== 0.9.0 / 2008-08-25

* 2 major enhancements
  - The "rake" command line tool has been replaced by the "webby"
    command line tool for day to day site tasks
  - Now using the "rdiscount" gem for markdown syntax
* 4 minor enhancements
  - Layouts can exist in subdirectories of the layouts folder
  - Addition of a "tumblog" template
  - Addition of a sitemap file (Ana Nelson)
  - Updated to version 6.4.2 of ImageMagick for tex2img conversions
* 5 bug fixes
  - Better error message when an unkonwn filter is given
  - Table of contents generation bug
  - Failing to clean out the "content_for" cache when doing a
    multi-page render
  - Explicitly loading the RedCloth gem
  - Handling exceptions from system calls on the Windows platform

== 0.8.4 / 2008-06-03

* 1 minor improvement
  - Global defaults for HAML and SASS [Dag Odenhall]
* 1 bug fix
  - Added the blog templates to the package

== 0.8.3 / 2008-06-02

* 2 major enhancements
  - Added blogging support
  - Added S5 slide presentation support
* 6 minor enhancements
  - Changed the arguments to the DB#find method
  - Added locals support for page templates
  - Updated atom feed generation template
  - Partials now support local variables when rendering
  - Can guard rendering results from processing by subsequent filters
    (useful when rendering partials or embedding other pages)
  - Support for "content_for" style captures [M@ McCray]
* 5 bug fixes
  - Fixed reference to an non-existent Error class
  - Basepath filter now handles XML files properly
  - Removed the "--delete" flag from the rsync options [Denis Defreyne]
  - Fixed a nil cursor bug in the rendering filter stack
  - Recursive find now works from the root content folder (bug 20281)

== 0.8.2 / 2008-03-12

* 2 bug fixes
  - Fixed an error when paginating on an index page
  - Fixed an error where leading and trailing whitespace was being
    stripped from syntax highlighted code blocks

== 0.8.1 / 2008-03-09

* 2 major enhancement
  - Added support for UltraViolet syntax highlighting
    (code provided by Guillaume Carbonneau)
  - Added rake tasks to validate the hyperlinks for the HTML files
    in the output directory
* 2 minor enhancements
  - Improved error handling and reporting during the build process
  - Added site defaults for the helpers (coderay, graphviv, latex,
* 1 bug fix
  - Fixed an error with the prev / next calls in the paginator and
    rendering links to those pages

== 0.8.0 / 2008-02-28

* 3 major enhancements
  - Added support for partials
  - Refactored the coderay and graphviz filters into helper methods
    accessible from ERB
  - Added support for embedding LaTeX mathematical equations
* 3 minor enhancements
  - Added a template file for creating Atom feeds
  - The SITE configuration is available in pages and layouts as
    the @config variable
  - Can specify the port the Heel webserver starts on using the
    SITE.heel_port option in the Rakefile
* 2 bug fixes
  - When creating pages in directory mode the full page path was
    not being created
  - Read only files were being created in the output folder
    preventing them from being overwritten if changed

== 0.7.4 / 2008-02-15

* 3 minor enhancements
  - Added "limit" and "sort_by" options to the pages find method
  - Removed dependency on RedCloth for outline generation
  - Added some more options for outline generation, numbering, and
    table of contents generation
* 1 bug fix
  - Fixed incompatibility with the new logging library

== 0.7.3 / 2008-02-05

* 2 bug fixes
  - The setup.rb task now requires rubygems in case it is not in the
    user's rubyopt
  - Fixed file line endings on Windows when creating a new site

== 0.7.2 / 2008-02-02

* 4 minor enhancements
  - Created a URI base path rewriter filter
  - Create an outline filter for generating table of contents
  - Pages can be created as files or as directories
  - The @pages find method now recurses into sub-directories
* 3 bug fixes
  - Fixed a bug in the graphviz filter where the wrong map ID was
    being generated
  - Now passing the binding of the Renderer to the HAML filter
    (this makes the @page, @pages availabe in HAML pages)
  - The created_at attribute was not being created as a YAML
    time object

== 0.7.1 / 2008-01-03

* 2 bug fixes
  - No longer appending a '.' to files without an extension (like .htaccess)
    (patch supplied by Stephen Duncan)
  - Fixed a "No such file or directory" error when creating pages
    from templates

== 0.7.0 / 2008-01-01

* 1 major enhancement
  - Refactored how the filters are handled (thanks Bruce Williams)
* 2 minor enhancements
  - Added helper methods for URL and anchor generation
  - Added rake task to delete the generated website
* 2 bug fixes
  - Fixed a bug arising from the order of the logger creation
  - Removed the file extension form the page defaults
    (should be set in the layout or the page itself)

== 0.6.0 / 2007-12-04

* Added support for embedded graphviz images and image maps
* Tidy can be used as a filter to format HTML and check for errors
* Simplified coderay when used with textile

== 0.5.1 / 2007-11-29

* Growl notifications now work on Leopard / Tiger
* Fixed a few things for compatibility with Ruby 1.9

== 0.5.0 / 2007-11-26

* Launching heel now works on Windows boxen
* Now using "logging" gem to output build status
* Updated find routine for the pages DB
* First whack at pagination support

== 0.4.0 / 2007-09-18

* Updated the Blueprint CSS stylesheets to version 0.5
* Updating documentation and comments

== 0.3.0 / 2007-09-17

* Added support for CodeRay syntax highlighting

== 0.2.0 / 2007-08-28

* Updated rake tasks for website deployment
* Can use 'heel' and 'launchy' for viewing websites
* Webby executable can update rake tasks for existing websites
* Added more rdoc documentation to classes

== 0.1.0 / 2007-08-22

* Birthday!