/* * pg.c - Toplevel extension * $Id: pg.c,v a965926418dd 2012/05/07 15:01:03 ged $ * * Author/s: * * - Jeff Davis * - Guy Decoux (ts) * - Michael Granger * - Dave Lee * - Eiji Matsumoto * - Yukihiro Matsumoto * - Noboru Saitou * * See Contributors.rdoc for the many additional fine people that have contributed * to this library over the years. * * Copyright (c) 1997-2012 by the authors. * * You may redistribute this software under the same terms as Ruby itself; see * http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/LICENSE.txt or the LICENSE file in the source * for details. * * Portions of the code are from the PostgreSQL project, and are distributed * under the terms of the PostgreSQL license, included in the file "POSTGRES". * * Portions copyright LAIKA, Inc. * * * The following functions are part of libpq, but not available from ruby-pg, * because they are deprecated, obsolete, or generally not useful: * * - PQfreemem -- unnecessary: copied to ruby object, then freed. Ruby object's * memory is freed when it is garbage collected. * - PQbinaryTuples -- better to use PQfformat * - PQprint -- not very useful * - PQsetdb -- not very useful * - PQoidStatus -- deprecated, use PQoidValue * - PQrequestCancel -- deprecated, use PQcancel * - PQfn -- use a prepared statement instead * - PQgetline -- deprecated, use PQgetCopyData * - PQgetlineAsync -- deprecated, use PQgetCopyData * - PQputline -- deprecated, use PQputCopyData * - PQputnbytes -- deprecated, use PQputCopyData * - PQendcopy -- deprecated, use PQputCopyEnd */ #include "pg.h" VALUE rb_mPG; VALUE rb_ePGerror; VALUE rb_mPGconstants; /* * Document-class: PG::Error * * This is the exception class raised when an error is returned from * a libpq API call. * * The attributes +connection+ and +result+ are set to the connection * object and result set object, respectively. * * If the connection object or result set object is not available from * the context in which the error was encountered, it is +nil+. */ /* * M17n functions */ #ifdef M17N_SUPPORTED /** * The mapping from canonical encoding names in PostgreSQL to ones in Ruby. */ const char * const (pg_enc_pg2ruby_mapping[][2]) = { {"BIG5", "Big5" }, {"EUC_CN", "GB2312" }, {"EUC_JP", "EUC-JP" }, {"EUC_JIS_2004", "EUC-JP" }, {"EUC_KR", "EUC-KR" }, {"EUC_TW", "EUC-TW" }, {"GB18030", "GB18030" }, {"GBK", "GBK" }, {"ISO_8859_5", "ISO-8859-5" }, {"ISO_8859_6", "ISO-8859-6" }, {"ISO_8859_7", "ISO-8859-7" }, {"ISO_8859_8", "ISO-8859-8" }, /* {"JOHAB", "JOHAB" }, dummy */ {"KOI8", "KOI8-R" }, {"KOI8R", "KOI8-R" }, {"KOI8U", "KOI8-U" }, {"LATIN1", "ISO-8859-1" }, {"LATIN2", "ISO-8859-2" }, {"LATIN3", "ISO-8859-3" }, {"LATIN4", "ISO-8859-4" }, {"LATIN5", "ISO-8859-9" }, {"LATIN6", "ISO-8859-10" }, {"LATIN7", "ISO-8859-13" }, {"LATIN8", "ISO-8859-14" }, {"LATIN9", "ISO-8859-15" }, {"LATIN10", "ISO-8859-16" }, {"MULE_INTERNAL", "Emacs-Mule" }, {"SJIS", "Windows-31J" }, {"SHIFT_JIS_2004","Windows-31J" }, /* {"SQL_ASCII", NULL }, special case*/ {"UHC", "CP949" }, {"UTF8", "UTF-8" }, {"WIN866", "IBM866" }, {"WIN874", "Windows-874" }, {"WIN1250", "Windows-1250"}, {"WIN1251", "Windows-1251"}, {"WIN1252", "Windows-1252"}, {"WIN1253", "Windows-1253"}, {"WIN1254", "Windows-1254"}, {"WIN1255", "Windows-1255"}, {"WIN1256", "Windows-1256"}, {"WIN1257", "Windows-1257"}, {"WIN1258", "Windows-1258"} }; /* * A cache of mapping from PostgreSQL's encoding indices to Ruby's rb_encoding*s. */ static struct st_table *enc_pg2ruby; static ID s_id_index; /* * Get the index of encoding +val+. * :FIXME: Look into replacing this with rb_enc_get_index() since 1.9.1 isn't really * used anymore. */ int pg_enc_get_index(VALUE val) { int i = ENCODING_GET_INLINED(val); if (i == ENCODING_INLINE_MAX) { VALUE iv = rb_ivar_get(val, s_id_index); i = NUM2INT(iv); } return i; } /* * Look up the JOHAB encoding, creating it as a dummy encoding if it's not * already defined. */ static