This class models an XML node that may contain other XML nodes. XML element trees can be constructed with the class constructor and converted into XML.
Construct a new XML element and include it in an existing XMLElement tree.
# File lib/XMLElement.rb, line 22 22: def initialize(name, attributes = {}, selfClosing = false) 23: if (name.nil? && attributes.length > 0) || 24: (!name.nil? && !name.is_a?(String)) 25: raise "Name must be nil or a String " 26: end 27: @name = name 28: attributes.each do |n, v| 29: if n.nil? || v.nil? 30: raise "Attribute name (#{n}) or value (#{v}) may not be nil" 31: end 32: end 33: @attributes = attributes 34: @children = [] 35: # This can be set to true if <name /> is legal for this element. 36: @selfClosing = selfClosing 37: end
Add a new child or a set of new childs to the element.
# File lib/XMLElement.rb, line 40 40: def <<(arg) 41: # If the argument is an array, we have to insert each element 42: # individually. 43: if arg.is_a?(XMLElement) 44: @children << arg 45: elsif arg.is_a?(Array) 46: # Delete all nil entries 47: arg.delete_if { |i| i.nil? } 48: # Check that the rest are really all XMLElement objects. 49: arg.each do |i| 50: unless i.is_a?(XMLElement) 51: raise "Element must be of type XMLElement not #{i.class}" 52: end 53: end 54: @children += arg 55: elsif arg.nil? 56: # do nothing 57: else 58: raise "Elements must be of type XMLElement not #{arg.class}" 59: end 60: self 61: end
Return the value of attribute attribute.
# File lib/XMLElement.rb, line 69 69: def [](attribute) 70: @attributes[attribute] 71: end
Add or change attribute to value.
# File lib/XMLElement.rb, line 64 64: def []=(attribute, value) 65: @attributes[attribute] = value 66: end
Return the element and all sub elements as properly formatted XML.
# File lib/XMLElement.rb, line 75 75: def to_s(indent = 0) 76: out = '<' + @name 77: @attributes.keys.sort.each do |attrName| 78: out << " #{attrName}=\"#{escape(@attributes[attrName], true)}\"" 79: end 80: if @children.empty? && @selfClosing 81: out << '/>' 82: else 83: out << '>' 84: @children.each do |child| 85: # We only insert newlines for multiple childs and after a tag has been 86: # closed. 87: if @children.size > 1 && !child.is_a?(XMLText) && out[1] == >> 88: out << "\n" + indentation(indent + 1) 89: end 90: out << child.to_s(indent + 1) 91: end 92: out << "\n" + indentation(indent) if @children.size > 1 && out[1] == >> 93: out << '</' + @name + '>' 94: end 95: end
Escape special characters in input String str.
# File lib/XMLElement.rb, line 100 100: def escape(str, quotes = false) 101: out = '' 102: str.each_utf8_char do |c| 103: case c 104: when '&' 105: out << '&' 106: when '"' 107: out << '\"' 108: else 109: out << c 110: end 111: end 112: out 113: end
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