def convert_float_to_big_decimal(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/decimal.rb#90
def float_precision; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/decimal.rb#47
ActiveModel::Type::Decimal::BIGDECIMAL_PRECISION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
# = Active Model \Float \Type
# Attribute type for floating point numeric values. It is registered under
# the +:float+ key.
# class BagOfCoffee
# include ActiveModel::Attributes
# attribute :weight, :float
# end
# Values are cast using their +to_f+ method, except for the following
# strings:
# - Blank strings are cast to +nil+.
# - "Infinity" is cast to +Float::INFINITY+.
# - "-Infinity" is cast to -Float::INFINITY.
# - "NaN" is cast to +Float::NAN+.
# bag = BagOfCoffee.new
# bag.weight = "0.25"
# bag.weight # => 0.25
# bag.weight = ""
# bag.weight # => nil
# bag.weight = "NaN"
# bag.weight # => Float::NAN
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/float.rb#36
class ActiveModel::Type::Float < ::ActiveModel::Type::Value
include ::ActiveModel::Type::Helpers::Numeric
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/float.rb#39
def type; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/float.rb#43
def type_cast_for_schema(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/float.rb#53
def cast_value(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/accepts_multiparameter_time.rb#5
module ActiveModel::Type::Helpers; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/accepts_multiparameter_time.rb#6
class ActiveModel::Type::Helpers::AcceptsMultiparameterTime < ::Module
# @return [AcceptsMultiparameterTime] a new instance of AcceptsMultiparameterTime
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/accepts_multiparameter_time.rb#37
def initialize(defaults: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/accepts_multiparameter_time.rb#7
module ActiveModel::Type::Helpers::AcceptsMultiparameterTime::InstanceMethods
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/accepts_multiparameter_time.rb#24
def assert_valid_value(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/accepts_multiparameter_time.rb#16
def cast(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/accepts_multiparameter_time.rb#8
def serialize(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/accepts_multiparameter_time.rb#12
def serialize_cast_value(value); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/accepts_multiparameter_time.rb#32
def value_constructed_by_mass_assignment?(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/mutable.rb#6
module ActiveModel::Type::Helpers::Mutable
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/mutable.rb#7
def cast(value); end
# +raw_old_value+ will be the `_before_type_cast` version of the
# value (likely a string). +new_value+ will be the current, type
# cast value.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/mutable.rb#14
def changed_in_place?(raw_old_value, new_value); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/mutable.rb#18
def mutable?; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/numeric.rb#6
module ActiveModel::Type::Helpers::Numeric
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/numeric.rb#15
def cast(value); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/numeric.rb#31
def changed?(old_value, _new_value, new_value_before_type_cast); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/numeric.rb#7
def serialize(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/numeric.rb#11
def serialize_cast_value(value); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/numeric.rb#37
def equal_nan?(old_value, new_value); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/numeric.rb#49
def non_numeric_string?(value); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/numeric.rb#44
def number_to_non_number?(old_value, new_value_before_type_cast); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/numeric.rb#56
ActiveModel::Type::Helpers::Numeric::NUMERIC_REGEX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/time_value.rb#9
module ActiveModel::Type::Helpers::TimeValue
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/time_value.rb#24
def apply_seconds_precision(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/time_value.rb#10
def serialize_cast_value(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/time_value.rb#38
def type_cast_for_schema(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/time_value.rb#42
def user_input_in_time_zone(value); end
# BUG: Wrapping the Time object with Time.at because Time.new with `in:` in Ruby 3.2.0
# used to return an invalid Time object
# see: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/19292
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/time_value.rb#88
def fast_string_to_time(string); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/time_value.rb#47
def new_time(year, mon, mday, hour, min, sec, microsec, offset = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/time_value.rb#64
ActiveModel::Type::Helpers::TimeValue::ISO_DATETIME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/timezone.rb#8
module ActiveModel::Type::Helpers::Timezone
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/timezone.rb#17
def default_timezone; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/helpers/timezone.rb#9
def is_utc?; end
# = Active Model \ImmutableString \Type
# Attribute type to represent immutable strings. It casts incoming values to
# frozen strings.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Attributes
# attribute :name, :immutable_string
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.name = 1
# person.name # => "1"
# person.name.frozen? # => true
# Values are coerced to strings using their +to_s+ method. Boolean values
# are treated differently, however: +true+ will be cast to "t" and
# +false+ will be cast to "f". These strings can be customized when
# declaring an attribute:
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Attributes
# attribute :active, :immutable_string, true: "aye", false: "nay"
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.active = true
# person.active # => "aye"
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/immutable_string.rb#37
class ActiveModel::Type::ImmutableString < ::ActiveModel::Type::Value
# @return [ImmutableString] a new instance of ImmutableString
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/immutable_string.rb#38
def initialize(**args); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/immutable_string.rb#48
def serialize(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/immutable_string.rb#57
def serialize_cast_value(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/immutable_string.rb#44
def type; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/immutable_string.rb#62
def cast_value(value); end
# = Active Model \Integer \Type
# Attribute type for integer representation. This type is registered under
# the +:integer+ key.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Attributes
# attribute :age, :integer
# end
# Values are cast using their +to_i+ method, except for blank strings, which
# are cast to +nil+. If a +to_i+ method is not defined or raises an error,
# the value will be cast to +nil+.
# person = Person.new
# person.age = "18"
# person.age # => 18
# person.age = ""
# person.age # => nil
# person.age = :not_an_integer
# person.age # => nil (because Symbol does not define #to_i)
# Serialization also works under the same principle. Non-numeric strings are
# serialized as +nil+, for example.
# Serialization also validates that the integer can be stored using a
# limited number of bytes. If it cannot, an ActiveModel::RangeError will be
# raised. The default limit is 4 bytes, and can be customized when declaring
# an attribute:
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Attributes
# attribute :age, :integer, limit: 6
# end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/integer.rb#44
class ActiveModel::Type::Integer < ::ActiveModel::Type::Value
include ::ActiveModel::Type::Helpers::Numeric
# @return [Integer] a new instance of Integer
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/integer.rb#51
def initialize(**_arg0); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/integer.rb#60
def deserialize(value); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/integer.rb#74
def serializable?(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/integer.rb#65
def serialize(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/integer.rb#70
def serialize_cast_value(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/integer.rb#56
def type; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/integer.rb#108
def _limit; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/integer.rb#89
def cast_value(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/integer.rb#93
def ensure_in_range(value); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/integer.rb#85
def in_range?(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/integer.rb#100
def max_value; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/integer.rb#104
def min_value; end
# Returns the value of attribute range.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/integer.rb#83
def range; end
# Column storage size in bytes.
# 4 bytes means an integer as opposed to smallint etc.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/integer.rb#49
ActiveModel::Type::Integer::DEFAULT_LIMIT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/registry.rb#5
class ActiveModel::Type::Registry
# @return [Registry] a new instance of Registry
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/registry.rb#6
def initialize; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/registry.rb#23
def lookup(symbol, *_arg1, **_arg2, &_arg3); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/registry.rb#15
def register(type_name, klass = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/registry.rb#10
def initialize_copy(other); end
# Returns the value of attribute registrations.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/registry.rb#34
def registrations; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/serialize_cast_value.rb#5
module ActiveModel::Type::SerializeCastValue
extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern
include ::ActiveModel::Type::SerializeCastValue::DefaultImplementation
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveModel::Type::SerializeCastValue::ClassMethods
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/serialize_cast_value.rb#41
def initialize(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/serialize_cast_value.rb#37
def itself_if_serialize_cast_value_compatible; end
class << self
# @private
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/serialize_cast_value.rb#21
def included(klass); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/serialize_cast_value.rb#25
def serialize(type, value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/serialize_cast_value.rb#8
module ActiveModel::Type::SerializeCastValue::ClassMethods
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/serialize_cast_value.rb#9
def serialize_cast_value_compatible?; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/serialize_cast_value.rb#15
