#ste -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') require 'marc' def exportable_record " 01828cjm a2200409 a 4500 a4768316 SIRSI sd fungnnmmned 020117p20011990xxuzz h d Music for horn [sound recording] / Brahms, Beethoven, von Krufft. [United States] : Harmonia Mundi USA, p2001. Greer, Lowell. Lubin, Steven. Chase, Stephanie, 1957- Brahms, Johannes, 1833-1897. Trios, piano, violin, horn, op. 40, E? major. Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827. Sonatas, horn, piano, op. 17, F major. Krufft, Nikolaus von, 1779-1818. Sonata, horn, piano, F major. " end describe BlacklightHelper do include ERB::Util include BlacklightHelper describe "link_back_to_catalog" do before(:all) do @query_params = {:q => "query", :f => "facets", :per_page => "10", :page => "2"} end it "should build a link tag to catalog using session[:search] for query params" do session[:search] = @query_params tag = link_back_to_catalog tag.should =~ /q=query/ tag.should =~ /f=facets/ tag.should =~ /per_page=10/ tag.should =~ /page=2/ end end describe "link_to_with_data" do it "should generate proper tag for :put and with single :data key and value" do assert_dom_equal( "Foo", link_to_with_data("Foo", "http://www.example.com", :method => :put, :data => {:key => "value"}) ) end it "should be html_safe" do link_to_with_data("Foo", "http://www.example.com", :method => :put, :data => {:key => "value"}).html_safe?.should == true end end describe "link_to_query" do it "should build a link tag to catalog using query string (no other params)" do query = "brilliant" self.should_receive(:params).and_return({}) tag = link_to_query(query) tag.should =~ /q=#{query}/ tag.should =~ />#{query}<\/a>/ end it "should build a link tag to catalog using query string and other existing params" do query = "wonderful" self.should_receive(:params).and_return({:qt => "title_search", :per_page => "50"}) tag = link_to_query(query) tag.should =~ /qt=title_search/ tag.should =~ /per_page=50/ end it "should ignore existing :page param" do query = "yes" self.should_receive(:params).and_return({:page => "2", :qt => "author_search"}) tag = link_to_query(query) tag.should =~ /qt=author_search/ tag.should_not =~ /page/ end it "should be html_safe" do query = "brilliant" self.should_receive(:params).and_return({:page => "2", :qt => "author_search"}) tag = link_to_query(query) tag.html_safe?.should == true end end describe "search_as_hidden_fields" do def params {:q => "query", :sort => "sort", :per_page => "20", :search_field => "search_field", :page => 100, :arbitrary_key => "arbitrary_value", :f => {"field" => ["value1", "value2"]}, :controller => "catalog", :action => "index", :commit => "search"} end describe "for default arguments" do it "should default to omitting :page" do search_as_hidden_fields.should have_selector("input[type='hidden']", :count =>7) search_as_hidden_fields.should_not have_selector("input[name='page']") end it "should not return blacklisted elements" do search_as_hidden_fields.should_not have_selector("input[name='action']") search_as_hidden_fields.should_not have_selector("input[name='controller']") search_as_hidden_fields.should_not have_selector("input[name='commit']") end describe "for omit_keys parameter" do it "should not include those keys" do generated = search_as_hidden_fields(:omit_keys => [:per_page, :sort]) generated.should_not have_selector("input[name=sort]") generated.should_not have_selector("input[name=per_page]") generated.should have_selector("input[name=page]") end end end end describe "render body class" do it "should include a serialization of the current controller name" do @controller = mock("controller") @controller.should_receive(:controller_name).any_number_of_times.and_return("123456") @controller.should_receive(:action_name).any_number_of_times.and_return("abcdef") render_body_class.split(' ').should include('blacklight-123456') end it "should include a serialization of the current action name" do @controller = mock("controller") @controller.should_receive(:controller_name).any_number_of_times.and_return("123456") @controller.should_receive(:action_name).any_number_of_times.and_return("abcdef") render_body_class.split(' ').should include('blacklight-123456-abcdef') end end describe "document_heading" do it "should consist of the show heading field when available" do @document = SolrDocument.new(Blacklight.config[:show][:heading] => "A Fake Document") document_heading.should == "A Fake Document" end it "should fallback on the document id if no title is available" do @document = SolrDocument.new(:id => '123456') document_heading.should == '123456' end end describe "render_document_heading" do it "should consist of #document_heading wrapped in a

