module Sappy class Monitor # Name (required) # Service name. # Service (required) # Service type. Available values are: http, smtp, ftp, pop3, https, ping, dns SERVICES = %w(http smtp ftp pop3 https ping dns) # Location (required) # Check location. Available values are: sf, ny, ch, ln (i.e. San Francisco, New York, Chicago, London). LOCATIONS = {'sf' => 'San Francisco', 'ny' => 'New York', 'ch' => 'Chicago', 'ln' => 'London'}.sort # HostName (required) # Monitored Host name, IP or Page URL. # CheckPeriod (required) # Monitoring check period. Available values are: 2, 5, 15, 30, 60 CHECK_PERIODS = [2, 5, 15, 30, 60] # PortNumber (optional) # Custom port number. Default service port using by default. # Login (optional) # HTTP Authentication login. Used for 'http' and https services only. # Password (optional) # HTTP Authentication password. Used for 'http' and https services only. # Content (optional) # Monitored page content. Used for 'http' and 'https' services only. # Domain (optional) # Lookup domain. Used for 'dns' services only. # IP (optional) # Lookup domain. Used for 'dns' services only. Required if 'Domain' is not empty. # SendSms (optional) # 0 or 1. Send SMS alerts on failures. Default value is '0'. # SendUrlAlert (optional) # 0 or 1. Send Url (JSON) alerts on failures to Url specified on My Profile section. Default value is '0'. # SendJabberAlert (optional) # 0 or 1. Send XMPP/Jabber alerts on failures to Jabber ID specified on My Profile section. Default value is '0'. # AltEmailAlerts (optional) # Alternative Email alerts addresses separated with comma. # DontSendUpAlert (optional) # 0 or 1. Set to 1 if you do not what to receive Up alerts for a monitor. Default value is '0'. # SendAllDownAlerts (optional) # 0 or 1. Set to 1 if you what to receive Down alert on each failure check. Default value is '0'. # Enabled (optional) # 0 or 1. Monitor is enabled on not. Default value is '1'. # SendAlertAfter (optional) # Send alerts after specified number of failures. Available values are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default value is 1. SEND_ALERT_AFTER = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # DownSubject (optional) # Email subject value for Down alerts. Default subject will be used if empty. # UpSubject (optional) # Email subject value for Up alerts. Default subject will be used if empty. # EnablePublicStatistics (optional) # 0 or 1. Allow/Deny visitor to see public statistics report. Default value is '1' (allow). # AddToStatusPage (optional) # 0 or 1. Add/remove monitor to/from your public summary status report. Default value is '1' (add). # Timeout (optional) # Monitor socket connection timeout value in seconds. Available values are: 15, 20, 25, 30, 35. Default value is 25. TIMEOUTS = [15, 20, 25, 30, 35] attr_accessor :altemailalerts, :content, :current_status, :domain, :downsubject, :host, :id, :ip, :location, :login, :password, :period, :port, :name, :service, :timeout, :upsubject boolean_accessor :active, :addtostatuspage, :dontsendupalert, :enablepublicstatistics, :sendalertafter, :sendalldownalerts, :sendjabberalert, :sendsms, :sendurlalert attr_reader :account def initialize(account, attrs) @account = account self.attributes = attrs end def self.parse(account, attrs) a = new(account, attrs) a.current_status = attrs["current_status"] a end def self.create(account, attrs) monitor = new(account, attrs) monitor end def attributes { "Name" => name, "Service" => service, "Location" => location, "HostName" => host, "CheckPeriod" => period, "PortNumber" => port, "Login" => login, "Password" => password, "Content" => content, "Domain" => domain, "IP" => ip, "SendSms" => sendsms, "SendUrlAlert" => sendurlalert, "SendJabberAlert" => sendjabberalert, "AltEmailAlerts" => altemailalerts, "DontSendUpAlert" => dontsendupalert, "SendAllDownAlerts" => sendalldownalerts, "Enabled" => active, "SendAlertAfter" => sendalertafter, "DownSubject" => downsubject, "UpSubject" => upsubject, "EnablePublicStatistics" => enablepublicstatistics, "AddToStatusPage" => addtostatuspage, "Timeout" => timeout } end def attributes=(attrs) attrs.each do |attribute,value| send("#{attribute.to_s}=", value) if respond_to? "#{attribute.to_s}=" end end def id=(value) @id = value.to_i end def url "#{service}://#{host}" end def disable! @account.request('disablemonitor', "MonitorId" => id) @active = 0 end def enable! @account.request('enablemonitor', "MonitorId" => id) @active = 1 end def new_record? id.nil? end def save new_record? ? create : update end def create @id = @account.request("addmonitor", attributes).id end def update @account.request("editmonitor", attributes.merge({ "MonitorId" => id })) end def destroy @account.request('removemonitor', "MonitorId" => id) end def daily_statistics raise "Not yet implemented." end def monthly_statistics raise "Not yet implemented." end def annual_statistics raise "Not yet implemented." end end end