module ActiveModel::Type::SerializeCastValue::DefaultImplementation
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/serialize_cast_value.rb#16
def serialize_cast_value(value); end
# = Active Model \String \Type
# Attribute type for strings. It is registered under the +:string+ key.
# This class is a specialization of ActiveModel::Type::ImmutableString. It
# performs coercion in the same way, and can be configured in the same way.
# However, it accounts for mutable strings, so dirty tracking can properly
# check if a string has changed.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/string.rb#15
class ActiveModel::Type::String < ::ActiveModel::Type::ImmutableString
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/string.rb#16
def changed_in_place?(raw_old_value, new_value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/string.rb#22
def to_immutable_string; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/string.rb#33
def cast_value(value); end
# = Active Model \Time \Type
# Attribute type for time of day representation. It is registered under the
# +:time+ key.
# class Event
# include ActiveModel::Attributes
# attribute :start, :time
# end
# String values are parsed using the ISO 8601 datetime format, but are
# normalized to have a date of 2000-01-01 and be in the UTC time zone.
# event = Event.new
# event.start = "2004-10-25T01:23:45-06:00"
# event.start.class # => Time
# event.start # => 2000-01-01 07:23:45 UTC
# Partial time-only formats are also accepted.
# event.start = "00:01:02+03:00"
# event.start # => 1999-12-31 21:01:02 UTC
# The degree of sub-second precision can be customized when declaring an
# attribute:
# class Event
# include ActiveModel::Attributes
# attribute :start, :time, precision: 4
# end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/time.rb#38
class ActiveModel::Type::Time < ::ActiveModel::Type::Value
include ::ActiveModel::Type::Helpers::Timezone
include ::ActiveModel::Type::Helpers::AcceptsMultiparameterTime::InstanceMethods
include ::ActiveModel::Type::Helpers::TimeValue
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/time.rb#45
def type; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/time.rb#49
def user_input_in_time_zone(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/time.rb#69
def cast_value(value); end
# = Active Model \Value \Type
# The base class for all attribute types. This class also serves as the
# default type for attributes that do not specify a type.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/value.rb#9
class ActiveModel::Type::Value
include ::ActiveModel::Type::SerializeCastValue
include ::ActiveModel::Type::SerializeCastValue::DefaultImplementation
extend ::ActiveModel::Type::SerializeCastValue::ClassMethods
# Initializes a type with three basic configuration settings: precision,
# limit, and scale. The Value base class does not define behavior for
# these settings. It uses them for equality comparison and hash key
# generation only.
# @return [Value] a new instance of Value
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/value.rb#17
def initialize(precision: T.unsafe(nil), limit: T.unsafe(nil), scale: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/value.rb#121
def ==(other); end
# @raise [NoMethodError]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/value.rb#144
def as_json(*_arg0); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/value.rb#133
def assert_valid_value(_); end
# These predicates are not documented, as I need to look further into
# their use, and see if they can be removed entirely.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/value.rb#77
def binary?; end
# Type casts a value from user input (e.g. from a setter). This value may
# be a string from the form builder, or a ruby object passed to a setter.
# There is currently no way to differentiate between which source it came
# from.
# The return value of this method will be returned from
# ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods::Read#read_attribute. See also:
# Value#cast_value.
# +value+ The raw input, as provided to the attribute setter.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/value.rb#57
def cast(value); end
# Determines whether a value has changed for dirty checking. +old_value+
# and +new_value+ will always be type-cast. Types should not need to
# override this method.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/value.rb#84
def changed?(old_value, new_value, _new_value_before_type_cast); end
# Determines whether the mutable value has been modified since it was
# read. Returns +false+ by default. If your type returns an object
# which could be mutated, you should override this method. You will need
# to either:
# - pass +new_value+ to Value#serialize and compare it to
# +raw_old_value+
# or
# - pass +raw_old_value+ to Value#deserialize and compare it to
# +new_value+
# +raw_old_value+ The original value, before being passed to
# +deserialize+.
# +new_value+ The current value, after type casting.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/value.rb#105
def changed_in_place?(raw_old_value, new_value); end
# Converts a value from database input to the appropriate ruby type. The
# return value of this method will be returned from
# ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods::Read#read_attribute. The default
# implementation just calls Value#cast.
# +value+ The raw input, as provided from the database.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/value.rb#43
def deserialize(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/value.rb#121
def eql?(other); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/value.rb#113
def force_equality?(_value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/value.rb#129
def hash; end
# Returns the value of attribute limit.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/value.rb#11
def limit; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/value.rb#117
def map(value, &_arg1); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/value.rb#140
def mutable?; end
# Returns the value of attribute precision.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/value.rb#11
def precision; end
# Returns the value of attribute scale.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/value.rb#11
def scale; end
# Returns true if this type can convert +value+ to a type that is usable
# by the database. For example a boolean type can return +true+ if the
# value parameter is a Ruby boolean, but may return +false+ if the value
# parameter is some other object.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/value.rb#28
def serializable?(value); end
# Casts a value from the ruby type to a type that the database knows how
# to understand. The returned value from this method should be a
# +String+, +Numeric+, +Date+, +Time+, +Symbol+, +true+, +false+, or
# +nil+.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/value.rb#65
def serialize(value); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/value.rb#136
def serialized?; end
# Returns the unique type name as a Symbol. Subclasses should override
# this method.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/value.rb#34
def type; end
# Type casts a value for schema dumping. This method is private, as we are
# hoping to remove it entirely.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/value.rb#71
def type_cast_for_schema(value); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/value.rb#109
def value_constructed_by_mass_assignment?(_value); end
# Convenience method for types which do not need separate type casting
# behavior for user and database inputs. Called by Value#cast for
# values except +nil+.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/type/value.rb#152
def cast_value(value); end
# = Active \Model \UnknownAttributeError
# Raised when unknown attributes are supplied via mass assignment.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::AttributeAssignment
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.assign_attributes(name: 'Gorby')
# # => ActiveModel::UnknownAttributeError: unknown attribute 'name' for Person.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#538
class ActiveModel::UnknownAttributeError < ::NoMethodError
# @return [UnknownAttributeError] a new instance of UnknownAttributeError
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#541
def initialize(record, attribute); end
# Returns the value of attribute attribute.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#539
def attribute; end
# Returns the value of attribute record.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/errors.rb#539
def record; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/gem_version.rb#9
module ActiveModel::VERSION; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/gem_version.rb#10
ActiveModel::VERSION::MAJOR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/gem_version.rb#11
ActiveModel::VERSION::MINOR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/gem_version.rb#13
ActiveModel::VERSION::PRE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), T.untyped)
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/gem_version.rb#15
ActiveModel::VERSION::STRING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/gem_version.rb#12
ActiveModel::VERSION::TINY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations.rb#503
class ActiveModel::ValidationContext
# Returns the value of attribute context.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations.rb#504
def context; end
# Sets the attribute context
# @param value the value to set the attribute context to.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations.rb#504
