# Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
# Source: google/cloud/vision/v1p3beta1/product_search_service.proto for package 'google.cloud.vision.v1p3beta1'
# Original file comments:
# Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

require 'grpc'
require 'google/cloud/vision/v1p3beta1/product_search_service_pb'

module Google
  module Cloud
    module Vision
      module V1p3beta1
        module ProductSearch
          # Manages Products and ProductSets of reference images for use in product
          # search. It uses the following resource model:
          # - The API has a collection of [ProductSet][google.cloud.vision.v1p3beta1.ProductSet] resources, named
          # `projects/*/locations/*/productSets/*`, which acts as a way to put different
          # products into groups to limit identification.
          # In parallel,
          # - The API has a collection of [Product][google.cloud.vision.v1p3beta1.Product] resources, named
          #   `projects/*/locations/*/products/*`
          # - Each [Product][google.cloud.vision.v1p3beta1.Product] has a collection of [ReferenceImage][google.cloud.vision.v1p3beta1.ReferenceImage] resources, named
          #   `projects/*/locations/*/products/*/referenceImages/*`
          class Service

            include GRPC::GenericService

            self.marshal_class_method = :encode
            self.unmarshal_class_method = :decode
            self.service_name = 'google.cloud.vision.v1p3beta1.ProductSearch'

            # Creates and returns a new ProductSet resource.
            # Possible errors:
            # * Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if display_name is missing, or is longer than
            #   4096 characters.
            rpc :CreateProductSet, CreateProductSetRequest, ProductSet
            # Lists ProductSets in an unspecified order.
            # Possible errors:
            # * Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if page_size is greater than 100, or less
            #   than 1.
            rpc :ListProductSets, ListProductSetsRequest, ListProductSetsResponse
            # Gets information associated with a ProductSet.
            # Possible errors:
            # * Returns NOT_FOUND if the ProductSet does not exist.
            rpc :GetProductSet, GetProductSetRequest, ProductSet
            # Makes changes to a ProductSet resource.
            # Only display_name can be updated currently.
            # Possible errors:
            # * Returns NOT_FOUND if the ProductSet does not exist.
            # * Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if display_name is present in update_mask but
            #   missing from the request or longer than 4096 characters.
            rpc :UpdateProductSet, UpdateProductSetRequest, ProductSet
            # Permanently deletes a ProductSet. All Products and ReferenceImages in the
            # ProductSet will be deleted.
            # The actual image files are not deleted from Google Cloud Storage.
            # Possible errors:
            # * Returns NOT_FOUND if the ProductSet does not exist.
            rpc :DeleteProductSet, DeleteProductSetRequest, Google::Protobuf::Empty
            # Creates and returns a new product resource.
            # Possible errors:
            # * Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if display_name is missing or longer than 4096
            #   characters.
            # * Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if description is longer than 4096 characters.
            # * Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if product_category is missing or invalid.
            rpc :CreateProduct, CreateProductRequest, Product
            # Lists products in an unspecified order.
            # Possible errors:
            # * Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if page_size is greater than 100 or less than 1.
            rpc :ListProducts, ListProductsRequest, ListProductsResponse
            # Gets information associated with a Product.
            # Possible errors:
            # * Returns NOT_FOUND if the Product does not exist.
            rpc :GetProduct, GetProductRequest, Product
            # Makes changes to a Product resource.
            # Only display_name, description and labels can be updated right now.
            # If labels are updated, the change will not be reflected in queries until
            # the next index time.
            # Possible errors:
            # * Returns NOT_FOUND if the Product does not exist.
            # * Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if display_name is present in update_mask but is
            #   missing from the request or longer than 4096 characters.
            # * Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if description is present in update_mask but is
            #   longer than 4096 characters.
            # * Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if product_category is present in update_mask.
            rpc :UpdateProduct, UpdateProductRequest, Product
            # Permanently deletes a product and its reference images.
            # Metadata of the product and all its images will be deleted right away, but
            # search queries against ProductSets containing the product may still work
            # until all related caches are refreshed.
            # Possible errors:
            # * Returns NOT_FOUND if the product does not exist.
            rpc :DeleteProduct, DeleteProductRequest, Google::Protobuf::Empty
            # Creates and returns a new ReferenceImage resource.
            # The `bounding_poly` field is optional. If `bounding_poly` is not specified,
            # the system will try to detect regions of interest in the image that are
            # compatible with the product_category on the parent product. If it is
            # specified, detection is ALWAYS skipped. The system converts polygons into
            # non-rotated rectangles.
            # Note that the pipeline will resize the image if the image resolution is too
            # large to process (above 50MP).
            # Possible errors:
            # * Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if the image_uri is missing or longer than 4096
            #   characters.
            # * Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if the product does not exist.
            # * Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if bounding_poly is not provided, and nothing
            #   compatible with the parent product's product_category is detected.
            # * Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if bounding_poly contains more than 10 polygons.
            rpc :CreateReferenceImage, CreateReferenceImageRequest, ReferenceImage
            # Permanently deletes a reference image.
            # The image metadata will be deleted right away, but search queries
            # against ProductSets containing the image may still work until all related
            # caches are refreshed.
            # The actual image files are not deleted from Google Cloud Storage.
            # Possible errors:
            # * Returns NOT_FOUND if the reference image does not exist.
            rpc :DeleteReferenceImage, DeleteReferenceImageRequest, Google::Protobuf::Empty
            # Lists reference images.
            # Possible errors:
            # * Returns NOT_FOUND if the parent product does not exist.
            # * Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if the page_size is greater than 100, or less
            #   than 1.
            rpc :ListReferenceImages, ListReferenceImagesRequest, ListReferenceImagesResponse
            # Gets information associated with a ReferenceImage.
            # Possible errors:
            # * Returns NOT_FOUND if the specified image does not exist.
            rpc :GetReferenceImage, GetReferenceImageRequest, ReferenceImage
            # Adds a Product to the specified ProductSet. If the Product is already
            # present, no change is made.
            # One Product can be added to at most 100 ProductSets.
            # Possible errors:
            # * Returns NOT_FOUND if the Product or the ProductSet doesn't exist.
            rpc :AddProductToProductSet, AddProductToProductSetRequest, Google::Protobuf::Empty
            # Removes a Product from the specified ProductSet.
            # Possible errors:
            # * Returns NOT_FOUND If the Product is not found under the ProductSet.
            rpc :RemoveProductFromProductSet, RemoveProductFromProductSetRequest, Google::Protobuf::Empty
            # Lists the Products in a ProductSet, in an unspecified order. If the
            # ProductSet does not exist, the products field of the response will be
            # empty.
            # Possible errors:
            # * Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if page_size is greater than 100 or less than 1.
            rpc :ListProductsInProductSet, ListProductsInProductSetRequest, ListProductsInProductSetResponse
            # Asynchronous API that imports a list of reference images to specified
            # product sets based on a list of image information.
            # The [google.longrunning.Operation][google.longrunning.Operation] API can be
            # used to keep track of the progress and results of the request.
            # `Operation.metadata` contains `BatchOperationMetadata`. (progress)
            # `Operation.response` contains `ImportProductSetsResponse`. (results)
            # The input source of this method is a csv file on Google Cloud Storage.
            # For the format of the csv file please see
            # [ImportProductSetsGcsSource.csv_file_uri][google.cloud.vision.v1p3beta1.ImportProductSetsGcsSource.csv_file_uri].
            rpc :ImportProductSets, ImportProductSetsRequest, Google::Longrunning::Operation

          Stub = Service.rpc_stub_class