Feature: Directories can be modeled.

  Acceptance criteria

  Directories containing feature files can be modeled:
    1. the directory's name
    2. the directory's full path
    3. all feature files contained

  Background: Setup test directories
    Given a directory "feature_directory"
    And the following feature file "test_file_1.feature":
    Feature: The test feature 1.

      Scenario: The first scenario's name.
        Given the first step
        When the second step
        Then the third step
    And the following feature file "test_file_2.feature":
    Feature: The test feature 2.

      Scenario: The first scenario's name.
        Given the first step
        When the second step
        Then the third step
    And the following feature file "test_file_3.feature":
    Feature: The test feature 3.

      Scenario: The first scenario's name.
        Given the first step
        When the second step
        Then the third step
    And the following file "random.file":
    Not a .feature file.
    Given a directory "feature_directory/nested_directory"
    And the following feature file "test_file_4.feature":
    Feature: The test feature 1.

      Scenario: The first scenario's name.
        Given the first step
        When the second step
        Then the third step
    And the following feature file "test_file_5.feature":
    Feature: The test feature 2.

      Scenario: The first scenario's name.
        Given the first step
        When the second step
        Then the third step
    And the following file "another_random.file":
    Not a .feature file.
    When the directory "feature_directory" is read
    And the directory "feature_directory/nested_directory" is read

  Scenario: The directory's feature files are modeled.
    Then directory "1" is found to have the following properties:
      | name               | feature_directory         |
      | path               | path_to/feature_directory |
      | feature_file_count | 3                         |
    And directory "1" feature files are as follows:
      | test_file_1.feature |
      | test_file_2.feature |
      | test_file_3.feature |
    Then directory "2" is found to have the following properties:
      | name               | nested_directory                           |
      | path               | path_to/feature_directory/nested_directory |
      | feature_file_count | 2                                          |
    And directory "2" feature files are as follows:
      | test_file_4.feature |
      | test_file_5.feature |