$MOCK_REDIS = true require 'rubygems' require 'active_record' require 'shoulda' # require 'test/unit' require 'logger' require 'mocha' # mocha always needs to be loaded last! http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3118866/mocha-mock-carries-to-another-test/4375296#4375296 # require 'pry' require 'minitest/autorun' require 'cassandra' $:.push File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__) require "socialization" module Assertions def assert_true(object, message="") assert_equal(true, object, message) end def assert_false(object, message="") assert_equal(false, object, message) end def build_message(head, template=nil, *arguments) #:nodoc: template &&= template.chomp template.gsub(/\G((?:[^\\]|\\.)*?)(\\)?\?/) { $1 + ($2 ? "?" : mu_pp(arguments.shift)) } end def assert_array_similarity(expected, actual, message=nil) full_message = build_message(message, " expected but was\n.\n", expected, actual) assert((expected.size == actual.size) && (expected - actual == []), full_message) # assert_block(full_message) { (expected.size == actual.size) && (expected - actual == []) } end def assert_empty(obj, msg = nil) msg = "Expected #{obj.inspect} to be empty" unless msg assert_respond_to obj, :empty? assert obj.empty?, msg end def assert_method_public(obj, method, msg = nil) msg = "Expected method #{obj}.#{method} to be public." method = if RUBY_VERSION.match(/^1\.8/) method.to_s else method.to_s.to_sym end assert obj.public_methods.include?(method), msg end end class TestCase < Minitest::Test def setup use_cassandra_store end def teardown session = Socialization.cassandra_session # ['likes', 'likers', 'liker_counter', 'followings', 'followers', 'following_counter', 'follower_counter', 'comments', 'comment_counter', 'shares', 'share_counter'].each {|t| session.execute("TRUNCATE #{t}")} ['likes', 'likers', 'liker_counter', 'followings', 'followers', 'following_counter', 'follower_counter'].each {|t| session.execute("TRUNCATE #{t}")} end end def use_cassandra_store Socialization.follow_model = Socialization::CassandraStores::Follow Socialization.comment_model = Socialization::CassandraStores::Comment Socialization.share_model = Socialization::CassandraStores::Share Socialization.like_model = Socialization::CassandraStores::Like setup_model_shortcuts end def setup_model_shortcuts $Follow = Socialization.follow_model $Comment = Socialization.comment_model $Share = Socialization.share_model $Like = Socialization.like_model end ActiveRecord::Base.configurations = {'sqlite3' => {:adapter => 'sqlite3', :database => ':memory:'}} ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(:sqlite3) ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Logger.new(STDERR) ActiveRecord::Base.logger.level = Logger::WARN ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = false ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 0) do create_table :users do |t| t.string :name end create_table :celebrities do |t| t.string :name end create_table :movies do |t| t.string :name end create_table :follows do |t| t.string :follower_type t.string :follower_id t.string :followable_type t.string :followable_id t.datetime :created_at end create_table :likes do |t| t.string :liker_type t.string :liker_id t.string :likeable_type t.string :likeable_id t.datetime :created_at end create_table :comments do |t| t.string :commenter_type t.string :commenter_id t.string :commentable_type t.string :commentable_id t.datetime :created_at end create_table :shares do |t| t.string :sharer_type t.string :sharer_id t.string :shareable_type t.string :shareable_id t.datetime :created_at end create_table :im_a_followers do |t| t.datetime :created_at t.datetime :updated_at end create_table :im_a_followables do |t| t.datetime :created_at t.datetime :updated_at end create_table :im_a_likers do |t| t.datetime :created_at t.datetime :updated_at end create_table :im_a_likeables do |t| t.datetime :created_at t.datetime :updated_at end create_table :im_a_commenters do |t| t.datetime :created_at t.datetime :updated_at end create_table :im_a_commentables do |t| t.datetime :created_at t.datetime :updated_at end create_table :im_a_commenter_and_commentables do |t| t.datetime :created_at t.datetime :updated_at end create_table :im_a_sharers do |t| t.datetime :created_at t.datetime :updated_at end create_table :im_a_shareables do |t| t.datetime :created_at t.datetime :updated_at end create_table :im_a_sharer_and_shareables do |t| t.datetime :created_at t.datetime :updated_at end create_table :vanillas do |t| t.datetime :created_at t.datetime :updated_at end end class Celebrity < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_followable end class User < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_follower acts_as_followable acts_as_liker acts_as_likeable acts_as_commenter acts_as_sharer end class Movie < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_likeable acts_as_commentable acts_as_shareable end class ImAFollower < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_follower end class ImAFollowerChild < ImAFollower; end class ImAFollowable < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_followable end class ImAFollowableChild < ImAFollowable; end class ImALiker < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_liker end class ImALikerChild < ImALiker; end class ImALikeable < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_likeable end class ImALikeableChild < ImALikeable; end class ImACommenter < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_commenter end class ImACommenterChild < ImACommenter; end class ImACommentable < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_commentable end class ImACommentableChild < ImACommentable; end class ImACommenterAndCommentable < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_commenter acts_as_commentable end class ImASharer < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_sharer end class ImASharerChild < ImASharer; end class ImAShareable < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_shareable end class ImAShareableChild < ImAShareable; end class ImASharerAndShareable < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_sharer acts_as_shareable end class Vanilla < ActiveRecord::Base end