Class GGLib::Cursor
In: mouse.rb
Parent: Object


draw   forceVisible   moveTo   new   restrictX   restrictX?   restrictY   restrictY?   toggleVisible   unforceVisible   unrestrictX   unrestrictY   visible=   visible?   x   x=   y   y=  


img  [R] 
imgObj  [R] 
visible  [R] 

Public Class methods

Public Instance methods

Forces the cursor to adhere to the visibility specified by parameter visible. Subsequent calls to toggleVisible and visible= will have no effect. See also unforceVisible.

Sets the position of the cursor.

Restricts mouse movement along the x axis.

Returns true if movement along the x axis is currently restricted, false otherwise.

Restricts mouse movement along the y axis.

Returns true if movement along the y axis is currently restricted, false otherwise.

If the cursor is currently invisible, makes it visible. If the cursor is currently visible, makes it invisible. Subject to the constraints of forceVisible.

Allows the cursor to be made invisible via toggleVisible or visible=.

Stops restriction of mouse movement along the x axis.

Stops restriction of mouse movement along the y axis.

Reverses the effects of forceVisible. Calls to toggleVisible and visible= will again have an effect.

Returns true if the cursor is currently visible, false otherwise.

Returns the current x coordinate of the cursor.

Sets the current x coordinate of the cursor.

Returns the current y coordinate of the cursor.

Sets the current y coordinate of the cursor.
