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Partial implementation of the [Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM 4.5)](http://aixm.aero)
for Ruby.
For now, only the parts needed to automize the AIP import of [Open Flightmaps](https://openflightmaps.org)
are part of this gem. Most notably, the gem is only a builder of AIXM 4.5
snapshot files and does not parse them.
* [Homepage](https://github.com/svoop/aixm)
* [API](http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/aixm)
* Author: [Sven Schwyn - Bitcetera](http://www.bitcetera.com)
## Install
Add this to your `Gemfile`:
gem aixm
## Usage
You can initialize all elements either traditionally or by use of shorter
AIXM class methods:
### Fundamentals
All fundamentals are subclasses of `AIXM::Base`.
### Document
The document is the root container of the AIXM snapshot file to be generated.
It's essentially a collection of features:
document = AIXM.document(created_at: Time.now, effective_at: Time.now)
document.features << AIXM.airspace(...)
To give an overview of the AIXM building blocks, the remainder of this guide
will list initializer arguments with colons (`name: class`) and attribute
writers with equal or push signs (`name = class` or `name << class`):
* AIXM.document
* created_at: Time, Date or String
* effective_at: Time, Date or String
* features << AIXM::Feature
See [the API documentation](http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/aixm) for details and
[spec/factory.rb](https://github.com/svoop/aixm/blob/master/spec/factory.rb) for
#### Coordinate
All of the below are equivalent:
AIXM.xy(lat: %q(11°22'33.44"), long: %q(-111°22'33.44"))
AIXM.xy(lat: '112233.44N', long: '1112233.44W')
AIXM.xy(lat: 11.375955555555556, long: -111.37595555555555)
#### Altitude and Heights
Altitudes and heights exist in three different forms:
AIXM.z(1000, :qfe) # height: 1000ft above ground
AIXM.z(2000, :qnh) # altitude: of 2000ft above mean sea level
AIXM.z(45, :qne) # altitude: flight level 45
#### Frequency
AIXM.f(123.35, :mhz)
### Features
All features are subclasses of `AIXM::Feature::Base`.
#### Airspace
* AIXM.airspace
* name: String
* short_name: String or *nil*
* type: String or Symbol
* schedule = AIXM.schedule
* geometry << AIXM.point, AIXM.arc, AIXM.border or AIXM.circle
* class_layers << AIXM.class_layer
* remarks = String
#### Navigational Aids
##### Designated Point
* AIXM.designated_point
* id: String
* name: String
* xy: AIXM.xy
* z: AIXM.z or *nil*
* type: :icao, :adhp, :coordinates or :other
* remarks = String
##### DME
* AIXM.dme
* id: String
* name: String
* xy: AIXM.xy
* z: AIXM.z or *nil*
* channel: String
* remarks = String
##### NDB
* AIXM.ndb
* id: String
* name: String
* xy: AIXM.xy
* z: AIXM.z or *nil*
* f: AIXM.f
* remarks = String
##### Marker
* AIXM.marker
* id: String
* name: String
* xy: AIXM.xy
* z: AIXM.z or *nil*
* remarks = String
##### TACAN
* AIXM.tacan
* id: String
* name: String
* xy: AIXM.xy
* z: AIXM.z or *nil*
* channel: String
* remarks = String
##### VOR and DVOR
* AIXM.vor
* id: String
* name: String
* xy: AIXM.xy
* z: AIXM.z or *nil*
* type: :vor or :vordme
* f: AIXM.f
* north: :geographic or :magnetic
* remarks = String
### Components
All components are subclasses of `AIXM::Component::Base`.
#### Schedule
* AIXM.schedule
* code: String or Symbol
#### Class Layer
* AIXM.class_layer
* class: String or *nil*
* vertical_limits: AIXM.vertical_limits
#### Vertical Limits
* AIXM.vertical_limits
* max_z: AIXM.z or *nil*
* upper_z: AIXM.z
* lower_z: AIXM.z
* min_z: AIXM.z or *nil*
#### Point, Arc, Border and Circle
* AIXM.point
* xy: AIXM.xy
* AIXM.arc
* xy: AIXM.xy
* center_xy: AIXM.xy
* cloclwise: *true* or *false*
* AIXM.border
* xy: AIXM.xy
* name: String
* AIXM.circle
* center_xy: AIXM.xy
* radius: Numeric
#### Geometry
* AIXM.geometry
* << AIXM.point, AIXM.arc, AIXM.border or AIXM.circle
For a geometry to be complete, it must be comprised of either:
* exactly one circle
* at least three points, arcs or borders (the last of which a point with
identical coordinates as the first)
## Validation
Use `AIXM::Document#complete?` to check whether all mandatory information is
present. Airspaces, geometries etc have `complete?` methods as well.
Use `AIXM::Document#valid?` to validate the resulting AIXM against the XSD
schema. If any, you find the errors in `AIXM::Document#errors`. Since the data
model is not fully implemented, some associations cannot be assigned and have
to be left empty. The resulting validation errors are silently ignored:
* OrgUid - organizations may be empty tags
## Rendering
document.to_xml # render AIXM 4.5 compliant XML
document.to_xml(:ofm) # render AIXM 4.5 + OFM extensions XML
## Constants
* `AIXM::GROUND` - height: 0ft above ground
* `AIXM::UNLIMITED` - altitude: FL 999
* `AIXM::H24` - continuous schedule
## Refinements
By `using AIXM::Refinements` you get the following general purpose methods:
* `Hash#lookup(key, default)`
Similar to `fetch` but falls back to values
* `String#indent(number)`
Indent every line of a string with *number* spaces
* `String#uptrans`
upcase and transliterate to match the reduced character set for names
* `String#to_dd`
Convert DMS angle to DD or `nil` if the format is not recognized
* `Float#to_dms(padding)`
Convert DD angle to DMS with the degrees zero padded to *padding* length
* `Float#trim`
Convert whole numbers to Integer and leave all other untouched
* `Float#to_km(from: unit)`
Convert a distance from *unit* (:km, :m, :nm or :ft) to km
See the [source code](https://github.com/svoop/aixm/blob/master/lib/aixm/refinements.rb)
for more explicit descriptions and examples.
## Extensions
### OFM
This extension adds proprietary tags and attributes (most of which are prefixed
with `xt_`) aiming to improve importing the resulting AIXM into the OFM
originative suite:
* ``
root node with extended version string
* ``
true when multiple class layers and therefore an Adg-node is present
* `(true|false)`
enables conditional airspaces feature
* ``
tell the importer whether adding a new or updating an existing entity
## References
* [AIXM](http://aixm.aero)
* [AIXM on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIXM)
* [AIXM 4.5 Specification](http://aixm.aero/document/aixm-45-specification)
* [AICM 4.5 Entity-Relationship](https://www.ead.eurocontrol.int/SystemHelp/mergedProjects/SDO/aixm/)
* [Open Flightmaps](https://openflightmaps.org)
## Tests
Some tests are very time consuming and therefore skipped by default. To run the
full test suite, set the environment variable:
export SPEC_SCOPE=all
## Development
To install the development dependencies and then run the test suite:
bundle install
bundle exec rake # run tests once
bundle exec guard # run tests whenever files are modified
Please submit issues on:
To contribute code, fork the project on Github, add your code and submit a
pull request:
## License
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).