/* Copyright (c) 2012-2017 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. * Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that * can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. */ #include "misc/Interval.h" using namespace antlr4::misc; size_t antlr4::misc::numericToSymbol(ssize_t v) { return static_cast(v); } ssize_t antlr4::misc::symbolToNumeric(size_t v) { return static_cast(v); } Interval const Interval::INVALID; Interval::Interval() : Interval(static_cast(-1), -2) { // Need an explicit cast here for VS. } Interval::Interval(size_t a_, size_t b_) : Interval(symbolToNumeric(a_), symbolToNumeric(b_)) { } Interval::Interval(ssize_t a_, ssize_t b_) : a(a_), b(b_) { } size_t Interval::length() const { if (b < a) { return 0; } return size_t(b - a + 1); } bool Interval::operator == (const Interval &other) const { return a == other.a && b == other.b; } size_t Interval::hashCode() const { size_t hash = 23; hash = hash * 31 + static_cast(a); hash = hash * 31 + static_cast(b); return hash; } bool Interval::startsBeforeDisjoint(const Interval &other) const { return a < other.a && b < other.a; } bool Interval::startsBeforeNonDisjoint(const Interval &other) const { return a <= other.a && b >= other.a; } bool Interval::startsAfter(const Interval &other) const { return a > other.a; } bool Interval::startsAfterDisjoint(const Interval &other) const { return a > other.b; } bool Interval::startsAfterNonDisjoint(const Interval &other) const { return a > other.a && a <= other.b; // b >= other.b implied } bool Interval::disjoint(const Interval &other) const { return startsBeforeDisjoint(other) || startsAfterDisjoint(other); } bool Interval::adjacent(const Interval &other) const { return a == other.b + 1 || b == other.a - 1; } bool Interval::properlyContains(const Interval &other) const { return other.a >= a && other.b <= b; } Interval Interval::Union(const Interval &other) const { return Interval(std::min(a, other.a), std::max(b, other.b)); } Interval Interval::intersection(const Interval &other) const { return Interval(std::max(a, other.a), std::min(b, other.b)); } std::string Interval::toString() const { return std::to_string(a) + ".." + std::to_string(b); }