module DiscoApp class WebhooksController < ActionController::Base before_action :verify_webhook def process_webhook # Get the topic and domain for this webhook. topic = request.headers['HTTP_X_SHOPIFY_TOPIC'] shopify_domain = request.headers['HTTP_X_SHOPIFY_SHOP_DOMAIN'] # Ensure a domain was provided in the headers. unless shopify_domain head :bad_request end # Try to find a matching background job task for the given topic using class name. job_class = DiscoApp::WebhookService.find_job_class(topic) # Return bad request if we couldn't match a job class. unless job_class.present? head :bad_request end # Decode the body data and enqueue the appropriate job. data = ActiveSupport::JSON::decode( job_class.perform_later(shopify_domain, data) render nothing: true end private def verify_webhook unless webhook_is_valid? head :unauthorized end request.body.rewind end def webhook_is_valid? return true if Rails.env.development? and DiscoApp.configuration.skip_webhook_verification? DiscoApp::WebhookService.is_valid_hmac?(, ShopifyApp.configuration.secret, request.headers['HTTP_X_SHOPIFY_HMAC_SHA256']) end end end