def context=(_arg0); end
# = Active \Model \ValidationError
# Raised by validate! when the model is invalid. Use the
# +model+ method to retrieve the record which did not validate.
# begin
# complex_operation_that_internally_calls_validate!
# rescue ActiveModel::ValidationError => invalid
# puts invalid.model.errors
# end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations.rb#493
class ActiveModel::ValidationError < ::StandardError
# @return [ValidationError] a new instance of ValidationError
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations.rb#496
def initialize(model); end
# Returns the value of attribute model.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations.rb#494
def model; end
# = Active \Model \Validations
# Provides a full validation framework to your objects.
# A minimal implementation could be:
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# attr_accessor :first_name, :last_name
# validates_each :first_name, :last_name do |record, attr, value|
# record.errors.add attr, "starts with z." if value.start_with?("z")
# end
# end
# Which provides you with the full standard validation stack that you
# know from Active Record:
# person = Person.new
# person.valid? # => true
# person.invalid? # => false
# person.first_name = 'zoolander'
# person.valid? # => false
# person.invalid? # => true
# person.errors.messages # => {first_name:["starts with z."]}
# Note that +ActiveModel::Validations+ automatically adds an +errors+
# method to your instances initialized with a new ActiveModel::Errors
# object, so there is no need for you to do this manually.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations.rb#37
module ActiveModel::Validations
extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern
include GeneratedInstanceMethods
include ::ActiveSupport::Callbacks
include ::ActiveModel::Validations::HelperMethods
mixes_in_class_methods GeneratedClassMethods
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveModel::Validations::ClassMethods
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveModel::Callbacks
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveSupport::Callbacks::ClassMethods
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveModel::Translation
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveModel::Validations::HelperMethods
# Returns the +Errors+ object that holds all information about attribute
# error messages.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# attr_accessor :name
# validates_presence_of :name
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.valid? # => false
# person.errors # => #
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations.rb#328
def errors; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations.rb#372
def freeze; end
# Performs the opposite of valid?. Returns +true+ if errors were
# added, +false+ otherwise.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# attr_accessor :name
# validates_presence_of :name
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.name = ''
# person.invalid? # => true
# person.name = 'david'
# person.invalid? # => false
# Context can optionally be supplied to define which callbacks to test
# against (the context is defined on the validations using :on).
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# attr_accessor :name
# validates_presence_of :name, on: :new
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.invalid? # => false
# person.invalid?(:new) # => true
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations.rb#408
def invalid?(context = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Hook method defining how an attribute value should be retrieved. By default
# this is assumed to be an instance named after the attribute. Override this
# method in subclasses should you need to retrieve the value for a given
# attribute differently:
# class MyClass
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# def initialize(data = {})
# @data = data
# end
# def read_attribute_for_validation(key)
# @data[key]
# end
# end
def read_attribute_for_validation(*_arg0); end
# Runs all the specified validations and returns +true+ if no errors were
# added otherwise +false+.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# attr_accessor :name
# validates_presence_of :name
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.name = ''
# person.valid? # => false
# person.name = 'david'
# person.valid? # => true
# Context can optionally be supplied to define which callbacks to test
# against (the context is defined on the validations using :on).
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# attr_accessor :name
# validates_presence_of :name, on: :new
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.valid? # => true
# person.valid?(:new) # => false
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations.rb#361
def valid?(context = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Runs all the specified validations and returns +true+ if no errors were
# added otherwise +false+.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# attr_accessor :name
# validates_presence_of :name
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.name = ''
# person.valid? # => false
# person.name = 'david'
# person.valid? # => true
# Context can optionally be supplied to define which callbacks to test
# against (the context is defined on the validations using :on).
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# attr_accessor :name
# validates_presence_of :name, on: :new
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.valid? # => true
# person.valid?(:new) # => false
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations.rb#361
def validate(context = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Runs all the validations within the specified context. Returns +true+ if
# no errors are found, raises +ValidationError+ otherwise.
# Validations with no :on option will run no matter the context. Validations with
# some :on option will only run in the specified context.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations.rb#417
def validate!(context = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Passes the record off to the class or classes specified and allows them
# to add errors based on more complex conditions.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# validate :instance_validations
# def instance_validations
# validates_with MyValidator
# end
# end
# Please consult the class method documentation for more information on
# creating your own validator.
# You may also pass it multiple classes, like so:
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# validate :instance_validations, on: :create
# def instance_validations
# validates_with MyValidator, MyOtherValidator
# end
# end
# Standard configuration options (:on, :if and
# :unless), which are available on the class version of
# +validates_with+, should instead be placed on the +validates+ method
# as these are applied and tested in the callback.
# If you pass any additional configuration options, they will be passed
# to the class and available as +options+, please refer to the
# class version of this method for more information.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/with.rb#144
def validates_with(*args, &block); end
# Returns the context when running validations.
# This is useful when running validations except a certain context (opposite to the +on+ option).
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# attr_accessor :name
# validates :name, presence: true, if: -> { validation_context != :custom }
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.valid? #=> false
# person.valid?(:new) #=> false
# person.valid?(:custom) #=> true
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations.rb#454
def validation_context; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations.rb#463
def context_for_validation; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations.rb#467
def init_internals; end
# Clean the +Errors+ object if instance is duped.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations.rb#310
def initialize_dup(other); end
# @raise [ValidationError]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations.rb#478
def raise_validation_error; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations.rb#473
def run_validations!; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations.rb#459
def validation_context=(context); end
module GeneratedClassMethods
def __callbacks; end
def __callbacks=(value); end
def _validators; end
def _validators=(value); end
def _validators?; end
module GeneratedInstanceMethods
def __callbacks; end
def _validators; end
def _validators?; end
# == \Active \Model Absence Validator
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/absence.rb#6
class ActiveModel::Validations::AbsenceValidator < ::ActiveModel::EachValidator
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/absence.rb#7
def validate_each(record, attr_name, value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/acceptance.rb#5
class ActiveModel::Validations::AcceptanceValidator < ::ActiveModel::EachValidator
# @return [AcceptanceValidator] a new instance of AcceptanceValidator
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/acceptance.rb#6
def initialize(options); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/acceptance.rb#11
def validate_each(record, attribute, value); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/acceptance.rb#23
def acceptable_option?(value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/acceptance.rb#18
def setup!(klass); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/acceptance.rb#27
class ActiveModel::Validations::AcceptanceValidator::LazilyDefineAttributes < ::Module
# @return [LazilyDefineAttributes] a new instance of LazilyDefineAttributes
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/acceptance.rb#28
def initialize(attributes); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/acceptance.rb#73
def ==(other); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/acceptance.rb#56
def define_on(klass); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/acceptance.rb#32
def included(klass); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/acceptance.rb#51
def matches?(method_name); end
# Returns the value of attribute attributes.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/acceptance.rb#78
def attributes; end
# = Active \Model \Validation \Callbacks
# Provides an interface for any class to have ClassMethods#before_validation and
# ClassMethods#after_validation callbacks.
# First, include +ActiveModel::Validations::Callbacks+ from the class you are
# creating:
# class MyModel
# include ActiveModel::Validations::Callbacks
# before_validation :do_stuff_before_validation
# after_validation :do_stuff_after_validation
# end
# Like other before_* callbacks if +before_validation+ throws
# +:abort+ then valid? will not be called.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/callbacks.rb#22
module ActiveModel::Validations::Callbacks
extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern
include GeneratedInstanceMethods
include ::ActiveSupport::Callbacks
mixes_in_class_methods GeneratedClassMethods
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveModel::Validations::Callbacks::ClassMethods
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveSupport::Callbacks::ClassMethods
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker
# Override run_validations! to include callbacks.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/callbacks.rb#114
def run_validations!; end
module GeneratedClassMethods
def __callbacks; end
def __callbacks=(value); end
module GeneratedInstanceMethods
def __callbacks; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/callbacks.rb#32
module ActiveModel::Validations::Callbacks::ClassMethods
# Defines a callback that will get called right after validation.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# include ActiveModel::Validations::Callbacks
