#============================================================================== # ** Game_Event #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This class deals with events. It handles functions including event page # switching via condition determinants, and running parallel process events. # It's used within the Game_Map class. #============================================================================== class Game_Event < Game_Character #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Public Instance Variables #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- attr_reader :trigger # trigger attr_reader :list # list of event commands attr_reader :starting # starting flag attr_reader :collision # collision array attr_reader :x attr_reader :y #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Object Initialization # map_id : map ID # event : event (RPG::Event) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(map_id, event) super() @made_text = false @map_id = map_id @event = event @id = @event.id @erased = false @starting = false @through = true @collision = [[0, 0]] # Initialize custom flags event.name.scan(/:([a-z]+)/) do |flag, *| @custom_flags << flag.to_sym end # Add special event data if it exists /!([a-z]+)/.match(event.name) do |name| special = SpecialEventData.get(name.captures.first.to_sym) @custom_flags.concat(special.flags) @collision = special.collision end # Move to starting position moveto(@event.x, @event.y) refresh end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Return true if intersects with specified tile #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def intersects?(x, y) @collision.each do |ox, oy| return true if @x + ox == x && @y + oy == y end return false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Return name #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def name return @event.name end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Clear Starting Flag #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def clear_starting @starting = false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Determine if Over Trigger # (whether or not same position is starting condition) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def over_trigger? # If not through situation with character as graphic if @character_name != "" and not @through # Starting determinant is face return false end # If this position on the map is impassable unless $game_map.passable?(@x, @y, 0) # Starting determinant is face return false end # Starting determinant is same position return true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Start Event #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def start # If list of event commands is not empty if @list.size > 1 @starting = true end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Temporarily Erase #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def erase @erased = true refresh end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Refresh #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh # Initialize local variable: new_page new_page = nil # If not temporarily erased unless @erased # Check in order of large event pages for page in @event.pages.reverse # Make possible referrence for event condition with c c = page.condition # Switch 1 condition confirmation if c.switch1_valid if $game_switches[c.switch1_id] == false next end end # Switch 2 condition confirmation if c.switch2_valid if $game_switches[c.switch2_id] == false next end end # Variable condition confirmation if c.variable_valid if $game_variables[c.variable_id] < c.variable_value next end end # Self switch condition confirmation if c.self_switch_valid key = [@map_id, @event.id, c.self_switch_ch] if $game_self_switches[key] != true next end end # Set local variable: new_page new_page = page # Remove loop break end end # If event page is the same as last time if new_page == @page # End method return end # Set @page as current event page @page = new_page # Clear starting flag clear_starting # If no page fulfills conditions if @page == nil # Set each instance variable @tile_id = 0 @character_name = "" @character_hue = 0 @move_type = 0 @through = true @trigger = nil @list = nil @interpreter = nil # End method return end # Set each instance variable @tile_id = @page.graphic.tile_id @character_name = @page.graphic.character_name @character_hue = @page.graphic.character_hue if @original_direction != @page.graphic.direction @direction = @page.graphic.direction @original_direction = @direction @prelock_direction = 0 end if @original_pattern != @page.graphic.pattern @pattern = @page.graphic.pattern @original_pattern = @pattern end @opacity = @page.graphic.opacity @blend_type = @page.graphic.blend_type @move_type = @page.move_type @move_speed = @page.move_speed @move_frequency = @page.move_frequency @move_route = @page.move_route @move_route_index = 0 @move_route_forcing = false @walk_anime = @page.walk_anime @step_anime = @page.step_anime @direction_fix = @page.direction_fix @through = @page.through @always_on_top = @page.always_on_top @trigger = @page.trigger @list = @page.list @interpreter = nil # If trigger is [parallel process] if @trigger == 4 # Create parallel process interpreter @interpreter = Interpreter.new end # Auto event start determinant check_event_trigger_auto end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Touch Event Starting Determinant #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def check_event_trigger_touch(x, y) # If event is running if $game_system.map_interpreter.running? return end # If trigger is [touch from event] and consistent with player coordinates if @trigger == 2 and x == $game_player.x and y == $game_player.y # If starting determinant other than jumping is front event if not jumping? and not over_trigger? start end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Automatic Event Starting Determinant #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def check_event_trigger_auto # If trigger is [touch from event] and consistent with player coordinates if @trigger == 2 and @x == $game_player.x and @y == $game_player.y # If starting determinant other than jumping is same position event if not jumping? and over_trigger? start end end # If trigger is [auto run] if @trigger == 3 start end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Frame Update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update super if(@made_text == false && @event.name.start_with?("@text")) if @list.size > 1 && @list[0].code == 101 $scene.new_maptext(Language.tr(@list[0].parameters[0].strip), @x, @y) @list.delete_at(0) end @made_text = true end # Automatic event starting determinant check_event_trigger_auto # If parallel process is valid if @interpreter != nil # If not running unless @interpreter.running? # Set up event @interpreter.setup(@list, @event.id) end # Update interpreter @interpreter.update end end end