# Changelog ## Unreleased --- ### New * Support for Ruby 3.1 and Rails 7.0 ### Changes ### Fixes ### Breaks ## 1.6.0 - (2021-01-07) --- ### New * Support Ruby 3.0 * Use keyword arguments in parameters and when calling methods ## 1.5.1 - (2020-12-30) --- ### Changes * Revert back to using `::MultiJson` ## 1.5.0 - (2020-06-19) --- ### New * Error classes for more HTTP error responses: `400`, `401`, `403`, `500`, `502`, `503`, `504`. ### Changes * Replace deprecated MultiJson with core JSON module ## 1.4.0 - (2020-06-12) --- ### New * Use strict TCP keepalive probing by default (5s/5s) * Adapter accepts curl request opts ## 1.3.4 - (2020-03-22) --- ### Fixes * Empty package build for Gem release 1.3.3 ## 1.3.3 - (2020-03-22) --- ### Changes * Improved handling of low-level connection errors and timeouts ## 1.3.2 - (2019-09-24) ### Fixes * Fix Acfs.on callbacks for empty find_by results (#42) --- ## 1.3.1 - (2019-07-02) ### Fixes * Improve URL argument encoding when building resource requests ## 1.3.0 * Change default error messages to a more compact representation to ease integration with error reporting services. ## 1.2.1 * Fix issues with resources errors if response payload differs from the expected `field => [messages]`, such as `field => message` or `[messages]`. ## 1.2.0 * Add Rails 5.2 compatibility ## 1.1.1 * `each_item`: Pass collection to provided block (#40) ## 1.1.0 * Add support for Rails 5.1 ## 1.0.1 * Fix deprecation warnings when using ::Mime ## 1.0.0 * Switch to first non-development major as it's long time used in production. * Fix NewRelic RPM inference with middleware stack inherited from `ActionDispatch::MiddlewareStack`. ## 0.48.0 * Remove #attribute_types broke since f7e4109 (Sep 2013, v0.23) * Fix attribute inheritance on subclassing broken since commit 7cf1d11 (Apr 2014, v0.43) ## 0.47.0 * Change blank value handling of dict and list type (0a12ef1) ## 0.46.0 * Rework types system (#39) ## 0.45.0 * Fetching multiple records (`find(ary)`) is stable now, but untested (#38) * Middleware stack is build on ActionDispatch::MiddlewareStack now * Deprecate legacy middleware names (xyEncoder, xyDecoder) ## 0.44.0 * Add option to configure adapter creation and pass option to typhoeus adapter e.g. limiting concurrency. ## 0.43.2 * add `total_count` for paginated collections ## 0.43.1 * Fix `:with` condition matching on stubs ## 0.43.0 * Remove `Acfs::Model` (inherit from `Acfs::Resource`) * Stub does only a partial match of `:with` attributes now * Allow blocks as stub `:return`s ## 0.42.0 * Add simple dict attribute type ## 0.40.0 * Change `Resource#persisted?` to return true if it is not new ## 0.39.1 * Fix automatic path parameter handling for #destroy ## 0.39.0 * Add new event acfs.operation.before_process ## 0.38.0 * Allow middlewares to abort request processing * Allow middlewares to receive the request operation object (via the request) ## 0.37.0 * Add Acfs.on ## 0.36.0 * Add #each_page and #each_item query methods ## 0.35.0 * Add instrumentation support ## 0.34.1 * Fix leaking failed requests in request queues ## 0.34.0 * Add support for will_paginate view helper used with `Acfs::Collection`s * Add support for pagination header added by [paginate-responder](https://github.com/jgraichen/paginate-responder) * Improve `Resource#new?` detection by using `loaded?` instead of presence of `:id` attribute ## 0.33.0 * Do not raise errors on unknown attributes by default, add :unknown option. * Add support to store unknown attributes ## 0.32.1 * Fix multiple callbacks on `QueryMethods#all` ## 0.32.0 * Add new attribute type `UUID` ## 0.31.0 * Add experimental support for multiple and chained paths with placeholders ## 0.30.0 * Add experimental support for multiple operation callbacks (Acfs.add_callback) ## 0.29.1 * Fix: rescue NameError and NoMethodError on invalid type ## 0.29.0 * Add find_by! ## 0.28.0 * Add find_by ## 0.27.0 * Reset method to clear stubs, request queues, internal state * Add RSpec helper to enable stubs and clear state after each spec ## 0.26.0 * Add support for singleton resources ## 0.25.0 * Add option to allow blank attribute values (Johannes Jasper) * Internal changes ## 0.24.0 * Fix issues with stubs using type inheritance * Allow '1' as true value for bool attributes (Tino Junge) ## 0.23.2 * Fix regression in delegator usage by #find due to resource type inheritance. ## 0.23.1 * Fix error class name typo ## 0.23.0 * Add Resource Type Inheritance ## 0.22.2 * Preserve errors received from service on revalidation (2f1fc178) * Fix parameter ordering bug on stubs (1dc78dc8) ## 0.22.1 * Fix hash modification on iteration bug on ActiveModel::Errors due to string keys in error hash ## 0.22.0 * Fill local resource errors hash also on 422 responses when saving resources ## 0.21.1 * Fix wrong validation context ## 0.21.0 * Add update_attributes * Add validation check to `save` method * Inherit attributes to subclasses ## 0.20.0 * Remove messaging * Introduce `Acfs::Resource` ## 0.19.0 * Add support for DateTime and Float attribute types * Add experimental list attribute type * Allow block usage in stub `with` option * Allow to test if operation stubs were called and how often * Fix bug on operation stubs ## 0.18.0 * Basic DELETE operations ## 0.17.0 * Basic messaging * Extensible YARD documentation ## 0.16.0 * Add YAML configuration * Add external configuration for services * Add Rubinius support ## 0.15.0 * Add stubbing capabilities for resources ## 0.14.0 & 0.13.0 * Fix response attributes ## 0.12.0 * Add JRuby support * Improve handling of error respones (422) ## 0.11.0 * Add Logger Middleware * Add handling of error responses ## 0.10.0 * Return hash with indifferent access for resource attributes ## 0.9.0 * Add create operation ## 0.8.0 * Add save operation (PUT and POST) * Add JSON and MessagePack encoder middlewares for encoding request data * ActiveModel::Dirty * Add persistant state methods ## 0.7.0 * Per-service middleware stack ## 0.6.0 * Add support for multiple ids for .find * Add MessagePack support ## 0.5.1 * Fix mime type parsing for mime types with aditional parameters (ActionPack < 4.0) ## 0.5.0 * Add mime type support for respones ## 0.4.0 * Improve JSON response detection * Add bool attribute type ## 0.3.0 * Add tracking for loading state (if resource is loaded or queued) * Add JSON middleware to decode respones * Add middleware support * Add method to fetch single resources or list of resources * Use typhoeus as http library for parallel request processing ## 0.2.0 * Allow to define resources and attributes ## 0.1.0 * Project start