import { module, test } from '../qunit'; import moment from '../../moment'; module('mutable'); test('manipulation methods', function (assert) { var m = moment(); assert.equal(m, m.year(2011), 'year() should be mutable'); assert.equal(m, m.month(1), 'month() should be mutable'); assert.equal(m, m.hours(7), 'hours() should be mutable'); assert.equal(m, m.minutes(33), 'minutes() should be mutable'); assert.equal(m, m.seconds(44), 'seconds() should be mutable'); assert.equal(m, m.milliseconds(55), 'milliseconds() should be mutable'); assert.equal(m,, 'day() should be mutable'); assert.equal(m, m.startOf('week'), 'startOf() should be mutable'); assert.equal(m, m.add(1, 'days'), 'add() should be mutable'); assert.equal(m, m.subtract(2, 'years'), 'subtract() should be mutable'); assert.equal(m, m.local(), 'local() should be mutable'); assert.equal(m, m.utc(), 'utc() should be mutable'); }); test('non mutable methods', function (assert) { var m = moment(); assert.notEqual(m, m.clone(), 'clone() should not be mutable'); });