# frozen_string_literal: true begin require 'io/wait' unless Puma::HAS_NATIVE_IO_WAIT rescue LoadError end # need for Puma::MiniSSL::OPENSSL constants used in `HAS_TLS1_3` # use require, see https://github.com/puma/puma/pull/2381 require 'puma/puma_http11' module Puma module MiniSSL # Define constant at runtime, as it's easy to determine at built time, # but Puma could (it shouldn't) be loaded with an older OpenSSL version # @version 5.0.0 HAS_TLS1_3 = IS_JRUBY || ((OPENSSL_VERSION[/ \d+\.\d+\.\d+/].split('.').map(&:to_i) <=> [1,1,1]) != -1 && (OPENSSL_LIBRARY_VERSION[/ \d+\.\d+\.\d+/].split('.').map(&:to_i) <=> [1,1,1]) !=-1) class Socket def initialize(socket, engine) @socket = socket @engine = engine @peercert = nil @reuse = nil end # @!attribute [r] to_io def to_io @socket end def closed? @socket.closed? end # Returns a two element array, # first is protocol version (SSL_get_version), # second is 'handshake' state (SSL_state_string) # # Used for dropping tcp connections to ssl. # See OpenSSL ssl/ssl_stat.c SSL_state_string for info # @!attribute [r] ssl_version_state # @version 5.0.0 # def ssl_version_state IS_JRUBY ? [nil, nil] : @engine.ssl_vers_st end # Used to check the handshake status, in particular when a TCP connection # is made with TLSv1.3 as an available protocol # @version 5.0.0 def bad_tlsv1_3? HAS_TLS1_3 && ssl_version_state == ['TLSv1.3', 'SSLERR'] end private :bad_tlsv1_3? def readpartial(size) while true output = @engine.read return output if output data = @socket.readpartial(size) @engine.inject(data) output = @engine.read return output if output while neg_data = @engine.extract @socket.write neg_data end end end def engine_read_all output = @engine.read while output and additional_output = @engine.read output << additional_output end output end def read_nonblock(size, *_) # *_ is to deal with keyword args that were added # at some point (and being used in the wild) while true output = engine_read_all return output if output data = @socket.read_nonblock(size, exception: false) if data == :wait_readable || data == :wait_writable # It would make more sense to let @socket.read_nonblock raise # EAGAIN if necessary but it seems like it'll misbehave on Windows. # I don't have a Windows machine to debug this so I can't explain # exactly whats happening in that OS. Please let me know if you # find out! # # In the meantime, we can emulate the correct behavior by # capturing :wait_readable & :wait_writable and raising EAGAIN # ourselves. raise IO::EAGAINWaitReadable elsif data.nil? raise SSLError.exception "HTTP connection?" if bad_tlsv1_3? return nil end @engine.inject(data) output = engine_read_all return output if output while neg_data = @engine.extract @socket.write neg_data end end end def write(data) return 0 if data.empty? data_size = data.bytesize need = data_size while true wrote = @engine.write data enc_wr = +'' while (enc = @engine.extract) enc_wr << enc end @socket.write enc_wr unless enc_wr.empty? need -= wrote return data_size if need == 0 data = data.byteslice(wrote..-1) end end alias_method :syswrite, :write alias_method :<<, :write # This is a temporary fix to deal with websockets code using # write_nonblock. # The problem with implementing it properly # is that it means we'd have to have the ability to rewind # an engine because after we write+extract, the socket # write_nonblock call might raise an exception and later # code would pass the same data in, but the engine would think # it had already written the data in. # # So for the time being (and since write blocking is quite rare), # go ahead and actually block in write_nonblock. # def write_nonblock(data, *_) write data end def flush @socket.flush end def close begin unless @engine.shutdown while alert_data = @engine.extract @socket.write alert_data end end rescue IOError, SystemCallError Puma::Util.purge_interrupt_queue # nothing ensure @socket.close end end # @!attribute [r] peeraddr def peeraddr @socket.peeraddr end # @!attribute [r] peercert def peercert return @peercert if @peercert raw = @engine.peercert return nil unless raw @peercert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new raw end end if IS_JRUBY OPENSSL_NO_SSL3 = false OPENSSL_NO_TLS1 = false end class Context attr_accessor :verify_mode attr_reader :no_tlsv1, :no_tlsv1_1 def initialize @no_tlsv1 = false @no_tlsv1_1 = false @key = nil @cert = nil @key_pem = nil @cert_pem = nil @reuse = nil @reuse_cache_size = nil @reuse_timeout = nil end def check_file(file, desc) raise ArgumentError, "#{desc} file '#{file}' does not exist" unless File.exist? file raise ArgumentError, "#{desc} file '#{file}' is not readable" unless File.readable? file end if IS_JRUBY # jruby-specific Context properties: java uses a keystore and password pair rather than a cert/key pair attr_reader :keystore attr_reader :keystore_type attr_accessor :keystore_pass attr_reader :truststore attr_reader :truststore_type attr_accessor :truststore_pass attr_reader :cipher_suites attr_reader :protocols def keystore=(keystore) check_file keystore, 'Keystore' @keystore = keystore end def truststore=(truststore) # NOTE: historically truststore was assumed the same as keystore, this is kept for backwards # compatibility, to rely on JVM's trust defaults we allow setting `truststore = :default` unless truststore.eql?