#-- # $Id: stylable.rb,v 1.7 2009/02/28 23:52:28 rmagick Exp $ # Copyright (C) 2009 Timothy P. Hunter #++ module Magick class RVG #:stopdoc: STYLES = %i[ clip_path clip_rule fill fill_opacity fill_rule font font_family font_size font_stretch font_style font_weight opacity stroke stroke_dasharray stroke_dashoffset stroke_linecap stroke_linejoin stroke_miterlimit stroke_opacity stroke_width text_anchor text_decoration glyph_orientation_vertical glyph_orientation_horizontal letter_spacing word_spacing baseline_shift writing_mode ] Styles = Struct.new(*STYLES) # Styles is a Struct class with a couple of extra methods class Styles def set(styles) begin styles.each_pair do |style, value| begin self[style] = value rescue NoMethodError raise ArgumentError, "unknown style `#{style}'" end end rescue NoMethodError raise ArgumentError, "style arguments must be in the form `style => value'" end self end # Iterate over the style names. Yield for each style that has a value. def each_value each_pair do |style, value| yield(style, value) if value end end # The "usual" deep_copy method doesn't copy a Struct correctly. def deep_copy(_h = nil) copy = Styles.new each_pair { |style, value| copy[style] = value } copy end end # class Styles #:startdoc: # This module is mixed into classes that can have styles. module Stylable private # For each style that has a value, add a style primitive to the gc. # Use splat to splat out Array arguments such as stroke_dasharray. def add_style_primitives(gc) @styles.each_value do |style, value| if value.respond_to? :add_primitives value.add_primitives(gc, style) else gc.__send__(style, *value) end end end def initialize super @styles = Styles.new end public # This method can be used with any RVG, Group, Use, Text, or # shape object. The argument is a hash. The style names are # the hash keys. The style names and values are: # [:baseline_shift] modify the text baseline # [:clip_path] clipping path defined by clip_path # [:clip_rule] 'evenodd' or 'nozero' # [:fill] color name # [:fill_opacity] the fill opacity, 0.0<=N<=1.0 # [:fill_rule] 'evenodd' or 'nozero' # [:font] font name or font file name # [:font_family] font family name, ex. 'serif' # [:font_size] font size in points # [:font_stretch] 'normal','ultra_condensed','extra_condensed', # 'condensed','semi_condensed','semi_expanded', # 'expanded','extra_expanded','ultra_expanded' # [:font_style] 'normal','italic','oblique' # [:font_weight] 'normal','bold','bolder','lighter', or # a multiple of 100 between 100 and 900. # [:glyph_orientation_horizontal] 0, 90, 180, 270 # [:glyph_orientation_vertical] 0, 90, 180, 270 # [:letter_spacing] modify the spacing between letters # [:opacity] both fill and stroke opacity, 0.0<=N<=1.0 # [:stroke] color name # [:stroke_dasharray] dash pattern (Array) # [:stroke_dashoffset] initial distance into dash pattern # [:stroke_linecap] 'butt', 'round', 'square' # [:stroke_linejoin] 'miter', 'round', 'bevel' # [:stroke_miterlimit] miter length constraint # [:stroke_opacity] the stroke opacity, 0.0<=N<=1.0 # [:stroke_width] stroke width # [:text_anchor] 'start','middle','end' # [:text_decoration] 'none','underline','overline','line_through' # [:word_spacing] modify the spacing between words # [:writing_mode] 'lr-tb', 'lr', 'rt-tb', 'rl', 'tb-rl', 'tb' def styles(styles) @styles.set(styles) yield(self) if block_given? self end end # module Stylable end # class RVG end # module Magick