// Foundation for Sites // https://get.foundation // Licensed under MIT Open Source //// /// @group prototype-spacing //// /// Responsive breakpoints for spacing classes (margin and padding) /// @type Boolean $prototype-spacing-breakpoints: $global-prototype-breakpoints !default; /// Default number of spacers count (margin and padding) /// @type Number $prototype-spacers-count: 3 !default; /// Margin helper mixin, all the values are multiplied by `$global-margin` which by default is equal to `1rem` /// @param {Number} $top [null] - Margin Top /// @param {Number} $right [null] - Margin Right /// @param {Number} $bottom [null] - Margin Bottom /// @param {Number} $left [null] - Margin Left @mixin margin( $top: null, $right: null, $bottom: null, $left: null ) { @if $top != null { margin-top: $top * $global-margin !important; } @if $right != null { margin-right: $right * $global-margin !important; } @if $bottom != null { margin-bottom: $bottom * $global-margin !important; } @if $left != null { margin-left: $left * $global-margin !important; } } /// Padding helper mixin, all the values are multiplied by `$global-padding` which by default is equal to `1rem` /// @param {Number} $top [null] - Padding Top /// @param {Number} $right [null] - Padding Right /// @param {Number} $bottom [null] - Padding Bottom /// @param {Number} $left [null] - Padding Left @mixin padding( $top: null, $right: null, $bottom: null, $left: null ) { @if $top != null { padding-top: $top * $global-padding !important; } @if $right != null { padding-right: $right * $global-padding !important; } @if $bottom != null { padding-bottom: $bottom * $global-padding !important; } @if $left != null { padding-left: $left * $global-padding !important; } } /// Margin classes for specific direction properties /// @param {String} $dir [] Direction /// @param {Number} $spacer [] Spacer @mixin margin-direction($dir, $spacer) { @if ($dir == top) { @include margin($top: $spacer); } @else if ($dir == right) { @include margin($right: $spacer); } @else if ($dir == bottom) { @include margin($bottom: $spacer); } @else if ($dir == left) { @include margin($left: $spacer); } @else if ($dir == horizontal) { @include margin($right: $spacer, $left: $spacer); } @else if ($dir == vertical) { @include margin($top: $spacer, $bottom: $spacer); } } /// Padding classes for specific direction properties /// @param {String} $dir [] Direction /// @param {Number} $spacer [] Spacer @mixin padding-direction($dir, $spacer) { @if ($dir == top) { @include padding($top: $spacer); } @else if ($dir == right) { @include padding($right: $spacer); } @else if ($dir == bottom) { @include padding($bottom: $spacer); } @else if ($dir == left) { @include padding($left: $spacer); } @else if ($dir == horizontal) { @include padding($right: $spacer, $left: $spacer); } @else if ($dir == vertical) { @include padding($top: $spacer, $bottom: $spacer); } } @mixin foundation-prototype-spacing { @for $spacer from 0 through $prototype-spacers-count { @each $prop in (margin, padding) { // All Sides .#{$prop}-#{$spacer} { @if ($prop == margin) { margin: $spacer * $global-margin !important; } @else if ($prop == padding) { padding: $spacer * $global-padding !important; } } @each $dir in (top, right, bottom, left, horizontal, vertical) { // Top Side .#{$prop}-#{$dir}-#{$spacer} { @if ($prop == margin) { @include margin-direction($dir, $spacer); } @else if ($prop == padding) { @include padding-direction($dir, $spacer); } } } } } @if ($prototype-spacing-breakpoints) { @for $spacer from 0 through $prototype-spacers-count { // Loop through Responsive Breakpoints @each $size in $breakpoint-classes { @include breakpoint($size) { @if $size != $-zf-zero-breakpoint { .#{$size} { @each $prop in (margin, padding) { // All Sides &-#{$prop}-#{$spacer} { @if ($prop == margin) { margin: $spacer * $global-margin !important; } @else if ($prop == padding) { padding: $spacer * $global-padding !important; } } @each $dir in (top, right, bottom, left, horizontal, vertical) { // Top Side &-#{$prop}-#{$dir}-#{$spacer} { @if ($prop == margin) { @include margin-direction($dir, $spacer); } @else if ($prop == padding) { @include padding-direction($dir, $spacer); } } } } } } } } } } }