require 'nokogiri' module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: class CenposGateway < Gateway self.display_name = 'CenPOS' self.homepage_url = '' self.live_url = '' self.supported_countries = %w(AD AI AG AR AU AT BS BB BE BZ BM BR BN BG CA HR CY CZ DK DM EE FI FR DE GR GD GY HK HU IS IL IT JP LV LI LT LU MY MT MX MC MS NL PA PL PT KN LC MF VC SM SG SK SI ZA ES SR SE CH TR GB US UY) self.default_currency = 'USD' self.money_format = :dollars self.supported_cardtypes = %i[visa master american_express discover] def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :merchant_id, :password, :user_id) super end def purchase(amount, payment_method, options = {}) post = {} add_invoice(post, amount, options) add_payment_method(post, payment_method) add_customer_data(post, options) commit('Sale', post) end def authorize(amount, payment_method, options = {}) post = {} add_invoice(post, amount, options) add_payment_method(post, payment_method) add_customer_data(post, options) commit('Auth', post) end def capture(amount, authorization, options = {}) post = {} add_invoice(post, amount, options) add_reference(post, authorization) add_customer_data(post, options) commit('SpecialForce', post) end def void(authorization, options = {}) post = {} add_void_required_elements(post) add_reference(post, authorization) add_remembered_amount(post, authorization) add_tax(post, options) add_order_id(post, options) commit('Void', post) end def refund(amount, authorization, options = {}) post = {} add_invoice(post, amount, options) add_reference(post, authorization) add_customer_data(post, options) commit('SpecialReturn', post) end def credit(amount, payment_method, options = {}) post = {} add_invoice(post, amount, options) add_payment_method(post, payment_method) commit('Credit', post) end def verify(credit_card, options = {}) do |r| r.process { authorize(100, credit_card, options) } r.process(:ignore_result) { void(r.authorization, options) } end end def supports_scrubbing? true end def scrub(transcript) transcript. gsub(%r(()[^<]+(<))i, '\1[FILTERED]\2'). gsub(%r(()[^<]+(<))i, '\1[FILTERED]\2'). gsub(%r(()[^<]+(<))i, '\1[FILTERED]\2') end private def add_invoice(post, money, options) post[:Amount] = amount(money) post[:CurrencyCode] = options[:currency] || currency(money) post[:InvoiceDetail] = options[:invoice_detail] if options[:invoice_detail] post[:CustomerCode] = options[:customer_code] if options[:customer_code] add_order_id(post, options) add_tax(post, options) end def add_payment_method(post, payment_method) post[:NameOnCard] = post[:CardNumber] = payment_method.number post[:CardVerificationNumber] = payment_method.verification_value post[:CardExpirationDate] = format(payment_method.month, :two_digits) + format(payment_method.year, :two_digits) post[:CardLastFourDigits] = payment_method.last_digits post[:MagneticData] = payment_method.track_data if payment_method.track_data end def add_customer_data(post, options) if (billing_address = (options[:billing_address] || options[:address])) post[:CustomerEmailAddress] = billing_address[:email] post[:CustomerPhone] = billing_address[:phone] post[:CustomerBillingAddress] = billing_address[:address1] post[:CustomerCity] = billing_address[:city] post[:CustomerState] = billing_address[:state] post[:CustomerZipCode] = billing_address[:zip] end end def add_void_required_elements(post) post[:GeoLocationInformation] = nil post[:IMEI] = nil end def add_order_id(post, options) post[:InvoiceNumber] = options[:order_id] end def add_tax(post, options) post[:TaxAmount] = amount(options[:tax] || 0) end def add_reference(post, authorization) reference_number, last_four_digits = split_authorization(authorization) post[:ReferenceNumber] = reference_number post[:CardLastFourDigits] = last_four_digits end def add_remembered_amount(post, authorization) post[:Amount] = split_authorization(authorization).last end def commit(action, post) post[:MerchantId] = @options[:merchant_id] post[:Password] = @options[:password] post[:UserId] = @options[:user_id] post[:TransactionType] = action data = build_request(post) begin xml = ssl_post(self.live_url, data, headers) raw = parse(xml) rescue ActiveMerchant::ResponseError => e if e.response.code == '500' && e.response.body.start_with?(' 'identity', 'Content-Type' => 'text/xml;charset=UTF-8', 'SOAPAction' => '' } end def build_request(post) xml = indent: 8 xml.tag!('acr:MerchantId', post.delete(:MerchantId)) xml.tag!('acr:Password', post.delete(:Password)) xml.tag!('acr:UserId', post.delete(:UserId)) post.sort.each do |field, value| xml.tag!("acr1:#{field}", value) end envelope(!) end def envelope(body) <<~XML #{body} XML end def parse(xml) response = {} doc = Nokogiri::XML(xml) doc.remove_namespaces! body = doc.xpath('//ProcessCreditCardResult') body.children.each do |node| if node.elements.size == 0 response[] = node.text else node.elements.each do |childnode| name = "#{}_#{}" response[name.to_sym] = childnode.text end end end unless doc.root.nil? response end def success_from(response) response == '0' end def message_from(succeeded, response) if succeeded 'Succeeded' else response[:message] || 'Unable to read error message' end end STANDARD_ERROR_CODE_MAPPING = { '211' => STANDARD_ERROR_CODE[:invalid_number], '252' => STANDARD_ERROR_CODE[:invalid_expiry_date], '257' => STANDARD_ERROR_CODE[:invalid_cvc], '333' => STANDARD_ERROR_CODE[:expired_card], '1' => STANDARD_ERROR_CODE[:card_declined], '99' => STANDARD_ERROR_CODE[:processing_error] } def authorization_from(request, response) [response[:reference_number], request[:CardLastFourDigits], request[:Amount]].join('|') end def split_authorization(authorization) reference_number, last_four_digits, original_amount = authorization.split('|') [reference_number, last_four_digits, original_amount] end def error_code_from(succeeded, response) succeeded ? nil : STANDARD_ERROR_CODE_MAPPING[response[:result]] end def cvv_result_from_xml(xml) end def avs_result_from_xml(xml) avs_result_code(xml)) end def cvv_result_code(xml) cvv = validation_result_element(xml, 'CVV') return nil unless cvv validation_result_matches?(*validation_result_element_text(cvv.parent)) ? 'M' : 'N' end def avs_result_code(xml) billing_address_elem = validation_result_element(xml, 'Billing Address') zip_code_elem = validation_result_element(xml, 'Zip Code') return nil unless billing_address_elem && zip_code_elem billing_matches = avs_result_matches(billing_address_elem) zip_matches = avs_result_matches(zip_code_elem) if billing_matches && zip_matches 'D' elsif !billing_matches && zip_matches 'P' elsif billing_matches && !zip_matches 'B' else 'C' end end def avs_result_matches(elem) validation_result_matches?(*validation_result_element_text(elem.parent)) end def validation_result_element(xml, name) doc = Nokogiri::XML(xml) doc.remove_namespaces! doc.at_xpath("//ParameterValidationResultList//ParameterValidationResult//Name[text() = '#{name}']") end def validation_result_element_text(element) result_text = element.elements.detect { |elem| == 'Result' }.children.detect(&:text).text result_text.split(';').collect(&:strip) end def validation_result_matches?(present, match) present.downcase.start_with?('present') && match.downcase.start_with?('match') end end end end