rb_encoding * pg_find_or_create_johab(void) { static const char * const aliases[] = { "JOHAB", "Windows-1361", "CP1361" }; int enc_index; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(aliases)/sizeof(aliases[0]); ++i) { enc_index = rb_enc_find_index(aliases[i]); if (enc_index > 0) return rb_enc_from_index(enc_index); } enc_index = rb_define_dummy_encoding(aliases[0]); for (i = 1; i < sizeof(aliases)/sizeof(aliases[0]); ++i) { ENC_ALIAS(aliases[i], aliases[0]); } return rb_enc_from_index(enc_index); } /* * Return the given PostgreSQL encoding ID as an rb_encoding. * * - returns NULL if the client encoding is 'SQL_ASCII'. * - returns ASCII-8BIT if the client encoding is unknown. */ rb_encoding * pg_get_pg_encoding_as_rb_encoding( int enc_id ) { rb_encoding *enc; /* Use the cached value if it exists */ if ( st_lookup(enc_pg2ruby, (st_data_t)enc_id, (st_data_t*)&enc) ) { return enc; } else { const char *name = pg_encoding_to_char( enc_id ); enc = pg_get_pg_encname_as_rb_encoding( name ); st_insert( enc_pg2ruby, (st_data_t)enc_id, (st_data_t)enc ); return enc; } } /* * Return the given PostgreSQL encoding name as an rb_encoding. */ rb_encoding * pg_get_pg_encname_as_rb_encoding( const char *pg_encname ) { size_t i; /* Trying looking it up in the conversion table */ for ( i = 0; i < sizeof(pg_enc_pg2ruby_mapping)/sizeof(pg_enc_pg2ruby_mapping[0]); ++i ) { if ( strcmp(pg_encname, pg_enc_pg2ruby_mapping[i][0]) == 0 ) return rb_enc_find( pg_enc_pg2ruby_mapping[i][1] ); } /* JOHAB isn't a builtin encoding, so make up a dummy encoding if it's seen */ if ( strncmp(pg_encname, "JOHAB", 5) == 0 ) return pg_find_or_create_johab(); /* Fallthrough to ASCII-8BIT */ return rb_ascii8bit_encoding(); } /* * Get the client encoding of the specified connection handle and return it as a rb_encoding. */ rb_encoding * pg_conn_enc_get( PGconn *conn ) { int enc_id = PQclientEncoding( conn ); return pg_get_pg_encoding_as_rb_encoding( enc_id ); } /* * Returns the given rb_encoding as the equivalent PostgreSQL encoding string. */ const char * pg_get_rb_encoding_as_pg_encoding( rb_encoding *enc ) { const char *rb_encname = rb_enc_name( enc ); const char *encname = NULL; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(pg_enc_pg2ruby_mapping)/sizeof(pg_enc_pg2ruby_mapping[0]); ++i) { if (strcmp(rb_encname, pg_enc_pg2ruby_mapping[i][1]) == 0) { encname = pg_enc_pg2ruby_mapping[i][0]; } } if ( !encname ) encname = "SQL_ASCII"; return encname; } #endif /* M17N_SUPPORTED */ /************************************************************************** * Module Methods **************************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_PQLIBVERSION /* * call-seq: * PG.library_version -> Integer * * Get the version of the libpq library in use. The number is formed by * converting the major, minor, and revision numbers into two-decimal- * digit numbers and appending them together. * For example, version 7.4.2 will be returned as 70402, and version * 8.1 will be returned as 80100 (leading zeroes are not shown). Zero * is returned if the connection is bad. */ static VALUE pg_s_library_version(VALUE self) { UNUSED( self ); return INT2NUM(PQlibVersion()); } #endif /* * call-seq: * PG.isthreadsafe -> Boolean * PG.is_threadsafe? -> Boolean * PG.threadsafe? -> Boolean * * Returns +true+ if libpq is thread-safe, +false+ otherwise. */ static VALUE pg_s_threadsafe_p(VALUE self) { UNUSED( self ); return PQisthreadsafe() ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } /************************************************************************** * Initializer **************************************************************************/ void Init_pg_ext() { rb_mPG = rb_define_module( "PG" ); rb_ePGerror = rb_define_class_under( rb_mPG, "Error", rb_eStandardError ); rb_mPGconstants = rb_define_module_under( rb_mPG, "Constants" ); /************************* * PG module methods *************************/ #ifdef HAVE_PQLIBVERSION rb_define_singleton_method( rb_mPG, "library_version", pg_s_library_version, 0 ); #endif rb_define_singleton_method( rb_mPG, "isthreadsafe", pg_s_threadsafe_p, 0 ); SINGLETON_ALIAS( rb_mPG, "is_threadsafe?", "isthreadsafe" ); SINGLETON_ALIAS( rb_mPG, "threadsafe?", "isthreadsafe" ); /************************* * PG::Error *************************/ rb_define_alias( rb_ePGerror, "error", "message" ); rb_define_attr( rb_ePGerror, "connection", 1, 0 ); rb_define_attr( rb_ePGerror, "result", 1, 0 ); /****** PG::Connection CLASS CONSTANTS: Connection Status ******/ /* Connection succeeded */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "CONNECTION_OK", INT2FIX(CONNECTION_OK)); /* Connection failed */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "CONNECTION_BAD", INT2FIX(CONNECTION_BAD)); /****** PG::Connection CLASS CONSTANTS: Nonblocking connection status ******/ /* Waiting for connection to be made. */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "CONNECTION_STARTED", INT2FIX(CONNECTION_STARTED)); /* Connection OK; waiting to send. */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "CONNECTION_MADE", INT2FIX(CONNECTION_MADE)); /* Waiting for a response from the server. */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "CONNECTION_AWAITING_RESPONSE", INT2FIX(CONNECTION_AWAITING_RESPONSE)); /* Received authentication; waiting for backend start-up to finish. */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "CONNECTION_AUTH_OK", INT2FIX(CONNECTION_AUTH_OK)); /* Negotiating SSL encryption. */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "CONNECTION_SSL_STARTUP", INT2FIX(CONNECTION_SSL_STARTUP)); /* Negotiating environment-driven parameter settings. */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "CONNECTION_SETENV", INT2FIX(CONNECTION_SETENV)); /* Internal state: connect() needed. */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "CONNECTION_NEEDED", INT2FIX(CONNECTION_NEEDED)); /****** PG::Connection CLASS CONSTANTS: Nonblocking connection polling status ******/ /* Async connection is waiting to read */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PGRES_POLLING_READING", INT2FIX(PGRES_POLLING_READING)); /* Async connection is waiting to write */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PGRES_POLLING_WRITING", INT2FIX(PGRES_POLLING_WRITING)); /* Async connection failed or was reset */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PGRES_POLLING_FAILED", INT2FIX(PGRES_POLLING_FAILED)); /* Async connection succeeded */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PGRES_POLLING_OK", INT2FIX(PGRES_POLLING_OK)); /****** PG::Connection CLASS CONSTANTS: Transaction Status ******/ /* Transaction is currently idle (#transaction_status) */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PQTRANS_IDLE", INT2FIX(PQTRANS_IDLE)); /* Transaction is currently active; query has been sent to the server, but not yet completed. (#transaction_status) */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PQTRANS_ACTIVE", INT2FIX(PQTRANS_ACTIVE)); /* Transaction is currently idle, in a valid transaction block (#transaction_status) */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PQTRANS_INTRANS", INT2FIX(PQTRANS_INTRANS)); /* Transaction is currently idle, in a failed transaction block (#transaction_status) */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PQTRANS_INERROR", INT2FIX(PQTRANS_INERROR)); /* Transaction's connection is bad (#transaction_status) */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PQTRANS_UNKNOWN", INT2FIX(PQTRANS_UNKNOWN)); /****** PG::Connection CLASS CONSTANTS: Error Verbosity ******/ /* Terse error verbosity level (#set_error_verbosity) */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PQERRORS_TERSE", INT2FIX(PQERRORS_TERSE)); /* Default error verbosity level (#set_error_verbosity) */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PQERRORS_DEFAULT", INT2FIX(PQERRORS_DEFAULT)); /* Verbose error verbosity level (#set_error_verbosity) */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PQERRORS_VERBOSE", INT2FIX(PQERRORS_VERBOSE)); #ifdef HAVE_PQPING /****** PG::Connection CLASS CONSTANTS: Check Server Status ******/ /* Server is accepting connections. */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PQPING_OK", INT2FIX(PQPING_OK)); /* Server is alive but rejecting connections. */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PQPING_REJECT", INT2FIX(PQPING_REJECT)); /* Could not establish connection. */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PQPING_NO_RESPONSE", INT2FIX(PQPING_NO_RESPONSE)); /* Connection not attempted (bad params). */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PQPING_NO_ATTEMPT", INT2FIX(PQPING_NO_ATTEMPT)); #endif /****** PG::Connection CLASS CONSTANTS: Large Objects ******/ /* Flag for #lo_creat, #lo_open -- open for writing */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "INV_WRITE", INT2FIX(INV_WRITE)); /* Flag for #lo_creat, #lo_open -- open for reading */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "INV_READ", INT2FIX(INV_READ)); /* Flag for #lo_lseek -- seek from object start */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "SEEK_SET", INT2FIX(SEEK_SET)); /* Flag for #lo_lseek -- seek from current position */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "SEEK_CUR", INT2FIX(SEEK_CUR)); /* Flag for #lo_lseek -- seek from object end */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "SEEK_END", INT2FIX(SEEK_END)); /****** PG::Result CONSTANTS: result status ******/ /* #result_status constant: The string sent to the server was empty. */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PGRES_EMPTY_QUERY", INT2FIX(PGRES_EMPTY_QUERY)); /* #result_status constant: Successful completion of a command returning no data. */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PGRES_COMMAND_OK", INT2FIX(PGRES_COMMAND_OK)); /* #result_status constant: Successful completion of a command returning data (such as a SELECT or SHOW). */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PGRES_TUPLES_OK", INT2FIX(PGRES_TUPLES_OK)); /* #result_status constant: Copy Out (from server) data transfer started. */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PGRES_COPY_OUT", INT2FIX(PGRES_COPY_OUT)); /* #result_status constant: Copy In (to server) data transfer started. */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PGRES_COPY_IN", INT2FIX(PGRES_COPY_IN)); /* #result_status constant: The server’s response was not understood. */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PGRES_BAD_RESPONSE", INT2FIX(PGRES_BAD_RESPONSE)); /* #result_status constant: A nonfatal error (a notice or warning) occurred. */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PGRES_NONFATAL_ERROR",INT2FIX(PGRES_NONFATAL_ERROR)); /* #result_status constant: A fatal error occurred. */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PGRES_FATAL_ERROR", INT2FIX(PGRES_FATAL_ERROR)); /* #result_status constant: Copy In/Out data transfer in progress. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONST_PGRES_COPY_BOTH rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PGRES_COPY_BOTH", INT2FIX(PGRES_COPY_BOTH)); #endif /****** Result CONSTANTS: result error field codes ******/ /* #result_error_field argument constant: The severity; the field contents * are ERROR, FATAL, or PANIC (in an error message), or WARNING, NOTICE, * DEBUG, INFO, or LOG (in a notice message), or a localized translation * of one of these. Always present. */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PG_DIAG_SEVERITY", INT2FIX(PG_DIAG_SEVERITY)); /* #result_error_field argument constant: The SQLSTATE code for the * error. The SQLSTATE code identies the type of error that has