" do @document = SolrDocument.new(Blacklight.config[:show][:heading] => "A Fake Document") render_document_heading.should have_selector("h1", :content => document_heading, :count => 1) render_document_heading.html_safe?.should == true end end describe "document_partial_name" do it "should handle normal formats correctly" do document_partial_name({"format" => "myformat"}).should == "myformat" end it "should handle spaces correctly" do document_partial_name({"format" => "my format"}).should == "my_format" end it "should handle capitalization correctly" do document_partial_name({"format" => "MyFormat"}).should == "myformat" end it "should handle puncuation correctly" do document_partial_name({"format" => "My.Format"}).should == "my_format" end it "should handle multi-valued fields correctly" do document_partial_name({"format" => ["My Format", "My OtherFormat"]}).should == "my_format_my_otherformat" end it "should remove - characters because they will throw errors" do document_partial_name({"format" => "My-Format"}).should == "my_format" document_partial_name({"format" => ["My-Format",["My Other-Format"]]}).should == "my_format_my_other_format" end end describe "link_to_document" do it "should consist of the document title wrapped in a " do data = {'id'=>'123456','title_display'=>['654321'] } @document = SolrDocument.new(data) link_to_document(@document, { :label => :title_display }).should have_selector("a", :content => '654321', :count => 1) end it "should accept and return a string label" do data = {'id'=>'123456','title_display'=>['654321'] } @document = SolrDocument.new(data) link_to_document(@document, { :label => "title_display" }).should have_selector("a", :content => 'title_display', :count => 1) end it "should properly javascript escape the label value" do data = {'id'=>'123456','title_display'=>['654321'] } @document = SolrDocument.new(data) link = link_to_document(@document, { :label => "Apple's Oranges" }) link.should match(/'Apple\\'s Oranges'/) link.should_not match(/'Apple's Oranges'/) end it "should accept and return a Proc" do data = {'id'=>'123456','title_display'=>['654321'] } @document = SolrDocument.new(data) link_to_document(@document, { :label => Proc.new { |doc, opts| doc.get(:id) + ": " + doc.get(:title_display) } }).should have_selector("a", :content => '123456: 654321', :count => 1) end it "should return id when label is missing" do data = {'id'=>'123456'} @document = SolrDocument.new(data) link_to_document(@document, { :label => :title_display }).should have_selector("a", :content => '123456', :count => 1) end it "should be html safe" do data = {'id'=>'123456'} @document = SolrDocument.new(data) link_to_document(@document, { :label => :title_display }).html_safe?.should == true end end describe "render_link_rel_alternates" do class MockDocumentAppHelper include Blacklight::Solr::Document end module MockExtension def self.extended(document) document.will_export_as(:weird, "application/weird") document.will_export_as(:weirder, "application/weirder") document.will_export_as(:weird_dup, "application/weird") end def export_as_weird ; "weird" ; end def export_as_weirder ; "weirder" ; end def export_as_weird_dup ; "weird_dup" ; end end MockDocumentAppHelper.use_extension(MockExtension) before(:each) do @doc_id = "MOCK_ID1" @document = MockDocumentAppHelper.new(:id => @doc_id) render_params = {:controller => "controller", :action => "action"} helper.stub!(:params).and_return(render_params) end it "generates tags" do response = render_link_rel_alternates(@document) @document.export_formats.each_pair do |format, spec| response.should have_selector("link[href$='.#{ format }']") do |matches| matches.length.should == 1 tag = matches[0] tag.attributes["rel"].value.should == "alternate" tag.attributes["title"].value.should == format.to_s tag.attributes["href"].value.should === catalog_url(@doc_id, format) end end end it "respects :unique=>true" do response = render_link_rel_alternates(@document, :unique => true) response.should have_selector("link[type='application/weird']", :count => 1) end it "excludes formats from :exclude" do response = render_link_rel_alternates(@document, :exclude => [:weird_dup]) response.should_not have_selector("link[href$='.weird_dup']") end it "should be html safe" do response = render_link_rel_alternates(@document) response.html_safe?.should == true end end describe "convenience methods" do it "should handle the case where we don't have a spellmax set in the config" do spell_check_max.should == 5 sm = Blacklight.config[:spell_max] Blacklight.config[:spell_max] = nil spell_check_max.should == 0 Blacklight.config[:spell_max] = sm end end end