require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe "MPI" do before(:all) do MPI.Init() end after(:all) do MPI.Finalize() end before do @world = MPI::Comm::WORLD end it "should give version" do MPI::VERSION.class.should eql(Fixnum) MPI::SUBVERSION.class.should eql(Fixnum) end it "should give rank and size" do @world.rank.class.should eql(Fixnum) @world.size.class.should eql(Fixnum) @world.size.should > 0 end it "should send and receive String" do rank = @world.rank message = "Hello from #{rank}" tag = 0 @world.Send(message, 0, tag) if rank != 0 if rank == 0 (@world.size-1).times do |i| str = " "*"Hello from #{i+1}".length status = @world.Recv(str, i+1, tag) status.source.should eql(i+1) status.tag.should eql(tag) str.should match(/\AHello from #{i+1}/) end end end it "should send and receive NArray" do tag = 1 rank = @world.rank [NArray[1,2,3], NArray[3.0,2.0,1.0]].each do |ary0| ary0 = NArray[1,2,3] @world.Send(ary0, 0, tag) if rank != 0 if rank == 0 (@world.size-1).times do |i| ary1 =, status = @world.Recv(ary1, i+1, tag) status.source.should eql(i+1) status.tag.should eql(tag) ary1.should == ary0 end end end end it "should send and receive without blocking" do tag = 2 rank = @world.rank message = "Hello from #{rank}" if rank != 0 request = @world.Isend(message, 0, tag) status = request.Wait end if rank == 0 (@world.size-1).times do |i| str = " "*"Hello from #{i+1}".length request_recv = @world.Irecv(str, i+1, tag) status = request_recv.Wait status.source.should eql(i+1) status.tag.should eql(tag) str.should match(/\AHello from #{i+1}/) end end end it "should gather data" do rank = @world.rank size = @world.size root = 0 bufsize = 2 sendbuf = rank.to_s*bufsize recvbuf = rank == root ? "?"*bufsize*size : nil @world.Gather(sendbuf, recvbuf, root) if rank == root str = "" size.times{|i| str << i.to_s*bufsize} recvbuf.should eql(str) end end it "should gather data to all processes (allgather)" do rank = @world.rank size = @world.size bufsize = 2 sendbuf = rank.to_s*bufsize recvbuf = "?"*bufsize*size @world.Allgather(sendbuf, recvbuf) str = "" size.times{|i| str << i.to_s*bufsize} recvbuf.should eql(str) end it "should broad cast data (bcast)" do rank = @world.rank root = 0 bufsize = 2 if rank == root buffer = rank.to_s*bufsize else buffer = " "*bufsize end @world.Bcast(buffer, root) buffer.should eql(root.to_s*bufsize) end it "should scatter data" do rank = @world.rank size = @world.size root = 0 bufsize = 2 if rank == root sendbuf = "" size.times{|i| sendbuf << i.to_s*bufsize} else sendbuf = nil end recvbuf = " "*bufsize @world.Scatter(sendbuf, recvbuf, root) recvbuf.should eql(rank.to_s*bufsize) end it "should send and recv data (sendrecv)" do rank = @world.rank size = @world.size dest = rank-1 dest = size-1 if dest < 0 #dest = MPI::PROC_NULL if dest < 0 source = rank+1 source = 0 if source > size-1 #source = MPI::PROC_NULL if source > size-1 sendtag = rank recvtag = source bufsize = 2 sendbuf = rank.to_s*bufsize recvbuf = " "*bufsize @world.Sendrecv(sendbuf, dest, sendtag, recvbuf, source, recvtag); if source != MPI::PROC_NULL recvbuf.should eql(source.to_s*bufsize) end end it "should change data between each others (alltoall)" do rank = @world.rank size = @world.size bufsize = 2 sendbuf = rank.to_s*bufsize*size recvbuf = "?"*bufsize*size @world.Alltoall(sendbuf, recvbuf) str = "" size.times{|i| str << i.to_s*bufsize} recvbuf.should eql(str) end it "should reduce data" do rank = @world.rank size = @world.size root = 0 bufsize = 2 sendbuf = NArray.to_na([rank]*bufsize) recvbuf = rank == root ?,bufsize) : nil @world.Reduce(sendbuf, recvbuf, MPI::Op::SUM, root) if rank == root ary =,bufsize).fill(size*(size-1)/2.0) recvbuf.should == ary end end it "should reduce data and send to all processes (allreduce)" do rank = @world.rank size = @world.size bufsize = 2 sendbuf = NArray.to_na([rank]*bufsize) recvbuf =,bufsize) @world.Allreduce(sendbuf, recvbuf, MPI::Op::SUM) ary =,bufsize).fill(size*(size-1)/2.0) recvbuf.should == ary end it "should not raise exception in calling barrier" do @world.Barrier end it "shoud raise exeption" do lambda{ @world.Send("", @world.size+1, 0) }.should raise_error(MPI::ERR::RANK) @world.Errhandler.should eql(MPI::Errhandler::ERRORS_RETURN) end end