require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe Comma do it 'should extend object to add a comma method' do Object.should respond_to(:comma) end it 'should extend object to have a to_comma method' do Object.should respond_to(:to_comma) end it 'should extend object to have a to_comma_headers method' do Object.should respond_to(:to_comma_headers) end end describe Comma, 'generating CSV' do before do @isbn ='123123123', '321321321') @book ='Smalltalk-80', 'Language and Implementation', @isbn) @books = [] @books << @book end it 'should extend Array to add a #to_comma method which will return CSV content for objects within the array' do @books.to_comma.should == "Title,Description,Issuer,ISBN-10,ISBN-13\nSmalltalk-80,Language and Implementation,ISBN,123123123,321321321\n" end it 'should return an empty string when generating CSV from an empty array' do == '' end it "should change the style when specified" do @books.to_comma(:brief).should == "Name,Description\nSmalltalk-80,Language and Implementation\n" end describe 'with :filename specified' do after{ File.delete('comma.csv') } it "should write to the file" do @books.to_comma(:filename => 'comma.csv')'comma.csv').should == "Title,Description,Issuer,ISBN-10,ISBN-13\nSmalltalk-80,Language and Implementation,ISBN,123123123,321321321\n" end it "should accept FasterCSV options" do @books.to_comma(:filename => 'comma.csv', :col_sep => ';', :force_quotes => true)'comma.csv').should == "\"Title\";\"Description\";\"Issuer\";\"ISBN-10\";\"ISBN-13\"\n\"Smalltalk-80\";\"Language and Implementation\";\"ISBN\";\"123123123\";\"321321321\"\n" end end describe "with FasterCSV options" do it "should not change when options are empty" do @books.to_comma({}).should == "Title,Description,Issuer,ISBN-10,ISBN-13\nSmalltalk-80,Language and Implementation,ISBN,123123123,321321321\n" end it 'should accept the options in #to_comma and generate the appropriate CSV' do @books.to_comma(:col_sep => ';', :force_quotes => true).should == "\"Title\";\"Description\";\"Issuer\";\"ISBN-10\";\"ISBN-13\"\n\"Smalltalk-80\";\"Language and Implementation\";\"ISBN\";\"123123123\";\"321321321\"\n" end it "should change the style when specified" do @books.to_comma(:style => :brief, :col_sep => ';', :force_quotes => true).should == "\"Name\";\"Description\"\n\"Smalltalk-80\";\"Language and Implementation\"\n" end end end describe Comma, 'defining CSV descriptions' do describe 'with an unnamed description' do before do class Foo comma do; end end end it 'should name the current description :default if no name has been provided' do Foo.comma_formats.should_not be_empty Foo.comma_formats[:default].should_not be_nil end end describe 'with a named description' do before do class Bar comma do; end comma :detailed do; end end end it 'should use the provided name to index the comma format' do Bar.comma_formats.should_not be_empty Bar.comma_formats[:default].should_not be_nil Bar.comma_formats[:detailed].should_not be_nil end end end describe Comma, 'to_comma data/headers object extensions' do describe 'with unnamed descriptions' do before do class Foo attr_accessor :content comma do; content; end def initialize(content) @content = content end end @foo ='content') end it 'should return and array of data content, using the :default CSV description if none requested' do @foo.to_comma.should == %w(content) end it 'should return and array of header content, using the :default CSV description if none requested' do @foo.to_comma_headers.should == %w(Content) end it 'should return the CSV representation including header and content when called on an array' do Array(@foo).to_comma.should == "Content\ncontent\n" end end describe 'with named descriptions' do before do class Foo attr_accessor :content comma :detailed do; content; end def initialize(content) @content = content end end @foo ='content') end it 'should return and array of data content, using the :default CSV description if none requested' do @foo.to_comma(:detailed).should == %w(content) end it 'should return and array of header content, using the :default CSV description if none requested' do @foo.to_comma_headers(:detailed).should == %w(Content) end it 'should return the CSV representation including header and content when called on an array' do Array(@foo).to_comma(:detailed).should == "Content\ncontent\n" end it 'should raise an error if the requested description is not avaliable' do lambda { @foo.to_comma(:bad) }.should raise_error lambda { @foo.to_comma_headers(:bad) }.should raise_error lambda { Array(@foo).to_comma(:bad) }.should raise_error end end describe 'with block' do before do class Foo attr_accessor :content, :created_at, :updated_at comma do content content('Truncated Content') {|i| i && i.length > 10 ? i[0..10] : '---' } created_at { |i| i && i.to_s(:db) } updated_at { |i| i && i.to_s(:db) } created_at 'Created Custom Label' do |i| i && i.to_s(:short) end updated_at 'Updated at Custom Label' do |i| i && i.to_s(:short) end end def initialize(content, created_at =, updated_at = @content = content @created_at = created_at @updated_at = updated_at end end @time = @content = 'content ' * 5 @foo = @content, @time, @time end it 'should return yielded values by block' do header, foo = Array(@foo).to_comma.split("\n") foo.should == [@content, @content[0..10], @time.to_s(:db), @time.to_s(:db), @time.to_s(:short), @time.to_s(:short)].join(',') end it 'should return headers with custom labels from block' do header, foo = Array(@foo).to_comma.split("\n") header.should == ['Content', 'Truncated Content', 'Created at', 'Updated at', 'Created Custom Label', 'Updated at Custom Label'].join(',') end it 'should put headers in place when forced' do header, foo = Array(@foo).to_comma(:write_headers => true).split("\n") header.should == ['Content', 'Truncated Content', 'Created at', 'Updated at', 'Created Custom Label', 'Updated at Custom Label'].join(',') end it 'should not write headers if specified' do header, foo = Array(@foo).to_comma(:write_headers => false).split("\n") header.should == [@content, @content[0..10], @time.to_s(:db), @time.to_s(:db), @time.to_s(:short), @time.to_s(:short)].join(',') end end describe 'on an object with no comma declaration' do it 'should raise an error mentioning there is no comma description defined for that class' do lambda { 'a string'.to_comma }.should raise_error('No comma format for class String defined for style default') lambda { 'a string'.to_comma_headers }.should raise_error('No comma format for class String defined for style default') end end end describe Comma, '__use__ keyword' do before(:all) do @obj =, :title, :description)) do comma do title __use__ :description end comma :description do __use__ :static description end comma :static do __static_column__ do 'Foo, Inc.' end end, 'Programming Ruby', 'The Pickaxe book') end subject { @obj.to_comma } its(:size) { should eq(3) } it { should eq(['Programming Ruby', 'Foo, Inc.', 'The Pickaxe book']) } end