require 'fileutils' module Spec class Translator def translate(from, to) from = File.expand_path(from) to = File.expand_path(to) if translate_dir(from, to) elsif(from =~ /\.rb$/) translate_file(from, to) end end def translate_dir(from, to) FileUtils.mkdir_p(to) unless Dir["#{from}/*"].each do |sub_from| path = sub_from[from.length+1..-1] sub_to = File.join(to, path) translate(sub_from, sub_to) end end def translate_file(from, to) translation = "" do |io| io.each_line do |line| translation << translate_line(line) end end, "w") do |io| io.write(translation) end end def translate_line(line) return line if line =~ /(should_not|should)_receive/ line.gsub!(/(^\s*)context([\s*|\(]['|"|A-Z])/, '\1describe\2') line.gsub!(/(^\s*)specify([\s*|\(]['|"|A-Z])/, '\1it\2') line.gsub!(/(^\s*)context_setup(\s*[do|\{])/, '\1before(:all)\2') line.gsub!(/(^\s*)context_teardown(\s*[do|\{])/, '\1after(:all)\2') line.gsub!(/(^\s*)setup(\s*[do|\{])/, '\1before(:each)\2') line.gsub!(/(^\s*)teardown(\s*[do|\{])/, '\1after(:each)\2') if line =~ /(.*\.)(should_not|should)(?:_be)(?!_)(.*)/m pre = $1 should = $2 post = $3 be_or_equal = post =~ /(<|>)/ ? "be" : "equal" return "#{pre}#{should} #{be_or_equal}#{post}" end if line =~ /(.*\.)(should_not|should)_(?!not)\s*(.*)/m pre = $1 should = $2 post = $3 post.gsub!(/^raise/, 'raise_error') post.gsub!(/^throw/, 'throw_symbol') unless standard_matcher?(post) post = "be_#{post}" end # Add parenthesis post.gsub!(/^(\w+)\s+([\w|\.|\,|\(.*\)|\'|\"|\:|@| ]+)(\})/, '\1(\2)\3') # inside a block post.gsub!(/^(redirect_to)\s+(.*)/, '\1(\2)') # redirect_to, which often has http: post.gsub!(/^(\w+)\s+([\w|\.|\,|\(.*\)|\{.*\}|\'|\"|\:|@| ]+)/, '\1(\2)') post.gsub!(/(\s+\))/, ')') post.gsub!(/\)\}/, ') }') post.gsub!(/^(\w+)\s+(\/.*\/)/, '\1(\2)') #regexps line = "#{pre}#{should} #{post}" end line end def standard_matcher?(matcher) patterns = [ /^be/, /^be_close/, /^eql/, /^equal/, /^has/, /^have/, /^change/, /^include/, /^match/, /^raise_error/, /^respond_to/, /^redirect_to/, /^satisfy/, /^throw_symbol/, # Extra ones that we use in spec_helper /^pass/, /^fail/, /^fail_with/, ] matched = patterns.detect{ |p| matcher =~ p } !matched.nil? end end end