# attr_accessor :name, :status
# validates_presence_of :name
# after_validation :set_status
# private
# def set_status
# self.status = errors.empty?
# end
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.name = ''
# person.valid? # => false
# person.status # => false
# person.name = 'bob'
# person.valid? # => true
# person.status # => true
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/callbacks.rb#88
def after_validation(*args, &block); end
# Defines a callback that will get called right before validation.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# include ActiveModel::Validations::Callbacks
# attr_accessor :name
# validates_length_of :name, maximum: 6
# before_validation :remove_whitespaces
# private
# def remove_whitespaces
# name.strip!
# end
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.name = ' bob '
# person.valid? # => true
# person.name # => "bob"
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/callbacks.rb#55
def before_validation(*args, &block); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/callbacks.rb#99
def set_options_for_callback(options); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations.rb#53
module ActiveModel::Validations::ClassMethods
# Returns +true+ if +attribute+ is an attribute method, +false+ otherwise.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# attr_accessor :name
# end
# User.attribute_method?(:name) # => true
# User.attribute_method?(:age) # => false
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations.rb#282
def attribute_method?(attribute); end
# Clears all of the validators and validations.
# Note that this will clear anything that is being used to validate
# the model for both the +validates_with+ and +validate+ methods.
# It clears the validators that are created with an invocation of
# +validates_with+ and the callbacks that are set by an invocation
# of +validate+.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# validates_with MyValidator
# validates_with OtherValidator, on: :create
# validates_with StrictValidator, strict: true
# validate :cannot_be_robot
# def cannot_be_robot
# errors.add(:base, 'A person cannot be a robot') if person_is_robot
# end
# end
# Person.validators
# # => [
# # #,
# # #,
# # #
# # ]
# If one runs Person.clear_validators! and then checks to see what
# validators this class has, you would obtain:
# Person.validators # => []
# Also, the callback set by validate :cannot_be_robot will be erased
# so that:
# Person._validate_callbacks.empty? # => true
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations.rb#246
def clear_validators!; end
# Copy validators on inheritance.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations.rb#287
def inherited(base); end
# Adds a validation method or block to the class. This is useful when
# overriding the +validate+ instance method becomes too unwieldy and
# you're looking for more descriptive declaration of your validations.
# This can be done with a symbol pointing to a method:
# class Comment
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# validate :must_be_friends
# def must_be_friends
# errors.add(:base, 'Must be friends to leave a comment') unless commenter.friend_of?(commentee)
# end
# end
# With a block which is passed with the current record to be validated:
# class Comment
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# validate do |comment|
# comment.must_be_friends
# end
# def must_be_friends
# errors.add(:base, 'Must be friends to leave a comment') unless commenter.friend_of?(commentee)
# end
# end
# Or with a block where +self+ points to the current record to be validated:
# class Comment
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# validate do
# errors.add(:base, 'Must be friends to leave a comment') unless commenter.friend_of?(commentee)
# end
# end
# Note that the return value of validation methods is not relevant.
# It's not possible to halt the validate callback chain.
# Options:
# * :on - Specifies the contexts where this validation is active.
# Runs in all validation contexts by default +nil+. You can pass a symbol
# or an array of symbols. (e.g. on: :create or
# on: :custom_validation_context or
# on: [:create, :custom_validation_context])
# * :except_on - Specifies the contexts where this validation is not active.
# Runs in all validation contexts by default +nil+. You can pass a symbol
# or an array of symbols. (e.g. except: :create or
# except_on: :custom_validation_context or
# except_on: [:create, :custom_validation_context])
# * :if - Specifies a method, proc or string to call to determine
# if the validation should occur (e.g. if: :allow_validation,
# or if: Proc.new { |user| user.signup_step > 2 }). The method,
# proc or string should return or evaluate to a +true+ or +false+ value.
# * :unless - Specifies a method, proc, or string to call to
# determine if the validation should not occur (e.g. unless: :skip_validation,
# or unless: Proc.new { |user| user.signup_step <= 2 }). The
# method, proc, or string should return or evaluate to a +true+ or +false+
# value.
# NOTE: Calling +validate+ multiple times on the same method will overwrite previous definitions.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations.rb#160
def validate(*args, &block); end
# This method is a shortcut to all default validators and any custom
# validator classes ending in 'Validator'. Note that \Rails default
# validators can be overridden inside specific classes by creating
# custom validator classes in their place such as PresenceValidator.
# Examples of using the default Rails validators:
# validates :username, absence: true
# validates :terms, acceptance: true
# validates :password, confirmation: true
# validates :username, exclusion: { in: %w(admin superuser) }
# validates :email, format: { with: /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/i, on: :create }
# validates :age, inclusion: { in: 0..9 }
# validates :first_name, length: { maximum: 30 }
# validates :age, numericality: true
# validates :username, presence: true
# The power of the +validates+ method comes when using custom validators
# and default validators in one call for a given attribute.
# class EmailValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
# def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
# record.errors.add attribute, (options[:message] || "is not an email") unless
# /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/i.match?(value)
# end
# end
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# attr_accessor :name, :email
# validates :name, presence: true, length: { maximum: 100 }
# validates :email, presence: true, email: true
# end
# Validator classes may also exist within the class being validated
# allowing custom modules of validators to be included as needed.
# class Film
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# class TitleValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