occurred; * it can be used by front-end applications to perform specic operations * (such as er- ror handling) in response to a particular database * error. For a list of the possible SQLSTATE codes, see Appendix A. * This eld is not localizable, and is always present. */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PG_DIAG_SQLSTATE", INT2FIX(PG_DIAG_SQLSTATE)); /* #result_error_field argument constant: The primary human-readable * error message (typically one line). Always present. */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_PRIMARY", INT2FIX(PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_PRIMARY)); /* #result_error_field argument constant: Detail: an optional secondary * error message carrying more detail about the problem. Might run to * multiple lines. */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_DETAIL", INT2FIX(PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_DETAIL)); /* #result_error_field argument constant: Hint: an optional suggestion * what to do about the problem. This is intended to differ from detail * in that it offers advice (potentially inappropriate) rather than * hard facts. Might run to multiple lines. */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_HINT", INT2FIX(PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_HINT)); /* #result_error_field argument constant: A string containing a decimal * integer indicating an error cursor position as an index into the * original statement string. The rst character has index 1, and * positions are measured in characters not bytes. */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PG_DIAG_STATEMENT_POSITION", INT2FIX(PG_DIAG_STATEMENT_POSITION)); /* #result_error_field argument constant: This is dened the same as * the PG_DIAG_STATEMENT_POSITION eld, but it is used when the cursor * position refers to an internally generated command rather than the * one submitted by the client. The PG_DIAG_INTERNAL_QUERY eld will * always appear when this eld appears. */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PG_DIAG_INTERNAL_POSITION", INT2FIX(PG_DIAG_INTERNAL_POSITION)); /* #result_error_field argument constant: The text of a failed * internally-generated command. This could be, for example, a SQL * query issued by a PL/pgSQL function. */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PG_DIAG_INTERNAL_QUERY", INT2FIX(PG_DIAG_INTERNAL_QUERY)); /* #result_error_field argument constant: An indication of the context * in which the error occurred. Presently this includes a call stack * traceback of active procedural language functions and internally-generated * queries. The trace is one entry per line, most recent rst. */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PG_DIAG_CONTEXT", INT2FIX(PG_DIAG_CONTEXT)); /* #result_error_field argument constant: The le name of the source-code * location where the error was reported. */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PG_DIAG_SOURCE_FILE", INT2FIX(PG_DIAG_SOURCE_FILE)); /* #result_error_field argument constant: The line number of the * source-code location where the error was reported. */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PG_DIAG_SOURCE_LINE", INT2FIX(PG_DIAG_SOURCE_LINE)); /* #result_error_field argument constant: The name of the source-code * function reporting the error. */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "PG_DIAG_SOURCE_FUNCTION", INT2FIX(PG_DIAG_SOURCE_FUNCTION)); /* Invalid OID constant */ rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "INVALID_OID", INT2FIX(InvalidOid)); rb_define_const(rb_mPGconstants, "InvalidOid", INT2FIX(InvalidOid)); /* Add the constants to the toplevel namespace */ rb_include_module( rb_mPG, rb_mPGconstants ); #ifdef M17N_SUPPORTED enc_pg2ruby = st_init_numtable(); s_id_index = rb_intern("@encoding"); #endif /* Initialize the main extension classes */ init_pg_connection(); init_pg_result(); }