fluent-plugin-burrow ==================== This plugin for [Fluentd](http://fluentd.org) allows to extract a single key from an existing record and re-parse it with a supplied format. A new event is then emitted, with the record modified by the now-decoded key's value. ## Motivation **out_burrow is designed to allow post-facto re-parsing of nested key elements.** For example, lets say your source application writes to syslog, but instead of plain string messages, it writes JSON encoded data. /var/log/syslog contains the following entry: Jun 17 21:16:22 app1 5012162: {"event":"csrf_failure","msg":"Invalid transient key for System.","username":"System","userid":"1","ip":"","method":"GET","domain":"http://timgunter.ca","path":"/dashboard/settings","tags":["csrf","failure"],"accountid":5009392,"siteid":5012162} In td-agent.conf, you might have something like this to read this event: ``` type syslog port 5140 bind tag raw.app.vanilla.events ``` Unfortunately, in_syslog does not understand that the `message` field is encoded with JSON, so it escapes all the data and makes it unusable down the line. If we piped these events to a file, we would see something like this: ``` 2014-06-17T21:16:22Z raw.app.vanilla.events.local0.err {"host":"app1","ident":"5012162","message":"{\"event\":\"csrf_failure\",\"msg\":\"Invalid transient key for System.\",\"username\":\"System\",\"userid\":\"1\",\"ip\":\"\",\"method\":\"GET\",\"domain\":\"http://timgunter.ca\",\"path\":\"/dashboard/authentication\",\"tags\":[\"csrf\",\"failure\"],\"accountid\":5009392,\"siteid\":5012162}"} ``` Note how the `message` field has been escaped. This means that when this event eventually makes its way to a file, or another system (like elasticsearch for example), it will not be ready for consumption. That's where `out_burrow` comes in. Adding the following `match` block to td-agent.conf allows us to intercept the raw syslog events and re-parse the message field as JSON: ``` type burrow key_name message action inplace remove_prefix raw format json ``` There are several components to this rule, but for now lets look at the output: ``` 2014-06-17T21:16:23Z app.vanilla.events.local0.err {"host":"app1","ident":"5012162","message":{"event":"csrf_failure","msg":"Invalid transient key for System.","username":"System","userid":"1","ip":"","method":"GET","domain":"http://timgunter.ca","path":"/dashboard/settings/mobilethemes","tags":["csrf","failure"],"accountid":5009392,"siteid":5012162}} ``` Now the JSON is no longer escaped, and can be easily parsed by both fluentd and elasticsearch. ## Settings ### key_name `required` This is the name of the key we want to examine and re-parse, and is required. ### format `required` This is format that Fluentd should expect the `key_name` field to be encoded with. out_burrow supports the same built-in format as Fluent::TextParser (and in_tail): - apache - apache2 - nginx - syslog - json - csv - tsv - ltsv ### tag `optional` When this event is re-emitted, change its tag to this setting's value. ### remove_prefix `optional` When this event is re-emitted, remove this prefix from the source tag and use the resulting string as the new event's tag. This setting automatically adds a trailing period `.` to its value before stripping. ### add_prefix `optional` When this event is re-emitted, prepend this prefix to the source tag and use the resulting string as the new event's tag. This setting automatically adds a trailing period `.` to its value before prepending. **One of the `tag`, `remove_prefix`, or `add_prefix` settings is required.** **`remove_prefix` and `add_prefix` can co-exist together.** ### action `optional` and defaults to `inplace` The value of this setting determines how the new event will be constructed. There are three distinct options here: - inplace Perform decoding 'in place'. When the `key_name` field is successfully parsed, its contents will be written back to its original key in the original record, which will then be re-emitted. - overlay Overlay decoded data on top of original record, and re-emit. In our example above, if 'overlay' was used instead of 'inplace', the resulting record would have been: ``` { "host":"app1", "ident":"5012162", "event":"csrf_failure", "msg":"Invalid transient key for System.", "username":"System", "userid":"1", "ip":"", "method":"GET", "domain":"http://timgunter.ca", "path":"/dashboard/settings", "tags":["csrf","failure"], "accountid":5009392, "siteid":5012162 } ``` - replace Replace the original entirely with the contents of the decoded field. In our example above, if 'replace' was used instead of 'inplace', the resulting record would have been: ``` { "event":"csrf_failure", "msg":"Invalid transient key for System.", "username":"System", "userid":"1", "ip":"", "method":"GET", "domain":"http://timgunter.ca", "path":"/dashboard/settings", "tags":["csrf","failure"], "accountid":5009392, "siteid":5012162 } ``` ### keep_key `optional` and defaults to `false` Keep original source key (only valid with 'overlay' and 'replace' actions). When this is `true`, the original encoded source key is retained in the output. ### keep_time `optional` and defaults to `false` Keep the original record's "time" key. If the original top level record contains a ### record_time_key `optional` and defaults to `time` If `keep_time` is `true`, this field specifies the key that contains the original records's time. The value of this key will be copied into the new record after it has been parsed. ### time_key `optional` and defaults to `time` When the `key_name` field's value is being parsed, look for this key and interpret it as the record's `time` key. ### time_format `optional` and defaults to nil When parsing the `key_name` field's value and if `time_key` is set, this field denotes the format to expect the `time` to be in. ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request If you have a question, [open an Issue](https://github.com/vanilla/fluent-plugin-burrow/issues).