# def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
# record.errors.add attribute, "must start with 'the'" unless /\Athe/i.match?(value)
# end
# end
# validates :name, title: true
# end
# Additionally validator classes may be in another namespace and still
# used within any class.
# validates :name, :'film/title' => true
# The validators hash can also handle regular expressions, ranges, arrays
# and strings in shortcut form.
# validates :email, format: /@/
# validates :role, inclusion: %w(admin contributor)
# validates :password, length: 6..20
# When using shortcut form, ranges and arrays are passed to your
# validator's initializer as options[:in] while other types
# including regular expressions and strings are passed as options[:with].
# There is also a list of options that could be used along with validators:
# * :on - Specifies the contexts where this validation is active.
# Runs in all validation contexts by default +nil+. You can pass a symbol
# or an array of symbols. (e.g. on: :create or
# on: :custom_validation_context or
# on: [:create, :custom_validation_context])
# * :except_on - Specifies the contexts where this validation is not active.
# Runs in all validation contexts by default +nil+. You can pass a symbol
# or an array of symbols. (e.g. except: :create or
# except_on: :custom_validation_context or
# except_on: [:create, :custom_validation_context])
# * :if - Specifies a method, proc or string to call to determine
# if the validation should occur (e.g. if: :allow_validation,
# or if: Proc.new { |user| user.signup_step > 2 }). The method,
# proc or string should return or evaluate to a +true+ or +false+ value.
# * :unless - Specifies a method, proc, or string to call to determine
# if the validation should not occur (e.g. unless: :skip_validation,
# or unless: Proc.new { |user| user.signup_step <= 2 }). The
# method, proc, or string should return or evaluate to a +true+ or
# +false+ value.
# * :allow_nil - Skip validation if the attribute is +nil+.
# * :allow_blank - Skip validation if the attribute is blank.
# * :strict - If the :strict option is set to true
# will raise ActiveModel::StrictValidationFailed instead of adding the error.
# :strict option can also be set to any other exception.
# Example:
# validates :password, presence: true, confirmation: true, if: :password_required?
# validates :token, length: { is: 24 }, strict: TokenLengthException
# Finally, the options +:if+, +:unless+, +:on+, +:allow_blank+, +:allow_nil+, +:strict+
# and +:message+ can be given to one specific validator, as a hash:
# validates :password, presence: { if: :password_required?, message: 'is forgotten.' }, confirmation: true
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/validates.rb#111
def validates(*attributes); end
# This method is used to define validations that cannot be corrected by end
# users and are considered exceptional. So each validator defined with bang
# or :strict option set to true will always raise
# ActiveModel::StrictValidationFailed instead of adding error
# when validation fails. See validates for more information about
# the validation itself.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# attr_accessor :name
# validates! :name, presence: true
# end
# person = Person.new
# person.name = ''
# person.valid?
# # => ActiveModel::StrictValidationFailed: Name can't be blank
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/validates.rb#153
def validates!(*attributes); end
# Validates each attribute against a block.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# attr_accessor :first_name, :last_name
# validates_each :first_name, :last_name, allow_blank: true do |record, attr, value|
# record.errors.add attr, "starts with z." if value.start_with?("z")
# end
# end
# Options:
# * :on - Specifies the contexts where this validation is active.
# Runs in all validation contexts by default +nil+. You can pass a symbol
# or an array of symbols. (e.g. on: :create or
# on: :custom_validation_context or
# on: [:create, :custom_validation_context])
# * :except_on - Specifies the contexts where this validation is not active.
# Runs in all validation contexts by default +nil+. You can pass a symbol
# or an array of symbols. (e.g. except: :create or
# except_on: :custom_validation_context or
# except_on: [:create, :custom_validation_context])
# * :allow_nil - Skip validation if attribute is +nil+.
# * :allow_blank - Skip validation if attribute is blank.
# * :if - Specifies a method, proc, or string to call to determine
# if the validation should occur (e.g. if: :allow_validation,
# or if: Proc.new { |user| user.signup_step > 2 }). The method,
# proc or string should return or evaluate to a +true+ or +false+ value.
# * :unless - Specifies a method, proc, or string to call to
# determine if the validation should not occur (e.g. unless: :skip_validation,
# or unless: Proc.new { |user| user.signup_step <= 2 }). The
# method, proc, or string should return or evaluate to a +true+ or +false+
# value.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations.rb#88
def validates_each(*attr_names, &block); end
# Passes the record off to the class or classes specified and allows them
# to add errors based on more complex conditions.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# validates_with MyValidator
# end
# class MyValidator < ActiveModel::Validator
# def validate(record)
# if some_complex_logic
# record.errors.add :base, 'This record is invalid'
# end
# end
# private
# def some_complex_logic
# # ...
# end
# end
# You may also pass it multiple classes, like so:
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# validates_with MyValidator, MyOtherValidator, on: :create
# end
# There is no default error message for +validates_with+. You must
# manually add errors to the record's errors collection in the validator
# class.
# To implement the validate method, you must have a +record+ parameter
# defined, which is the record to be validated.
# Configuration options:
# * :on - Specifies the contexts where this validation is active.
# Runs in all validation contexts by default +nil+. You can pass a symbol
# or an array of symbols. (e.g. on: :create or
# on: :custom_validation_context or
# on: [:create, :custom_validation_context])
# * :if - Specifies a method, proc, or string to call to determine
# if the validation should occur (e.g. if: :allow_validation,
# or if: Proc.new { |user| user.signup_step > 2 }).
# The method, proc, or string should return or evaluate to a +true+ or
# +false+ value.
# * :unless - Specifies a method, proc, or string to call to
# determine if the validation should not occur
# (e.g. unless: :skip_validation, or
# unless: Proc.new { |user| user.signup_step <= 2 }).
# The method, proc, or string should return or evaluate to a +true+ or
# +false+ value.
# * :strict - Specifies whether validation should be strict.
# See ActiveModel::Validations#validates! for more information.
# If you pass any additional configuration options, they will be passed
# to the class and available as +options+:
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# validates_with MyValidator, my_custom_key: 'my custom value'
# end
# class MyValidator < ActiveModel::Validator
# def validate(record)
# options[:my_custom_key] # => "my custom value"
# end
# end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/with.rb#88
def validates_with(*args, &block); end
# List all validators that are being used to validate the model using
# +validates_with+ method.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# validates_with MyValidator
# validates_with OtherValidator, on: :create
# validates_with StrictValidator, strict: true
# end
# Person.validators
# # => [
# # #,
# # #,
# # #
# # ]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations.rb#204
def validators; end
# List all validators that are being used to validate a specific attribute.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# attr_accessor :name, :age
# validates_presence_of :name
# validates_inclusion_of :age, in: 0..99
# end
# Person.validators_on(:name)
# # => [
# # #,
# # ]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations.rb#266
def validators_on(*attributes); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/validates.rb#166
def _parse_validates_options(options); end
# When creating custom validators, it might be useful to be able to specify
# additional default keys. This can be done by overwriting this method.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/validates.rb#162
def _validates_default_keys; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations.rb#296
def predicate_for_validation_context(context); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations.rb#92
ActiveModel::Validations::ClassMethods::VALID_OPTIONS_FOR_VALIDATE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/clusivity.rb#8
module ActiveModel::Validations::Clusivity
include ::ActiveModel::Validations::ResolveValue
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/clusivity.rb#14
def check_validity!; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/clusivity.rb#31
def delimiter; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/clusivity.rb#21
def include?(record, value); end
# After Ruby 2.2, Range#include? on non-number-or-time-ish ranges checks all
# possible values in the range for equality, which is slower but more accurate.
# Range#cover? uses the previous logic of comparing a value with the range
# endpoints, which is fast but is only accurate on Numeric, Time, Date,
# or DateTime ranges.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/clusivity.rb#40
def inclusion_method(enumerable); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/clusivity.rb#11
ActiveModel::Validations::Clusivity::ERROR_MESSAGE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/comparability.rb#5
module ActiveModel::Validations::Comparability
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/comparability.rb#10
def error_options(value, option_value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/comparability.rb#6
ActiveModel::Validations::Comparability::COMPARE_CHECKS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/comparison.rb#8
class ActiveModel::Validations::ComparisonValidator < ::ActiveModel::EachValidator
include ::ActiveModel::Validations::Comparability
include ::ActiveModel::Validations::ResolveValue
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/comparison.rb#12
def check_validity!; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/comparison.rb#19
def validate_each(record, attr_name, value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/confirmation.rb#5
class ActiveModel::Validations::ConfirmationValidator < ::ActiveModel::EachValidator
# @return [ConfirmationValidator] a new instance of ConfirmationValidator
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/confirmation.rb#6
def initialize(options); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/confirmation.rb#11
def validate_each(record, attribute, value); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/confirmation.rb#31
def confirmation_value_equal?(record, attribute, value, confirmed); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/confirmation.rb#21
def setup!(klass); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/exclusion.rb#7
class ActiveModel::Validations::ExclusionValidator < ::ActiveModel::EachValidator
include ::ActiveModel::Validations::ResolveValue
include ::ActiveModel::Validations::Clusivity
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/exclusion.rb#10
def validate_each(record, attribute, value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/format.rb#7
class ActiveModel::Validations::FormatValidator < ::ActiveModel::EachValidator
include ::ActiveModel::Validations::ResolveValue
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/format.rb#20
def check_validity!; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/format.rb#10
def validate_each(record, attribute, value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/format.rb#34
def check_options_validity(name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/format.rb#30
def record_error(record, attribute, name, value); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/format.rb#48
def regexp_using_multiline_anchors?(regexp); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/absence.rb#12
