require 'vagrant-openstack-illuin-provider/spec_helper' include VagrantPlugins::Openstack::Action include VagrantPlugins::Openstack::HttpUtils include VagrantPlugins::Openstack::Domain describe VagrantPlugins::Openstack::Action::ReadSSHInfo do let(:config) do double('config').tap do |config| config.stub(:openstack_auth_url) { 'http://keystoneAuthV2' } config.stub(:openstack_compute_url) { nil } config.stub(:openstack_network_url) { nil } config.stub(:tenant_name) { 'testTenant' } config.stub(:username) { 'username' } config.stub(:password) { 'password' } config.stub(:ssh_username) { 'test_username' } config.stub(:floating_ip) { nil } config.stub(:floating_ip_pool) { nil } config.stub(:keypair_name) { nil } config.stub(:public_key_path) { nil } config.stub(:ssh_disabled) { false } config.stub(:ip_version) { nil } end end let(:nova) do double('nova').tap do |nova| nova.stub(:get_server_details).with(env, '1234') do { 'addresses' => { 'net' => [ { 'addr' => '', 'OS-EXT-IPS:type' => 'floating' } ] } } end end end let(:ssh_config) do double('ssh_config').tap do |config| config.stub(:username) { 'sshuser' } config.stub(:port) { nil } config.stub(:insert_key) { true } end end let(:machine_config) do double('machine_config').tap do |config| config.stub(:ssh) { ssh_config } end end let(:env) do {}.tap do |env| env[:ui] = double('ui') env[:ui].stub(:info).with(anything) env[:machine] = double('machine') env[:machine].stub(:provider_config) { config } env[:machine].stub(:config) { machine_config } env[:machine].stub(:id) { '1234' } env[:machine].stub(:data_dir) { '/data/dir' } env[:openstack_client] = double('openstack_client') env[:openstack_client].stub(:neutron) { neutron } env[:openstack_client].stub(:nova) { nova } end end let(:app) do double('app').tap do |app| app.stub(:call).with(anything) end end before :each do ReadSSHInfo.send(:public, *ReadSSHInfo.private_instance_methods) @action =, env) end describe 'call' do context 'when called three times' do it 'read ssh info only once' do config.stub(:keypair_name) { 'my_keypair' } @action.stub(:read_ssh_info) { { host: '', port: '', username: '' } } expect(@action).to receive(:read_ssh_info).exactly(1).times expect(app).to receive(:call) (1..3).each { } end end end describe 'read_ssh_info' do context 'with deprecated ssh_username specified' do context 'with ssh.username specified' do it 'returns ssh.username' do ssh_config.stub(:username) { 'sshuser' } config.stub(:ssh_username) { 'test_username' } config.stub(:floating_ip) { '' } config.stub(:keypair_name) { 'my_keypair' } @action.read_ssh_info(env).should eq(host: '', port: 22, username: 'sshuser', log_level: 'ERROR') end end context 'without ssh.username specified' do it 'returns ssh.username' do ssh_config.stub(:username) { nil } config.stub(:ssh_username) { 'test_username' } config.stub(:floating_ip) { '' } config.stub(:keypair_name) { 'my_keypair' } @action.read_ssh_info(env).should eq(host: '', port: 22, username: 'test_username', log_level: 'ERROR') end end end context 'with ssh.port overriden' do it 'returns ssh.port' do ssh_config.stub(:port) { 33 } config.stub(:floating_ip) { '' } config.stub(:keypair_name) { 'my_keypair' } @action.read_ssh_info(env).should eq(host: '', port: 33, username: 'sshuser', log_level: 'ERROR') end end context 'with config.floating_ip specified' do context 'with keypair_name specified' do it 'returns the specified floating ip' do config.stub(:floating_ip) { '' } config.stub(:keypair_name) { 'my_keypair' } @action.read_ssh_info(env).should eq(host: '', port: 22, username: 'sshuser', log_level: 'ERROR') end end context 'with public_key_path specified' do it 'returns the specified floating ip' do config.stub(:floating_ip) { '' } config.stub(:keypair_name) { nil } config.stub(:public_key_path) { '/public/key/path' } @action.read_ssh_info(env).should eq(host: '', port: 22, username: 'sshuser', log_level: 'ERROR') end end context 'with neither keypair_name nor public_key_path specified' do it 'returns the specified floating ip ' do config.stub(:floating_ip) { '' } config.stub(:keypair_name) { nil } config.stub(:public_key_path) { nil } nova.stub(:get_server_details) do { 'key_name' => 'my_keypair_name', 'addresses' => { 'net' => [ { 'addr' => '', 'OS-EXT-IPS:type' => 'floating' } ] } } end expect(nova).to receive(:get_server_details).with(env, '1234') @action.read_ssh_info(env).should eq( host: '', port: 22, username: 'sshuser', private_key_path: '/data/dir/my_keypair_name', log_level: 'ERROR') end end context 'with neither keypair_name nor public_key_path specified and ssh.insert_key is false' do it 'does not return private_key_path' do ssh_config.stub(:insert_key) { false } config.stub(:floating_ip) { '' } config.stub(:keypair_name) { nil } config.stub(:public_key_path) { nil } @action.read_ssh_info(env).should eq(host: '', port: 22, username: 'sshuser', log_level: 'ERROR') end end end context 'without config.floating_ip specified' do it 'return the a floating_ip found by querying server details' do nova.stub(:get_server_details).with(env, '1234') do { 'addresses' => { 'toto' => [{ 'addr' => '' }, { 'addr' => '', 'OS-EXT-IPS:type' => 'floating' }] } } end config.stub(:keypair_name) { 'my_keypair' } @action.read_ssh_info(env).should eq(host: '', port: 22, username: 'sshuser', log_level: 'ERROR') end end end end