(:default) raise ArgumentError, "No such truststore file '#{truststore}'" unless File.exist?(truststore) end @truststore = truststore end def keystore_type=(type) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid keystore type: #{type.inspect}" unless ['pkcs12', 'jks', nil].include?(type) @keystore_type = type end def truststore_type=(type) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid truststore type: #{type.inspect}" unless ['pkcs12', 'jks', nil].include?(type) @truststore_type = type end def cipher_suites=(list) list = list.split(',').map(&:strip) if list.is_a?(String) @cipher_suites = list end # aliases for backwards compatibility alias_method :ssl_cipher_list, :cipher_suites alias_method :ssl_cipher_list=, :cipher_suites= def protocols=(list) list = list.split(',').map(&:strip) if list.is_a?(String) @protocols = list end def check raise "Keystore not configured" unless @keystore # @truststore defaults to @keystore due backwards compatibility end else # non-jruby Context properties attr_reader :key attr_reader :cert attr_reader :ca attr_reader :cert_pem attr_reader :key_pem attr_accessor :ssl_cipher_filter attr_accessor :verification_flags attr_reader :reuse, :reuse_cache_size, :reuse_timeout def key=(key) check_file key, 'Key' @key = key end def cert=(cert) check_file cert, 'Cert' @cert = cert end def ca=(ca) check_file ca, 'ca' @ca = ca end def cert_pem=(cert_pem) raise ArgumentError, "'cert_pem' is not a String" unless cert_pem.is_a? String @cert_pem = cert_pem end def key_pem=(key_pem) raise ArgumentError, "'key_pem' is not a String" unless key_pem.is_a? String @key_pem = key_pem end def check raise "Key not configured" if @key.nil? && @key_pem.nil? raise "Cert not configured" if @cert.nil? && @cert_pem.nil? end # Controls session reuse. Allowed values are as follows: # * 'off' - matches the behavior of Puma 5.6 and earlier. This is included # in case reuse 'on' is made the default in future Puma versions. # * 'dflt' - sets session reuse on, with OpenSSL default cache size of # 20k and default timeout of 300 seconds. # * 's,t' - where s and t are integer strings, for size and timeout. # * 's' - where s is an integer strings for size. # * ',t' - where t is an integer strings for timeout. # def reuse=(reuse_str) case reuse_str when 'off' @reuse = nil when 'dflt' @reuse = true when /\A\d+\z/ @reuse = true @reuse_cache_size = reuse_str.to_i when /\A\d+,\d+\z/ @reuse = true size, time = reuse_str.split ',' @reuse_cache_size = size.to_i @reuse_timeout = time.to_i when /\A,\d+\z/ @reuse = true @reuse_timeout = reuse_str.delete(',').to_i end end end # disables TLSv1 # @!attribute [w] no_tlsv1= def no_tlsv1=(tlsv1) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid value of no_tlsv1=" unless ['true', 'false', true, false].include?(tlsv1) @no_tlsv1 = tlsv1 end # disables TLSv1 and TLSv1.1. Overrides `#no_tlsv1=` # @!attribute [w] no_tlsv1_1= def no_tlsv1_1=(tlsv1_1) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid value of no_tlsv1_1=" unless ['true', 'false', true, false].include?(tlsv1_1) @no_tlsv1_1 = tlsv1_1 end end VERIFY_NONE = 0 VERIFY_PEER = 1 VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT = 2 # https://github.com/openssl/openssl/blob/master/include/openssl/x509_vfy.h.in # /* Certificate verify flags */ VERIFICATION_FLAGS = { "USE_CHECK_TIME" => 0x2, "CRL_CHECK" => 0x4, "CRL_CHECK_ALL" => 0x8, "IGNORE_CRITICAL" => 0x10, "X509_STRICT" => 0x20, "ALLOW_PROXY_CERTS" => 0x40, "POLICY_CHECK" => 0x80, "EXPLICIT_POLICY" => 0x100, "INHIBIT_ANY" => 0x200, "INHIBIT_MAP" => 0x400, "NOTIFY_POLICY" => 0x800, "EXTENDED_CRL_SUPPORT" => 0x1000, "USE_DELTAS" => 0x2000, "CHECK_SS_SIGNATURE" => 0x4000, "TRUSTED_FIRST" => 0x8000, "SUITEB_128_LOS_ONLY" => 0x10000, "SUITEB_192_LOS" => 0x20000, "SUITEB_128_LOS" => 0x30000, "PARTIAL_CHAIN" => 0x80000, "NO_ALT_CHAINS" => 0x100000, "NO_CHECK_TIME" => 0x200000 }.freeze class Server def initialize(socket, ctx) @socket = socket @ctx = ctx @eng_ctx = IS_JRUBY ? @ctx : SSLContext.new(ctx) end def accept @ctx.check io = @socket.accept engine = Engine.server @eng_ctx Socket.new io, engine end def accept_nonblock @ctx.check io = @socket.accept_nonblock engine = Engine.server @eng_ctx Socket.new io, engine end # @!attribute [r] to_io def to_io @socket end # @!attribute [r] addr # @version 5.0.0 def addr @socket.addr end def close @socket.close unless @socket.closed? # closed? call is for Windows end def closed? @socket.closed? end end end end