module ActiveModel::Validations::HelperMethods
# Validates that the specified attributes are blank (as defined by
# Object#present?).
# class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
# validates_absence_of :first_name
# end
# The first_name attribute must be in the object and it must be blank.
# Configuration options:
# * :message - A custom error message (default is: "must be blank").
# There is also a list of default options supported by every validator:
# +:if+, +:unless+, +:on+, +:allow_nil+, +:allow_blank+, and +:strict+.
# See ActiveModel::Validations::ClassMethods#validates for more information.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/absence.rb#28
def validates_absence_of(*attr_names); end
# Encapsulates the pattern of wanting to validate the acceptance of a
# terms of service check box (or similar agreement).
# class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
# validates_acceptance_of :terms_of_service
# validates_acceptance_of :eula, message: 'must be abided'
# end
# If the database column does not exist, the +terms_of_service+ attribute
# is entirely virtual. This check is performed only if +terms_of_service+
# is not +nil+.
# Configuration options:
# * :message - A custom error message (default is: "must be
# accepted").
# * :accept - Specifies a value that is considered accepted.
# Also accepts an array of possible values. The default value is
# an array ["1", true], which makes it easy to relate to an HTML
# checkbox. This should be set to, or include, +true+ if you are validating
# a database column, since the attribute is typecast from "1" to +true+
# before validation.
# There is also a list of default options supported by every validator:
# +:if+, +:unless+, +:on+, +:allow_nil+, +:allow_blank+, and +:strict+.
# See ActiveModel::Validations::ClassMethods#validates for more information.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/acceptance.rb#108
def validates_acceptance_of(*attr_names); end
# Validates the value of a specified attribute fulfills all
# defined comparisons with another value, proc, or attribute.
# class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
# validates_comparison_of :value, greater_than: 'the sum of its parts'
# end
# Configuration options:
# * :message - A custom error message (default is: "failed comparison").
# * :greater_than - Specifies the value must be greater than the
# supplied value. The default error message for this option is _"must be
# greater than %{count}"_.
# * :greater_than_or_equal_to - Specifies the value must be
# greater than or equal to the supplied value. The default error message
# for this option is _"must be greater than or equal to %{count}"_.
# * :equal_to - Specifies the value must be equal to the supplied
# value. The default error message for this option is _"must be equal to
# %{count}"_.
# * :less_than - Specifies the value must be less than the
# supplied value. The default error message for this option is _"must be
# less than %{count}"_.
# * :less_than_or_equal_to - Specifies the value must be less
# than or equal to the supplied value. The default error message for
# this option is _"must be less than or equal to %{count}"_.
# * :other_than - Specifies the value must not be equal to the
# supplied value. The default error message for this option is _"must be
# other than %{count}"_.
# There is also a list of default options supported by every validator:
# +:if+, +:unless+, +:on+, +:allow_nil+, +:allow_blank+, and +:strict+ .
# See ActiveModel::Validations::ClassMethods#validates for more information.
# The validator requires at least one of the following checks to be supplied.
# Each will accept a proc, value, or a symbol which corresponds to a method:
# * :greater_than
# * :greater_than_or_equal_to
# * :equal_to
# * :less_than
# * :less_than_or_equal_to
# * :other_than
# For example:
# class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
# validates_comparison_of :birth_date, less_than_or_equal_to: -> { Date.today }
# validates_comparison_of :preferred_name, other_than: :given_name, allow_nil: true
# end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/comparison.rb#85
def validates_comparison_of(*attr_names); end
# Encapsulates the pattern of wanting to validate a password or email
# address field with a confirmation.
# Model:
# class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
# validates_confirmation_of :user_name, :password
# validates_confirmation_of :email_address,
# message: 'should match confirmation'
# end
# View:
# <%= password_field "person", "password" %>
# <%= password_field "person", "password_confirmation" %>
# The added +password_confirmation+ attribute is virtual; it exists only
# as an in-memory attribute for validating the password. To achieve this,
# the validation adds accessors to the model for the confirmation
# attribute.
# NOTE: This check is performed only if +password_confirmation+ is not
# +nil+. To require confirmation, make sure to add a presence check for
# the confirmation attribute:
# validates_presence_of :password_confirmation, if: :password_changed?
# Configuration options:
# * :message - A custom error message (default is: "doesn't match
# %{translated_attribute_name}").
# * :case_sensitive - Looks for an exact match. Ignored by
# non-text columns (+true+ by default).
# There is also a list of default options supported by every validator:
# +:if+, +:unless+, +:on+, +:allow_nil+, +:allow_blank+, and +:strict+.
# See ActiveModel::Validations::ClassMethods#validates for more information.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/confirmation.rb#75
def validates_confirmation_of(*attr_names); end
# Validates that the value of the specified attribute is not in a
# particular enumerable object.
# class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
# validates_exclusion_of :username, in: %w( admin superuser ), message: "You don't belong here"
# validates_exclusion_of :age, in: 30..60, message: 'This site is only for under 30 and over 60'
# validates_exclusion_of :format, in: %w( mov avi ), message: "extension %{value} is not allowed"
# validates_exclusion_of :password, in: ->(person) { [person.username, person.first_name] },
# message: 'should not be the same as your username or first name'
# validates_exclusion_of :karma, in: :reserved_karmas
# end
# Configuration options:
# * :in - An enumerable object of items that the value shouldn't
# be part of. This can be supplied as a proc, lambda, or symbol which returns an
# enumerable. If the enumerable is a numerical, time, or datetime range the test
# is performed with Range#cover?, otherwise with include?. When
# using a proc or lambda the instance under validation is passed as an argument.
# * :within - A synonym(or alias) for :in
# Range#cover?, otherwise with include?.
# * :message - Specifies a custom error message (default is: "is
# reserved").
# There is also a list of default options supported by every validator:
# +:if+, +:unless+, +:on+, +:allow_nil+, +:allow_blank+, and +:strict+.
# See ActiveModel::Validations::ClassMethods#validates for more information.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/exclusion.rb#44
