Sha256: 58153ba425c14b7f11837ea47e5cdf16fcd9ad929fb27580bb0441a3ff4bdc1c
Contents?: true
Size: 1.88 KB
Versions: 4
Stored size: 1.88 KB
3.1.12 (Brainy Betty) c489a27342a267ef34316c49be12209fd73fb9de o:Sass::Tree::RootNode : @linei: @options{ :@has_childrenT:@template"þ// Prevent long urls and text from breaking layouts // [originally from]( @mixin force-wrap { white-space: pre; // CSS 2.0 white-space: pre-wrap; // CSS 2.1 white-space: pre-line; // CSS 3.0 white-space: -pre-wrap; // Opera 4-6 white-space: -o-pre-wrap; // Opera 7 white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; // Mozilla white-space: -hp-pre-wrap; // HP Printers word-wrap: break-word; // IE 5+ } :@children[o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode:@value["ž/* Prevent long urls and text from breaking layouts * [originally from]( */;i: @loud0:@silenti ;@; [ o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode;i: @args[ : @name"force-wrap;@;T; [o:Sass::Tree::PropNode;o:Sass::Script::String;"pre: @type:identifier;@: @tabsi ;i :@prop_syntax:new;["white-space;@; [ o;;["/* CSS 2.0 */;i ; 0;i ;@; [ o;;o;;" pre-wrap;;;@;i ;i ;;;["white-space;@; [ o;;["/* CSS 2.1 */;i ; 0;i ;@; [ o;;o;;" pre-line;;;@;i ;i;;;["white-space;@; [ o;;["/* CSS 3.0 */;i; 0;i ;@; [ o;;o;;"-pre-wrap;;;@;i ;i;;;["white-space;@; [ o;;["/* Opera 4-6 */;i; 0;i ;@; [ o;;o;;"-o-pre-wrap;;;@;i ;i ;;;["white-space;@; [ o;;["/* Opera 7 */;i ; 0;i ;@; [ o;;o;;"-moz-pre-wrap;;;@;i ;i;;;["white-space;@; [ o;;["/* Mozilla */;i; 0;i ;@; [ o;;o;;"-hp-pre-wrap;;;@;i ;i;;;["white-space;@; [ o;;["/* HP Printers */;i; 0;i ;@; [ o;;o;;"break-word;;;@;i ;i;;;["word-wrap;@; [ o;;["/* IE 5+ */;i; 0;i ;@; [
Version data entries
4 entries across 4 versions & 1 rubygems