# ActiveRecord automigrations Create/modify/delete Active Record columns without migrations. It works with PostgreSQL and SQLite. ## Installation ``` gem 'automigration' ``` ## Usage Add has_fields into your models: ``` ruby class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_fields do string :name integer :login_count end end ``` Fire in console: ``` rake db:migrate ``` To keep some system tables add to config/application.rb ``` config.automigration.system_tables += %w[hits very_system_table] ``` Supported fields: * belongs_to * boolean * date * datetime * float * integer * string * text * time ## Timestamps By default in models with has_fields always columns updated_at and created_at created. To ignore use has_fields(:timestamps => false) ## Status [](http://travis-ci.org/boshie/automigration) [](http://gemnasium.com/boshie/automigration)