def validates_exclusion_of(*attr_names); end
# Validates whether the value of the specified attribute is of the correct
# form, going by the regular expression provided. You can require that the
# attribute matches the regular expression:
# class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
# validates_format_of :email, with: /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/i, on: :create
# end
# Alternatively, you can require that the specified attribute does _not_
# match the regular expression:
# class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
# validates_format_of :email, without: /NOSPAM/
# end
# You can also provide a proc or lambda which will determine the regular
# expression that will be used to validate the attribute.
# class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
# # Admin can have number as a first letter in their screen name
# validates_format_of :screen_name,
# with: ->(person) { person.admin? ? /\A[a-z0-9][a-z0-9_\-]*\z/i : /\A[a-z][a-z0-9_\-]*\z/i }
# end
# Note: use \A and \z to match the start and end of the
# string, ^ and $ match the start/end of a line.
# Due to frequent misuse of ^ and $, you need to pass
# the multiline: true option in case you use any of these two
# anchors in the provided regular expression. In most cases, you should be
# using \A and \z.
# You must pass either :with or :without as an option.
# In addition, both must be a regular expression or a proc or lambda, or
# else an exception will be raised.
# Configuration options:
# * :message - A custom error message (default is: "is invalid").
# * :with - Regular expression that if the attribute matches will
# result in a successful validation. This can be provided as a proc or
# lambda returning regular expression which will be called at runtime.
# * :without - Regular expression that if the attribute does not
# match will result in a successful validation. This can be provided as
# a proc or lambda returning regular expression which will be called at
# runtime.
# * :multiline - Set to true if your regular expression contains
# anchors that match the beginning or end of lines as opposed to the
# beginning or end of the string. These anchors are ^ and $.
# There is also a list of default options supported by every validator:
# +:if+, +:unless+, +:on+, +:allow_nil+, +:allow_blank+, and +:strict+.
# See ActiveModel::Validations::ClassMethods#validates for more information.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/format.rb#107
def validates_format_of(*attr_names); end
# Validates whether the value of the specified attribute is available in a
# particular enumerable object.
# class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
# validates_inclusion_of :role, in: %w( admin contributor )
# validates_inclusion_of :age, in: 0..99
# validates_inclusion_of :format, in: %w( jpg gif png ), message: "extension %{value} is not included in the list"
# validates_inclusion_of :states, in: ->(person) { STATES[person.country] }
# validates_inclusion_of :karma, in: :available_karmas
# end
# Configuration options:
# * :in - An enumerable object of available items. This can be
# supplied as a proc, lambda, or symbol which returns an enumerable. If the
# enumerable is a numerical, time, or datetime range the test is performed
# with Range#cover?, otherwise with include?. When using
# a proc or lambda the instance under validation is passed as an argument.
# * :within - A synonym(or alias) for :in
# * :message - Specifies a custom error message (default is: "is
# not included in the list").
# There is also a list of default options supported by every validator:
# +:if+, +:unless+, +:on+, +:allow_nil+, +:allow_blank+, and +:strict+.
# See ActiveModel::Validations::ClassMethods#validates for more information.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/inclusion.rb#42
def validates_inclusion_of(*attr_names); end
# Validates that the specified attributes match the length restrictions
# supplied. Only one constraint option can be used at a time apart from
# +:minimum+ and +:maximum+ that can be combined together:
# class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
# validates_length_of :first_name, maximum: 30
# validates_length_of :last_name, maximum: 30, message: "less than 30 if you don't mind"
# validates_length_of :fax, in: 7..32, allow_nil: true
# validates_length_of :phone, in: 7..32, allow_blank: true
# validates_length_of :user_name, within: 6..20, too_long: 'pick a shorter name', too_short: 'pick a longer name'
# validates_length_of :zip_code, minimum: 5, too_short: 'please enter at least 5 characters'
# validates_length_of :smurf_leader, is: 4, message: "papa is spelled with 4 characters... don't play me."
# validates_length_of :words_in_essay, minimum: 100, too_short: 'Your essay must be at least 100 words.'
# private
# def words_in_essay
# essay.scan(/\w+/)
# end
# end
# Constraint options:
# * :minimum - The minimum size of the attribute.
# * :maximum - The maximum size of the attribute. Allows +nil+ by
# default if not used with +:minimum+.
# * :is - The exact size of the attribute.
# * :within - A range specifying the minimum and maximum size of
# the attribute.
# * :in - A synonym (or alias) for :within.
# Other options:
# * :allow_nil - Attribute may be +nil+; skip validation.
# * :allow_blank - Attribute may be blank; skip validation.
# * :too_long - The error message if the attribute goes over the
# maximum (default is: "is too long (maximum is %{count} characters)").
# * :too_short - The error message if the attribute goes under the
# minimum (default is: "is too short (minimum is %{count} characters)").
# * :wrong_length - The error message if using the :is
# method and the attribute is the wrong size (default is: "is the wrong
# length (should be %{count} characters)").
# * :message - The error message to use for a :minimum,
# :maximum, or :is violation. An alias of the appropriate
# too_long/too_short/wrong_length message.
# There is also a list of default options supported by every validator:
# +:if+, +:unless+, +:on+, and +:strict+.
# See ActiveModel::Validations::ClassMethods#validates for more information.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/length.rb#123
def validates_length_of(*attr_names); end
# Validates whether the value of the specified attribute is numeric by
# trying to convert it to a float with +Kernel.Float+ (if
# only_integer is +false+) or applying it to the regular
# expression /\A[\+\-]?\d+\z/ (if only_integer is set to
# +true+). Precision of +Kernel.Float+ values are guaranteed up to 15
# digits.
# class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
# validates_numericality_of :value, on: :create
# end
# Configuration options:
# * :message - A custom error message (default is: "is not a number").
# * :only_integer - Specifies whether the value has to be an
# integer (default is +false+).
# * :only_numeric - Specifies whether the value has to be an
# instance of Numeric (default is +false+). The default behavior is to
# attempt parsing the value if it is a String.
# * :allow_nil - Skip validation if attribute is +nil+ (default is
# +false+). Notice that for Integer and Float columns empty strings are
# converted to +nil+.
# * :greater_than - Specifies the value must be greater than the
# supplied value. The default error message for this option is _"must be
# greater than %{count}"_.
# * :greater_than_or_equal_to - Specifies the value must be
# greater than or equal the supplied value. The default error message
# for this option is _"must be greater than or equal to %{count}"_.
# * :equal_to - Specifies the value must be equal to the supplied
# value. The default error message for this option is _"must be equal to
# %{count}"_.
# * :less_than - Specifies the value must be less than the
# supplied value. The default error message for this option is _"must be
# less than %{count}"_.
# * :less_than_or_equal_to - Specifies the value must be less
# than or equal the supplied value. The default error message for this
# option is _"must be less than or equal to %{count}"_.
# * :other_than - Specifies the value must be other than the
# supplied value. The default error message for this option is _"must be
# other than %{count}"_.
# * :odd - Specifies the value must be an odd number. The default
# error message for this option is _"must be odd"_.
# * :even - Specifies the value must be an even number. The
# default error message for this option is _"must be even"_.
# * :in - Check that the value is within a range. The default
# error message for this option is _"must be in %{count}"_.
# There is also a list of default options supported by every validator:
# +:if+, +:unless+, +:on+, +:allow_nil+, +:allow_blank+, and +:strict+ .
# See ActiveModel::Validations::ClassMethods#validates for more information.
# The following checks can also be supplied with a proc or a symbol which
# corresponds to a method:
# * :greater_than
# * :greater_than_or_equal_to
# * :equal_to
# * :less_than
# * :less_than_or_equal_to
# * :only_integer
# * :other_than
# For example:
# class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
# validates_numericality_of :width, less_than: ->(person) { person.height }
# validates_numericality_of :width, greater_than: :minimum_weight
# end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/numericality.rb#217
def validates_numericality_of(*attr_names); end
# Validates that the specified attributes are not blank (as defined by
# Object#blank?).
# class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
# validates_presence_of :first_name
# end
# The first_name attribute must be in the object and it cannot be blank.
# If you want to validate the presence of a boolean field (where the real
# values are +true+ and +false+), you will want to use
# validates_inclusion_of :field_name, in: [true, false].
# This is due to the way Object#blank? handles boolean values:
# false.blank? # => true.
# Configuration options:
# * :message - A custom error message (default is: "can't be blank").
# There is also a list of default options supported by every validator:
# +:if+, +:unless+, +:on+, +:allow_nil+, +:allow_blank+, and +:strict+.
# See ActiveModel::Validations::ClassMethods#validates for more information.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/presence.rb#34
def validates_presence_of(*attr_names); end
# Validates that the specified attributes match the length restrictions
# supplied. Only one constraint option can be used at a time apart from
# +:minimum+ and +:maximum+ that can be combined together:
# class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
# validates_length_of :first_name, maximum: 30
# validates_length_of :last_name, maximum: 30, message: "less than 30 if you don't mind"
# validates_length_of :fax, in: 7..32, allow_nil: true
# validates_length_of :phone, in: 7..32, allow_blank: true
# validates_length_of :user_name, within: 6..20, too_long: 'pick a shorter name', too_short: 'pick a longer name'
# validates_length_of :zip_code, minimum: 5, too_short: 'please enter at least 5 characters'
# validates_length_of :smurf_leader, is: 4, message: "papa is spelled with 4 characters... don't play me."
# validates_length_of :words_in_essay, minimum: 100, too_short: 'Your essay must be at least 100 words.'
# private
# def words_in_essay
# essay.scan(/\w+/)
# end
# end
# Constraint options:
# * :minimum - The minimum size of the attribute.
# * :maximum - The maximum size of the attribute. Allows +nil+ by
# default if not used with +:minimum+.
# * :is - The exact size of the attribute.
# * :within - A range specifying the minimum and maximum size of
# the attribute.
# * :in - A synonym (or alias) for :within.
# Other options:
# * :allow_nil - Attribute may be +nil+; skip validation.
# * :allow_blank - Attribute may be blank; skip validation.
# * :too_long - The error message if the attribute goes over the
# maximum (default is: "is too long (maximum is %{count} characters)").
# * :too_short - The error message if the attribute goes under the
# minimum (default is: "is too short (minimum is %{count} characters)").
# * :wrong_length - The error message if using the :is
# method and the attribute is the wrong size (default is: "is the wrong
# length (should be %{count} characters)").
# * :message - The error message to use for a :minimum,
# :maximum, or :is violation. An alias of the appropriate
# too_long/too_short/wrong_length message.
# There is also a list of default options supported by every validator:
# +:if+, +:unless+, +:on+, and +:strict+.
# See ActiveModel::Validations::ClassMethods#validates for more information.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/length.rb#123
def validates_size_of(*attr_names); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/helper_methods.rb#7
def _merge_attributes(attr_names); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/inclusion.rb#7
class ActiveModel::Validations::InclusionValidator < ::ActiveModel::EachValidator
include ::ActiveModel::Validations::ResolveValue
include ::ActiveModel::Validations::Clusivity
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/inclusion.rb#10
def validate_each(record, attribute, value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/length.rb#7
class ActiveModel::Validations::LengthValidator < ::ActiveModel::EachValidator
include ::ActiveModel::Validations::ResolveValue
# @return [LengthValidator] a new instance of LengthValidator
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/length.rb#15
def initialize(options); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/length.rb#29
def check_validity!; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/length.rb#47
def validate_each(record, attribute, value); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/length.rb#69
def skip_nil_check?(key); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/length.rb#11
ActiveModel::Validations::LengthValidator::CHECKS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/length.rb#10
ActiveModel::Validations::LengthValidator::MESSAGES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/length.rb#13
ActiveModel::Validations::LengthValidator::RESERVED_OPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/numericality.rb#9
class ActiveModel::Validations::NumericalityValidator < ::ActiveModel::EachValidator
include ::ActiveModel::Validations::Comparability
include ::ActiveModel::Validations::ResolveValue
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/numericality.rb#22
def check_validity!; end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/numericality.rb#36
def validate_each(record, attr_name, value, precision: T.unsafe(nil), scale: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/numericality.rb#118
def allow_only_integer?(record); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/numericality.rb#112
def filtered_options(value); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/numericality.rb#108
def is_hexadecimal_literal?(raw_value); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/numericality.rb#104
def is_integer?(raw_value); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/numericality.rb#94
def is_number?(raw_value, precision, scale); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/numericality.rb#68
def option_as_number(record, option_value, precision, scale); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/numericality.rb#72
def parse_as_number(raw_value, precision, scale); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/numericality.rb#86
def parse_float(raw_value, precision, scale); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/numericality.rb#122
def prepare_value_for_validation(value, record, attr_name); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/numericality.rb#143
def record_attribute_changed_in_place?(record, attr_name); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/numericality.rb#90
def round(raw_value, scale); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/numericality.rb#20
ActiveModel::Validations::NumericalityValidator::HEXADECIMAL_REGEX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/numericality.rb#18
ActiveModel::Validations::NumericalityValidator::INTEGER_REGEX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/numericality.rb#14
ActiveModel::Validations::NumericalityValidator::NUMBER_CHECKS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/numericality.rb#13
ActiveModel::Validations::NumericalityValidator::RANGE_CHECKS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/numericality.rb#16
ActiveModel::Validations::NumericalityValidator::RESERVED_OPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/presence.rb#5
class ActiveModel::Validations::PresenceValidator < ::ActiveModel::EachValidator
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/presence.rb#6
def validate_each(record, attr_name, value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/resolve_value.rb#5
module ActiveModel::Validations::ResolveValue
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/resolve_value.rb#6
def resolve_value(record, value); end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/with.rb#7
class ActiveModel::Validations::WithValidator < ::ActiveModel::EachValidator
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validations/with.rb#8
def validate_each(record, attr, val); end
# = Active \Model \Validator
# A simple base class that can be used along with
# ActiveModel::Validations::ClassMethods.validates_with
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# validates_with MyValidator
# end
# class MyValidator < ActiveModel::Validator
# def validate(record)
# if some_complex_logic
# record.errors.add(:base, "This record is invalid")
# end
# end
# private
# def some_complex_logic
# # ...
# end
# end
# Any class that inherits from \ActiveModel::Validator must implement a method
# called +validate+ which accepts a +record+.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# validates_with MyValidator
# end
# class MyValidator < ActiveModel::Validator
# def validate(record)
# record # => The person instance being validated
# options # => Any non-standard options passed to validates_with
# end
# end
# To cause a validation error, you must add to the +record+'s errors directly
# from within the validators message.
# class MyValidator < ActiveModel::Validator
# def validate(record)
# record.errors.add :base, "This is some custom error message"
# record.errors.add :first_name, "This is some complex validation"
# # etc...
# end
# end
# To add behavior to the initialize method, use the following signature:
# class MyValidator < ActiveModel::Validator
# def initialize(options)
# super
# @my_custom_field = options[:field_name] || :first_name
# end
# end
# Note that the validator is initialized only once for the whole application
# life cycle, and not on each validation run.
# The easiest way to add custom validators for validating individual attributes
# is with the convenient ActiveModel::EachValidator class.
# class TitleValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
# def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
# record.errors.add attribute, 'must be Mr., Mrs., or Dr.' unless %w(Mr. Mrs. Dr.).include?(value)
# end
# end
# This can now be used in combination with the +validates+ method.
# See ActiveModel::Validations::ClassMethods#validates for more on this.
# class Person
# include ActiveModel::Validations
# attr_accessor :title
# validates :title, presence: true, title: true
# end
# It can be useful to access the class that is using that validator when there are prerequisites such
# as an +attr_accessor+ being present. This class is accessible via options[:class] in the constructor.
# To set up your validator override the constructor.
# class MyValidator < ActiveModel::Validator
# def initialize(options={})
# super
# options[:class].attr_accessor :custom_attribute
# end
# end
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validator.rb#96
class ActiveModel::Validator
# Accepts options that will be made available through the +options+ reader.
# @return [Validator] a new instance of Validator
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validator.rb#108
def initialize(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the kind for this validator.
# PresenceValidator.new(attributes: [:username]).kind # => :presence
# AcceptanceValidator.new(attributes: [:terms]).kind # => :acceptance
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validator.rb#116
def kind; end
# Returns the value of attribute options.
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validator.rb#97
def options; end
# Override this method in subclasses with validation logic, adding errors
# to the records +errors+ array where necessary.
# @raise [NotImplementedError]
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validator.rb#122
def validate(record); end
class << self
# Returns the kind of the validator.
# PresenceValidator.kind # => :presence
# AcceptanceValidator.kind # => :acceptance
# source://activemodel//lib/active_model/validator.rb#103
def kind; end